WG2 Programme

S1. Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering I


Session chair: U. Mosel

1. Theory of low energy nuclear effects T. Leitner
2. Recent update on low energy theory J. Nieves
3. Experimental studies of low energy charged current neutrino interactions J.L Alcaraz-Aunión
4. Experimental studies of neutral current pion production at low energy H.K. Tanaka
5. Charged current pi-plus production from the K2K Scibar L. Whitehead

S2. Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering II


Session chair: U. Mosel

1. Nuclear effects at low energy using electrons U. Yang
2. Nuclear effects at high energy J. Morfin
3. Discussion

S3. Golden channel I

with WG1

Session chair: P. Soler

1. How to do a nue->numu measurement in MINOS. Advantages and drawbacks of this detector technology M. Ishitsuka
2. Systematic effects in MINOS- nuclear and cross section effects S. Dytman
3. Status of MIND A. Laing
4. Status of TASD A. Bross

S4. Golden channel II

with WG1

Session chair:

1. How to do a nue->numu measurement in a SK-like dtector. Advatages and drawbacks of this detector technology C. Ishihara
2. Status of INO A. Raychaudhuri
3. Impact of systematic uncertainties M. Mezzetto
4. Discussion

S5. Silver and Platinum channels

with WG1

Session chair: M. Dracos

1. Charm production x-sections F. Di Capua
2. Experience from OPERA A. Cazes
4. Design and Performance of ECC-MECC L. Scotto
3. Prospects for the Platinum Mode M. Ishitsuka
5. Discussion

S6. Electroweak physics


This session will be extended by 1/2 hour (17:30-19:30)

Session chair: A. Blondel

1. Theoretical motivation for electroweak physics with neutrinos A. de Gouvea
2. Future Experiments : NuSong I. Schienbein
3. Future Experiments : Project X R. Petti
4. Discussion

S7. Discussion and Review - Questions for next meeting


Short presentations from: Michel Sorel, Jorge Morfin, Deborah Harris, Steve Dytman, Kevin McFarland and others.