WG1 Programme

S1. Phenomenology I


Session chair: M. Lindroos

1. γ=350 Li/B beta beam E. Fernández-Martínez
2. Unraveling neutrino parameters with a magical beta-beam at INO S. Agarwalla
3. Breaking Dark Matter Degeneracies with Neutrino Detectors S. Palomares-Ruiz
4. Optimizing the greenfield betabeam W. Winter
5. Discussion

S2. Phenomenology II


Session chair: C. González García

1. Prospects and synergies between future atm and LBL experiments M. Maltoni
2. Neutrino mass hierarchy and Majorana CP phases J. Garayoa
3. Prospects of measuring theta13 and mass hierarchy via a supernova signal A. Mirizzi
4. Discussion

S3. Golden channel I

with WG2

Session chair: P. Soler

1. How to do a nue->numu measurement in MINOS. Advantages and drawbacks of this detector technology M. Ishitsuka
2. Systematic effects in MINOS- nuclear and cross section effects S. Dytman
3. Status of MIND A. Laing
4. Status of TASD A. Bross
5 Discussion

S4. Golden channel II

with WG2

Session chair:

1. How to do a nue->numu measurement in a SK-like dtector. Advatages and drawbacks of this detector technology C. Ishihara
2. Status of INO A. Raychaudhuri
3. Impact of systematic uncertainties M. Mezzetto
4. Discussion

S5. Silver and Platinum channels

with WG2

Session chair: M. Dracos

1. Charm production x-sections F. Di Capua
2. Experience from OPERA A. Cazes
3. Design and Performance of ECC-MECC L. Scotto
4. Prospects for the Platinum Mode M. Ishitsuka
5. Discussion

S6. Nufact and beta beam optimisation

with WG3

This session will be extended by 1/2 hour (17:30-19:30)

Session chair: E. Wildner

1. Optimisation of betabeam: questions to accelerators A. Donini
2. Answers from accelerators M. Lindroos
3. Discussion
4. Optimisation of nufact: questions to accelerators P. Huber
5. Answers from accelerators M. Zisman
6. Discussion

S7. Miscellaneous


Session chair: T. Ohlsson

1. Neutrino factory without charge ID P. Huber
2. Probing non standard neutrino physics at T2KK and Nufact S. Uchinami
3. Can OPERA help constraining neutrino NSI A. Esteban-Pretel
4. Non-standard interactions using the OPERA experiment M. Blennow
5. Limit on Non-Standard Interactions from the atmospheric neutrino data in Super-Kamiokande G. Mitsuka

S8. Recapitulation: where we stand and what to do next ?


Session chair: WG conveners