WG3 Programme

S1. Proton driver

with WG4

Session chair: M. Zisman

1. NF PD: preferred scenarios & remaining issues C. Prior
2. Baseline scenario for SB PD, challenges and synergies with other programmes M. Zito
3. Baseline scenario for MC PD, challenges and synergies with other programmes A. Jansson
4. Towards FFAG proton driver for SB, NF and MC J. Pasternak
5. Discussion session joint with WG4: Updates on the PD baseline specification (if any) and endorsement J. Pozimski

S2. Capture


Session chair: K. Yoshimura

1. Horn vs. solenoid options for NF? M. Yoshida
2. Challenges and progress on the SB horn design M. Dracos
3. Discussion session: Updates on the capture scheme specification (if any) and endorsement K. Yoshimura

S3. Front end

with WG4

Session chair: R. Palmer

1. Pro and cons of existing cooling schemes? D. Neuffer
2. Experimental tests of cooling: expected results and what else should be done? M. Zisman
3. RF issues for muon ionisation cooling channels D. Li
4. JOINT Discussion session joint with WG4: Updates on the front end specification (if any) and endorsement B. Palmer

S4. Muon source - End to end simulation - Target I

with WG4

Session chair: E. Keil

1. Can we share a muon source among NF, MC and low energy muon programmes? S. Geer
2. Status of END to END simulation C. Prior
3. Pion yields J. Back
4. Status of studies of a solid target for a Neutrino Factory R. Edgecock
5. Study of a water-cooled solid target S. Brooks

S3'. Beta beams


Session chair: M. Lindroos

1. RCS design A. Lachaize
2. Decay ring status / studies A. Chance
3. High frequency ECR source (60 GHz) in pre-glow mode for bunching of beta-beam isotopes T. Thuillier
4. Direct production of 8Li and 6He using neutrons from low energy deuterons M. Hass
5. R&D challenges in FP7 P. Delahaye

S5. Target II


Session chair: J. Pozimski

1. Particle production vs. energy: how do simulation results match experimental measurements? M. Bonesini
2. Can solid target vs. liquid target survive SB and/or NF proton beam structure at 2-4 MW? K. McDonald
3. What additional experimental results are needed to make a choice of SB and NF target? K. McDonald
4. Discussion session: Updates on the target specification (if any) and endorsement H. Kirk

S6. Nufact and beta beam optimisation

with WG1

This session will be extended by 1/2 hour (17:30-19:30)

Session chair: E. Wildner

1. Optimisation of betabeam: questions to accelerators A. Donini
2. Answers from accelerators M. Lindroos
3. Discussion
4. Optimisation of nufact: questions to accelerators P. Huber
5. Answers from accelerators M. Zisman
6. Discussion

S7. Exp. with operating beams for Neutrino experiments

with WG4

Session chair: T. Nakaya

1. Horn operational experience in K2K, NuMI and CNGS A. Pardons
2. Radiation Protection lessons H. Vincke
3. Delivering high intensity proton beam: lessons for the next beam generations S. Childress
4. Discussion session joint with WG4: From sessions 1-7: overall accelerator issues for NF T. Nakaya

S8. Acceleration

with WG4

Session chair: Y. Mori

1. Pro and cons of existing acceleration scheme? A. Bogacz
2. FFAG R&D activities in Japan and results from operating facilities Y. Mori
3. Discussion session joint with WG4: Overall outcomes of WG3 sessions and what's next? WG3 convenors