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Effects of the passive voltage divider in a photomultiplier tube: analytical model, simulations and experimental validation (pdf)

Pablo Martín-Luna, Daniel Esperante, José Vicente Casaña, Antonio Fernández Prieto, Nuria Fuster-Martínez and Iris García Rivas, Benito Gimeno, Damián Ginestar, Daniel González-Iglesias, José Luis Hueso, Hannah Andrea Leptin, Gabriela Llosá, Pablo Martinez-Reviriego, Jaime Riera, Pablo Vázquez Regueiro, Fernando Hueso-González.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 381 (2025) 116057.


Inter-center comparison of proton range verification prototypes with an anthropomorphic head phantom (pdf)

Fernando Hueso-González, Jonathan Berthold, Patrick Wohlfahrt, Thomas Bortfeld, Chirasak Khamfongkhruea, Sebastian Tattenberg, Melek Zarifi, Joost Verburg, Christian Richter.
Phys. Med. Biol. 69 (2024) 225010.

Gamma-ray sources imaging and test-beam results with MACACO III Compton camera (pdf)

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, P. Dendooven, J. García López, F. Hueso-González, M. C. Jiménez-Ramos, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas, G. Llosá
Physica Medica 117 (2024) 103199.

Simulation of electron transport and secondary emission in a photomultiplier tube and experimental validation (pdf)

Pablo Martín-Luna, Daniel Esperante, Antonio Fernández Prieto, Nuria Fuster-Martínez, Iris García Rivas, Benito Gimeno, Damián Ginestar, Daniel González-Iglesias, José Luis Hueso, Gabriela Llosá, Pablo Martinez-Reviriego, Alba Meneses-Felipe, Jaime Riera, Pablo Vázquez Regueiro, Fernando Hueso-González.
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 365 (2024) 114859.


Detection of range shifts in proton beam therapy using the J-PET scanner: a patient simulation study (pdf)

K. Brzeziński, J. Baran, D. Borys, J. Gajewski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. V. Eliyan, A Gajos, K Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, R. Kopeć, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D Kumar, A. J. Lomax, K. McNamara, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Olko, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, T. Skóra, M. Skurzok, P. Stasica, E. Ł. Stępień, K. Tayefi, F. Tayefi, D. C. Weber, C. Winterhalter, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal and A. Rucinski
Phys. Med. Biol. 68 (2023) 145016.

Influence of the background in Compton camera images for proton therapy treatment monitoring (pdf)

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Phys. Med. Biol. 68 (2023) 144001.

Hybrid PET/Compton-camera imaging: an imager for the next generation (pdf)

Gabriela Llosá, Magdalena Rafecas
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2023) 138:214.

System characterization and performance studies with MACACO III Compton camera (pdf)

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas, G. Llosá
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 208 (2023) 110922.

Characterization of a Compton camera based on the TOFPET2 ASIC (pdf)

R.Viegas, J.Roser, L.Barrientos, M.Borja-Lloret, J.V.Casaña, J. García López, M.C. Jiménez-Ramos, F.Hueso-González, A.Ros, G.Llosá
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 202 (2023) 110507.


ProTheRaMon—a GATE simulation framework for proton therapy range monitoring using PET imaging (pdf)

D. Borys, J. Baran, K. Brzeziński, J. Gajewski, N. Chug, A. Coussat, E. Czerwiński, M. Dadgar, K. Dulski, K. V. Eliyan, A Gajos, K Kacprzak, Ł. Kapłon, K. Klimaszewski, P. Konieczka, R. Kopeć, G. Korcyl, T. Kozik, W. Krzemień, D Kumar, A. J. Lomax, K. McNamara, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Olko, D. Panek, S. Parzych, E. Perez del Rio, L. Raczyński, S. Sharma, Shivani, R. Y. Shopa, T. Skóra, M. Skurzok,4, P. Stasica, E. Ł. Stępień, K. Tayefi, F. Tayefi, D. C. Weber, C. Winterhalter, W. Wiślicki, P. Moskal and A. Rucinski
Phys. Med. Biol. 67 (2022) 224002.

Joint image reconstruction algorithm in Compton cameras (pdf)

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Phys. Med. Biol. 67 (2022) 155009.

A dead-time-free data acquisition system for prompt gamma-ray measurements during proton therapy treatments (pdf)

Fernando Hueso-González, José Vicente Casaña Copado, Antonio Fernández Prieto, Abraham Gallas Torreira, Edgar Lemos Cid, Ana Ros Garcı́a, Pablo Vázquez Regueiro, and Gabriela Llosá
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. 1033 (2022) 166701.


Performance evaluation of MACACO II Compton camera (pdf)

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. 1014 (2021) 165702.

Comments on “SPICE Model of Photomultiplier Tube Under Different Bias Conditions” (pdf)

Fernando Hueso-González, Damián Ginestar José L. Hueso and Jaime Riera.
IEEE Sens J 21 (2021) 17395.

Proton range verification with MACACO II Compton camera enhanced by a neural network for event selection (pdf)

E. Muñoz, A. Ros, M. Borja-Lloret, J. Barrio, P. Dendooven, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, J. Roser and G. Llosá.
Sci Rep 11, 9325 (2021).


MACACO II test-beam with high energy photons (pdf)

A. Ros Garcia, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, J. Garcia-Lopez, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, J. Roser, G. Llosa
Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 245027.

Image reconstruction for a multi-layer Compton Telescope: an analytical model for three interaction events (pdf)

J. Roser, E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, G. Llosá, A. Ros, R. Viegas, J. F. Oliver
Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 145005.

CCMod: a GATE module for Compton camera imaging simulation (pdf)

A. Etxebeste, D. Dauvergne, M. Fontana, J. M. Létang, G. Llosá, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, É. Testa and D. Sarrut.
Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 055004.

A spectral reconstruction algorithm for two-plane Compton cameras (pdf)

E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, G. Llosá, A. Ros, J. Roser and J. F. Oliver.
Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 025011


Study of Sensitivity and Resolution for Full Ring PET Prototypes based on Continuous Crystals and analytical modeling of the light distribution (pdf)

A. Etxebeste, J. Barrio, José Bernabéu, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, E. Muñoz, A. Ros and Josep F Oliver.
Phys. Med. Biol. 64 (2019) 035015.

SiPM-based Compton cameras (pdf)

G. Llosá.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. 962 (2019) 148-152.

Evaluation of LFS continuous scintillation crystals for PET (pdf)

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, J. Roser, G. Llosá.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A. Vol 936, p39-40, 2019.


Study and comparison of different sensitivity models for a Compton Telescope (pdf)

Enrique Muñoz, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Ane Etxebeste, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser and Josep F Oliver.
Phys. Med. Biol. 63 (2018) 13.

Performance improvement tests of MACACO: a Compton telescope based on continuous crystals and SiPMs (pdf)

John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Laura Granado, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F. Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, vol 912 (2018) p48-52.

Tests of MACACO Compton telescope with 4.44 MeV gamma rays (pdf)

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, D. Bemmerer, A. Etxebeste, F. Fiedler, F. Hueso-González, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, K. Römer, C. Solaz, L. Wagner and G. Llosá
2018 JINST 13 P05007.


The SAFIR experiment: Concept, status and perspectives (pdf)

R Becker, A Buck, C Casella, G Dissertori, J Fischer, A Howard, M Ito, P Khateri, W Lustermann, Josep F. Oliver, U Röser, G Warnock, B Weber
Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 845, (2017) 648-651

Performance evaluation of MACACO: a multilayer Compton camera (pdf)

Muñoz, Enrique; Barrio, John; Etxebeste, Ane; Garcia Ortega, Pablo; Lacasta, Carlos; Oliver, Josep; Solaz, Carles and Llosá, Gabriela
Phys. Med. Biol., 62 (2017) 7321.


Experimental evaluation of the resolution improvement provided by a silicon PET probe (pdf)

K. Brzeziński, J.F. Oliver, J. Gillam, M. Rafecas, A. Studen, M. Grkovski, H. Kagan, S. Smith, G. Llosá, C. Lacasta
Journal of Instrumentation, 2016, volume 11,  Published 30 September 2016

Modelling Random Coincidences in Positron Emission Tomography by Using Singles and Prompts: a Comparison Study (pdf)

Josep F Oliver, M. Rafecas.
PLoS ONE., 2016, 11(9)

Performance of MACACO Compton Telescope for Ion-Beam Therapy Monitoring: first test with proton beams (pdf)

Solevi, Paola; Muñoz, Enrique; Solaz, Carles; Trovato, Marco; Dendooven, Peter; Gillam, John; Lacasta, Carlos; Oliver, Josep; Rafecas, Magdalena; Torres-Espallardo, Irene; Llosá, Gabriela.
Phys. Med. Biol., 2016, volume 61, num 14, 5149-5165

3D position determination in monolithic crystals coupled to SiPMs for PET (pdf)

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F Oliver, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá.
Phys. Med. Biol.,61 (2016), 3914–3934

First Images of a Three-layer Compton Telescope prototype for Treatment Monitoring in hadron Therapy (pdf)

Gabriela Llosá, Marco Trovato, John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Enrique Muñoz, Carlos Lacasta, Josep F. Oliver, Magdalena Rafecas, Carles Solaz and Paola Solevi.
Front. Oncol., 2016, volume 6: 14


Performance of VATA64HDR16 ASIC for medical physics applications based on continuous crystals and SiPMs (pdf)

J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, C. Solaz and G. Llosá
Journ. Inst., 2015, volume 10, P12001

Evaluation of a high resolution silicon PET insert module (pdf)

Milan Grkovski, Karol Brzezinski, Vladimir Cindro, Neal H. Clinthorn, Harris Kagan, Carlos Lacasta, Marko Mikuž, Carles Solaz, Andrej Studen, Peter Weilhammer, Dejan Žontara
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 2015, volume 788, 86-94

Recent developments in photodetection for medical applications (pdf)

G. Llosá
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 2015, volume 787, 353-357

Simulation study of PET detector limitations using continuous crystals (pdf)

J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, G Llosá and S. Ziegler.
Phys. Med. Biol., 2015, volume 60, num 9, p 3673-3694.

Noise evaluation of Compton camera imaging for proton therapy (pdf)

P G Ortega, I Torres-Espallardo, F Cerutti, A Ferrari, J E Gillam, C Lacasta, G Llosá, J F Oliver, P R Sala, P Solevi and M Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2015, volume 60, pages 1845--1863, number 5


Study of a high-resolution PET system using a Silicon detector probe (pdf)

K. Brzeziński, J. F. Oliver, J. Gillam, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2014, volume 59, pages 6117--6140, number 20

Sensitivity recovery for the AX-PET prototype using inter-crystal scattering events (pdf)

J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, C. Casella, M. Heller, C. Joram, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2014, volume 59, pages 4065-4083, number 15


Imaging results and TOF studies with axial PET detectors (pdf)

C. Joram
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 732, pages 586-590, number 0

Application of Artificial Neural Network for reducing random coincidences in PET (pdf)

J. F. Oliver, E. Fuster-García, J. Cabello, S. Tortajada, M. Rafecas
IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci., 2013, volume 60, pages 3399-3409, number 5

PET reconstruction from truncated projections using total-variation regularization for hadron therapy monitoring

J. Cabello, I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, M. Rafecas
IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci. Accepted for publication., 2013, volume 60, pages 3364-3372, number 5

The AX-PET experiment: A demonstrator for an axial Positron Emission Tomograph (pdf)

E. Bolle, C. Casella, E. Chesi, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, V. Fanti, J. E. Gillam, M. Heller, C. Joram, W. Lustermann, E. Nappi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, A. Rudge, U. Ruotsalainen, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, U. Tuna, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 718, pages 126 - 129, number 0

A Monte-Carlo based model of the AX-PET demonstrator and its experimental validation (pdf)

P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, J. E. Gillam, E. Bolle, C. Casella, E. Chesi, R. De-Leo, G. Dissertori, V. Fanti, M. Heller, M. Lai, W. Lustermann, E. Nappi, F. Pauss, A. Rudge, U. Ruotsalainen, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer, U. Tuna, C. Joram, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2013, volume 58, pages 5495-5510

Simulated one-pass list-mode: an approach to on-the-fly system matrix calculation (pdf)

J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2013, volume 58, pages 2377, number 7

Silicon detectors for combined MR–PET and MR–SPECT imaging (pdf)

A. Studen, K. Brzezinski, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, B. Grošičar, M. Grkovski, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Mikuž, V. Stankova, P. Weilhammer, D. Žontar
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 702, pages 88 - 90, number 0

High resolution detectors based on continuous crystals and SiPMs for small animal PET (pdf)

J. Cabello, P. Barrillon, J. Barrio, M. M. Bisogni, A. D. Guerra, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, H. Saikouk, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, C. L. Taille, G. Llosá
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 718, pages 148 - 150, number 0

First Compton telescope prototype based on continuous LaBr3-SiPM detectors (pdf)

G. Llosá, J. Cabello, S. Callier, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, L. Raux, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, C. L. Taille, M. Trovato, J. Barrio
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 718, pages 130 - 133, number 0

High performance detector head for PET and PET/MR with continuous crystals and SiPMs (pdf)

G. Llosá, P. Barrillon, J. Barrio, M. G. Bisogni, J. Cabello, A. D. Guerra, A.Etxebeste, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, C. L. T. V. Stankova
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2013, volume 702, pages 3 - 5


Joint image and motion reconstruction for PET using a B-spline motion model (pdf)

M. Blume, N. Navab, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2012, volume 57, pages 8249, number 24

Silicon as an unconventional detector in positron emission tomography (pdf)

N. Clinthorne, K. Brzezinski, E. Chesi, E. Cochran, M. Grkovski, B. Grošičar, K. Honscheid, S. Huh, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, V. Linhart, M. Mikuž, D. S. Smith, V. Stankova, A. Studen, P. Weilhammer, D. Žontar
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2012, volume 699, pages 216--220, number 21

AX-PET: A novel PET concept with G-APD readout (pdf)

E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, K. Honscheid, S. Huh, I. Johnson, C. Joram, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, S. Smith, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, I. Vilardi, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2012, volume 695, pages 129--134

High Performance 3D PET Reconstruction Using Spherical Basis Functions on a Polar Grid (pdf)

J. Cabello, J. E. Guillam, M. Rafecas
Int. J. Bio-Med. Imaging, 2012, volume 2012, pages 1--11, number 452910

Comparison of Basis Functions for 3D PET Reconstruction Using a Monte Carlo System Matrix (pdf)

J. Cabello, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2012, volume 57, pages 1759--1777, number 7

Detector characterization and first coincidence tests of a compton telescope based on LaBr3 crystals and SiPMs (pdf)

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, A. Crespo, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, S. Callier, C. L. Taille, L. Raux
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2012, volume 695, pages 105--108, number 11


The AX--PET Demonstrator -- Design, Construction and Characterization (pdf)

P. Beltrame, E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, V. Fanti, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Séguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2011, volume 654, pages 546--559

First tests in the application of silicon photomultiplier arrays to dose monitoring in hadron therapy (pdf)

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, C. Lacasta, S. Callier, L. Raux, C. L. Taille
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2011, volume 648, pages S96--S99, number 1

A silicon PET probe (pdf)

A. Studen, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, B. Grosicar, K. Honscheid, S. S. Huh, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, V. Linhart, M. Mikuz, V. Stankova, P. Weilhammer, D. Zontar
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2011, volume 648, pages S255--S258, number 1

Demonstration of an Axial PET concept for brain and small animal imaging (pdf)

P. Beltrame, E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, V. Fanti, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Séguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2011, volume 628, pages 426--429, number 1

Spectroscopy study of imaging devices based on silicon pixel array detector coupled to VATAGP7 readout chips (pdf)

V. Linhart, D. Burdette, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, B. Grosicar, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Mikuz, V. Stankova, A. Studen, P. Weilhammer, D. Zontar
Journal of Instrumentation, 2011, 2011, volume 6, pages C01092


Joint reconstruction of image and motion in gated positron emission tomography (pdf)

M. Blume, A. Martinez-Möller, A. Keil, N. Navab, M. Rafecas
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2010, volume 29, pages 1892 -1906, number 11

Real time coincidence detection engine for high count rate timestamp based PET (pdf)

M. A. Tetrault, J. F. Oliver, M. Bergeron, R. Lecomte, R. Fontaine
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., 2010, volume 57, pages 117--124

Characterization of a pet detector head based on continuous lyso crystals and monolithic, 64-pixel silicon photomultiplier matrices (pdf)

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, C. Lacasta, M. G. Bisogni, A. D. Guerra, S. Marcatili, P. Barrillon, S. Bondil-Blin, C. Taille, C. Piemonte
Phys. Med. Biol., 2010, volume 55, pages 7299--7315, number 23

Improving the singles rate method for modeling accidental coincidences in high-resolution PET (pdf)

J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Phys. Med. Biol., 2010, volume 55, pages 6951--6971, number 22

Geometrical and monte carlo projectors in 3d pet reconstruction (pdf)

P. Aguiar, M. Rafecas, J. E. Ortuno, G. Kontaxakis, A. Santos, J. Pavia, D. Ros
Medical Physics, 2010, volume 37, pages 5691-5702, number 11

Construction and tests of demonstrator modules for a 3-d axial pet system for brain or small animal imaging (pdf)

E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, G. Djambazov, V. Fanti, K. Honscheid, S. Huh, I. Johnson, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, P. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, S. Smith, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2010, volume 636, pages S226--S230, number 1

The AX-PET project: Demonstration of a high resolution axial 3D PET (pdf)

E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, G. Djambazov, V. Fanti, K. Honscheid, S. Huh, I. Johnson, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, P. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, S. Smith, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2010, volume 617, pages 214--216


Development and validation of a GATE simulation model for the LabPET scanner (pdf)

S. Rechka, R. Fontaine, M. Rafecas, R. Lecomte
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, December , volume 56, pages 3672 -3679, number 6

AX-PET: A novel PET detector concept with full 3D reconstruction (pdf)

A. Braem, C. Joram, J. Séguinot, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, W. Lustermann, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, F. Pauss, D. Schinzel, P. Solevi, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, R. D. Leo, E. Nappi, I. Vilardi, E. Chesi, E. Cochran, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, A. Rudge, S. Smith, P. Weilhammer, I. Johnson, D. Renker, N. Clinthorne, S. Huh, E. Bolle, S. Stapnes, F. Meddi
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, 2009, volume 610, pages 192-195


Effect of inter-crystal scatter on estimation methods for random coincidences and subsequent correction (pdf)

I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Rafecas, V. Spanoudaki, D. P. McElroy, S. I. Ziegler
Phys. Med. Biol., 2008, volume 53, pages 2391--2411, number 9


Performance evaluation of MADPET-II, a small animal dual layer LSO-APD PET scanner with individual detector read out and depth of interaction information (pdf)

V. C. Spanoudaki, I. Torres--Espallardo, M. Rafecas, S. I. Ziegler
J. Nucl. Med., 2007, volume 48, pages 39P

Nuevo instituto de física médica: la física y la medicina abren nuevas vías en Valencia

J. Bernabeu, M. Rafecas
Diario El País, January , pages 45

Estimating accidental coincidences for pixelated PET detectors and singles list-mode acquisition (pdf)

M. Rafecas, I. Torres, V. Spanoudaki, D. P. McElroy, S. I. Ziegler
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, February , volume 571, pages 285--288


Comparison of different approaches based on Monte Carlo methods to calculate the system matrix for small animal PET (pdf)

E. N. Gimenez, E. Nacher, M. Gimenez, J. J. Benlloch, M. Rafecas
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. Sec. A, December , volume 569, pages 346-349, number 2

Actas de conferencia
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Background reduction of Compton-camera based 3D imaging for range verification in proton therapy (pdf)

J. Roser, J. Kasprzak, G. Llosá, J. Werner, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2024).

Optimizing Proton Range Verification on Compton Camera Experimental Data with Neural Network Algorithms (pdf)

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, K. Brzezinski, E. Muñoz, J. Bernabeu, G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2024).

MACACO III Compton camera for imaging of targeted alpha therapy using 225Ac (pdf)

K. Brzezinski, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas, J. N. Badel, A. Etxebeste, D. Sarrut, G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2024).

131I imaging with MACACO Compton camera (pdf)

L. Barrientos, P. Bello, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, I. Torres-Espallardo, R. Viegas, G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2024).


3D position determination in LaBr3 monolithic crystals with convolutional neural networks (pdf)

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, R. Viegas, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, C. Senra, V. Sanz, G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

Evaluation of MACACO III Compton camera for assessment of radiopharmaceutical treatments (pdf)

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

Inter-Crystal Scatter in a Novel Brain Dedicated PET Detector with 3D Spatial Information (pdf)

K. Brzezinski, A. Gonzalez, J. Roser, J. M. Benlloch and G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

From MACACOp to FALCON, characterization and in-beam tests (pdf)

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Mazal, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, J.A. Vera-Sánchez and G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

PET-Compton camera integration: towards a compact alternative to PET-SPECT (pdf)

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, K. Brzezinski, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, M. Rafecas and G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

Improvement studies of Compton cameras over gamma cameras in nuclear medicine treatments (pdf)

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, P. Bello, M. Borja-Lloret, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, P. Lozano, J. Pérez-Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, C. Senra, R. Viegas, I. Torres-Espallardo and G. Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2023).

Effect of electron space-charge on the gain of a two-dimensional photomultiplier tube model (pdf)

D. Esperante, B. Gimeno, D. Ginestar, D. González-Iglesias, J.L. Hueso, F. Hueso-González, G. Llosá, P. Martín-Luna and J. Riera.
Libro de resúmenes de la MME&HB (2023), p 10-19. ISBN: 978-84-09-57681-4.


Event selection with Neural Networks for Compton camera imaging of multi-energy radioactive sources (pdf)

J. Pérez Curbelo, L. Barrientos, E. Muñoz, J. Roser, V. Sanz, G. Llosá.
Libro de resúmenes de la XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF (2022), p 111. ISBN: 978-84-09-46885-0.

MACACO Compton camera for medical applications (pdf)

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas, G. Llosá.
Libro de resúmenes de la XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la RSEF (2022), p 121. ISBN: 978-84-09-46885-0.

PMT system for prompt gamma-ray measurements during proton therapy treatments (pdf)

A. Fernández Prieto, A. Gallas Torreira, I. García Rivas, F. Hueso-González, E. Lemos Cid, G. Llosá, A. Pazos Álvarez, E. Pérez Trigo and P. Vázquez Regueiro
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2022).


A New Strategy for Range Verification in Proton Therapy: the Coaxial Approach (pdf)

F. Hueso-González, J.V. Casaña, A. Fernandez Prieto, A. Gallas Torreira, E. Lemos Cid, A. Ros García, P. Vázquez Regueiro and G Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2021).

New probe for the improvement of the Spatial Resolution in total-body PET (PROScRiPT) (pdf)

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, E. Muñoz, J. Roser, J.M. Udías, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
EPJ Web of Conferences 253, 09004 (2021).


Evaluation and Validation of a Sensitivity Model for a Three-layer LaBr3 Compton Telescope (pdf)

J. Roser, E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, L. Gabarda, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, A. Ros and J. F. Oliver
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2018).


Improving MACACO, a Compton Telescope for Treatment Monitoring in Hadron Therapy (pdf)

John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Laura Granado, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, José Francisco Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2017).

Impact of the ring resolution on the performance of the dual ring high resolution silicon PET (pdf)

A. Studen, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, H. Kagan, E. Kalšek, C. Lacasta, G. Llosa, M. Mikuž, J. F. Oliver, D. Žontar.
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2017).

Performance improvement of MACACO, a Compton telescope for treatment monitoring in hadron therapy (pdf)

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, L. Granado, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, C. Solaz.
Libro de resúmenes de la XXXVI Reunión Bienal de la RSEF (2017), p 310-311. ISBN: 13 978-84-09-01780-5.


Evaluation of geometrical arrangements of high resolution sensors in PET probe configuration (pdf)

Andrej Studen ; Vladimir Cindro ; Neal H. Clinthorne ; Harris Kagan ; Carlos Lacasta ; Gabriela Llosá ; Marko Mikuž ; Josep F. Oliver ; Dejan Žontar
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2016).


Characterization and Simulation Results of a Two/Three-Layer Compton Telescope with LaBr3 and SiPMs

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, C. Solaz, P: Solevi, M. Trovato and G. Llosá
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015 IEEE, November, pages 1-4

Simulation Study of Sensitivity and Resolution for a Small Animal PET Ring Based on Continuous Crystals

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Enrique Muñoz, Carles Solaz, Paola Solevi, Josep F Oliver
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2015 IEEE, November, pages 1-4

Estimation of accidental coincidences in PET

J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Acta Physica Polonica A, 127 (2015)

AX-PET: from demonstrator towards a full-ring brain scanner

P. Solevi, J.F. Oliver, E. Bolle, C. Casella, E. Chesi, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, V. Fanti, J. E. Gillam, M. Heller, O. Holme, C. Joram, W. Lustermann, E. Nappi, F. Pauss, U. Ruotsalainen, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, U. Tuna, P. Weilhammer, M. Rafecas
Acta Physica Polonica A, 127 (2015)

European ENVISION project for improving time resolution in PET systems

J. F. Oliver on behalf of ENVISION members
Acta Physica Polonica A, 127 (2015)


The application of the axial PET concept to novel imaging scenarios

P. Solevi, I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, J. Cabello, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, October , pages 1-5

Long axial crystals for pet applications: the ax-pet demonstrator and beyond

E. Bolle, C. Casella, E. Chesi, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, V. Fanti, J. E. Gillam, M. Heller, O. Holme, C. Joram, W. Lustermann, E. Nappi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, U. Ruotsalainen, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, U. Tuna, P. Weilhammer
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, October , pages 1-4

Optimizing secondary radiation imaging systems for range verification in hadron therapy

I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, P. G. Ortega, H. Rohling, P. Botas, J. F. Oliver, G. Llosá, C. Solaz, M. Trovato, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, October , pages 1-6

Electronics upgrade and crystal geometry optimization for a sub-millimeter small animal PET based on continuous crystals and SiPMs

J. Barrio, J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, G. Llosa
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, October , pages 1-4

Noise evaluation of prompt-gamma technique for proton-therapy range verification using a compton camera

P. G. Ortega, I. Torres-Espallardo, T. T. Bohlen, F. Cerutti, M. P. W. Chin, A. Ferrari, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, G. Llosa, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, P. P. Sala, P. Solevi
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2013 IEEE, October , pages 1-7

Second LaBr3 compton telescope prototype

G. Llosa, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato
Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2013 3rd International Conference on, June , pages 1-4

Sistema de adquisición de datos para fotomultiplicadores de silicio

C. Solaz, V. Stankova, J. Barrio, C. Lacasta, M. Trovato, G. Llosá
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 390-391

Range monitoring in protontherapy by means of secondary radiation detection

I. Torres, J. E. Gillam, P. García, J. Cabello, J. F. Oliver, G. Llosá, M. Trovato, C. Solaz, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 753-754

Introducing the research activities developed within the Grupo de Física en la Imagen Médica

J. F. Oliver, K. Brzezinski, J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Rafecas, I. Torres.
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 768-769

Fotomultiplicadores de silicio y aplicaciones a la física médica

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres, M. Trovato
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 358-359

Development of a three layers Compton telescope prototype based on continuous LaBr3 crystals and silicon photomultipliers

M. Trovato, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 755-756

Tomógrafo PET de alto rendimiento basado en la tecnología cristal continuo/SiPM.

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Jorge Cabello, John E. Gillam, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Josep F. Oliver and Magdalena Rafecas.
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2013, pages 772-773


Comparison study of RPC and crystal based PET systems for hadron therapy monitoring

F. Diblen, H. Rohling, I. Torres-Espallardo, P. Solevi, J. E. Gillam, S. E. Palomares, S. Vandenberghe, D. Watts, F. Fiedler, M. Rafecas
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 2212--2217

Singles-prompts-randoms: estimation of spurious date rates in PET

J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 2995--2997

Studies for performance improvement of a small animal PET prototype based on continuous LYSO crystals and SiPM matrices

J. Barrio, P. Barrillon, M. G. Bisogni, J. Cabello, A. Del-Guerra, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, C. de-la-Taille, G. Llosá
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 3205--3208

Multichannel DAQ system for SiPM matrices

V. Stankova, J. E. Barrio, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, M. Trovato, G. Llosá
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 1069--1071

Reconstruction from truncated projections using constrained total-variation minimization applied to PET for hadron-therapy monitoring

J. Cabello, I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, F. Diblen, M. Rafecas
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 3874--3879

Simulated one pass listmode for fully 3D image reconstruction of compton camera data

J. E. Gillam, J. F. Oliver, I. Torres-Espallardo, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Trovato, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, V. Stankova, C. Solaz, M. Rafecas
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 3298--3305

Test of a compton telescope prototype based on continuous LaBr3 crystals and silicon photomultipliers

M. Trovato, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, S. Callier, J. E. Gillam, C. de-La-Taille, L. Raux, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 3261--3264

Monolithic crystals on SiPM arrays in a prototype system with depth of interaction estimation

J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, J. F. Oliver, J. Barrio, M. Rafecas, G. Llosá
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 3241--3245

DAQ system for the readout of silicon pixel detectors based on VataGP7 front-end ASIC

V. Stankova, J. Barrio, K. Brzezinski, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, B. Grosičar, G. Llosá, H. Kagan, K. Honscheid, V. Linhart, M. Mikuz, C. Solaz, A. Studen, P. Weilhammer, D. Zontar, C. Lacasta
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 10-84

A laboratory PET scanner with silicon detectors segmented to 1 mm detection cells

A. Studen, K. Brzezinski, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. Clinthorne, M. Grkovski, B. Grosičar, K. Honscheid, S. S. Huh, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, M. Mikuz, A. Rudge, S. Smith, V. Stankova, P. Weilhammer, D. Zontar
2012 IEEE Nuclear Science symposium and Medical Imaging Conference record (NSS/MIC), 2012, pages 1305-1310

Silicon photomultipliers in pet and hadrontherapy applications

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, M. M. Bisogni, J. Cabello, A. D. Guerra, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, 2012, pages S111 - S112, number 0

Comparison of prompt-gamma and positron imaging for hadron-therapy monitoring

I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, G. Llosá, V. Stankova, J. Barrio, C. Solaz, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
ICTR-PHE 2012 Conference, 2012, pages S145 - S146, number 0

Inclusion of inter crystal scatter data in pet

J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on, May , pages 62 -65


Detectors based on silicon photomultiplier arrays for medical imaging applications

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, V. Stankova, C. Solaz, M. M. Bisogni, A. D. Guerra
Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), 2011 2nd International Conference on, 2011, pages 1--5

Coincidence Tests of a Compton Telescope Based on Continuous LaBr3 Crystals and SiPMs for Dose Monitoring in Hadron Therapy

J. Barrio, J. Cabello, S. Callier, J. E. Gillam, C. L. Taille, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, L. Raux, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 3539--3542

Simulation Study of Resistive-Plate-Chambers based PET for hadron-therapy monitoring

I. Torres-Espallardo, J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. Cabello, G. Llosá, J. Barrio, V. Stankova, C. Solaz, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 3529--3533

Simulated One-Pass List-Mode : A Highly Flexible Method of Image Reconstruction for PET

J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 4206--4210

Hodoscope Coincidence Imaging for Hadron Therapy Using a Compton Camera

J. E. Gillam, I. Torres-Espallardo, C. Lacasta, P. Solevi, G. Llosá, J. Barrio, V. Stankova, C. Solaz, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 3805--3513

Development of a PET Prototype with Continuous LYSO Crystals and Monolithic SiPM Matrices

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Barrillon, C. L. Taille, M. G. Bisogni, A. Guerra, C. Piemonte
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 3631--3654

Position Reconstruction in Detectors Based on Continuous Crystals Coupled to Silicon Photomultiplier Arrays

J. Cabello, J. Barrio, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, G. Llosá
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 3911--3916

System Response Matrix Denoising in Measurement Space in PET

J. Cabello, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 4214--4218

Characterization and Performance of a DAQ System for the Read-out of Silicon Pixel Detectors

V. Stankova, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, A. Gil, B. Grosičar, K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, V. Linhart, M. Mikuz, C. Solaz, A. Studen, P. Weilhammer, D. Zontar, G. Llosá
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 841--844

Data Acquisition System for the Readout of SiPM Matrix with the VATA64HDR16 Front-End ASIC

V. Stankova, C. Lacasta, C. Solaz, J. Barrio, G. Llosá
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 807--809

Analytical image reconstruction strategies for AX-PET data

M. M. Akram, U. Tuna, P. Solevi, M. Refecas, U. Ruotsalainen
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, October , pages 4244 -4248

The ax-pet concept: new developments and tomographic imaging

P. Beltrame, E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, V. Fanti, J. E. Gillam, M. Heller, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, D. Renker, M. Rafecas, A. Rudge, U. Ruotsalainen, T. Schneider, D. Schinzel, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, U. Tuna, P. Weilhammer
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, October , pages 4411--4419

Narrowing coincidence timing window through time-walk correction in silicon ring enhanced PET scanner

A. Studen, K. V. Brzezinski, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, M. Grkovski, B. Grošičar, K. Honscheid, S. S. Huh, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, V. Linhart, M. Mikuž, V. Stankova, P. Weilhammer, D. Žontar
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 266--270

Simulations of the 4DMPET SiPM-Based PET Module

F. Pennazio, J. Barrio, M. G. Bisogni, P. Cerello, G. D. Luca, A. D. Guerra, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, G. Magazzu, S. Moehrs, C. Peroni, R. Wheadon
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE, 2011, pages 2316--2320

Aplicaciones de los fotomultiplicadores de silicio en imagen médica: medicina nuclear y hadronterapia

J. Barrio, J. Cabello, S. Callier, J. E. Gillam, C. L. Taille, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, L. Raux, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá
Comunicaciones de la XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2011

A data acquisition system for the readout of Madeira PET Probe

C. Solaz, V. Stankova, A. Studen, D. Burdette, E. Chesi, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, B. Grošicar, S. S. H. K. Honscheid, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, V. Linhart, V. González, M. Mikuž, P. Weilhammer, D. Žontar
Comunicaciones de la XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2011

Multiple Resolution PET Data: Image Properties using the List–Mode ML–EM Reconstruction Algorithm

K. Brzezinski, J. E. Gillam, J. F. Oliver, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
11th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2011, pages 282--285

Image Reconstruction for AX–PET: Different Approaches to Histograming for Semi-Continuous Data

P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, J. E. Gillam, M. Rafecas
11th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2011, pages 183--186

Quality Assessment of Monte Carlo Based System Response Matrices in PET

J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, M. Rafecas
11th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2011, pages 221--224

An Efficient Method of Reconstruction for AXPET Data: Simulated One–Pass List–Mode

J. E. Gillam, P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
11th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2011, pages 310--313

Observing the high resolution capabilities of a silicon PET insert probe

K. Brzezinski, J. F. Oliver, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2011, volume 7961, pages 796146, number 1

Full modeling of AX-PET, a new PET device with axially oriented crystals, based on Geant4 and GATE

P. Solevi, J. F. Oliver, J. E. Gillam, M. Rafecas
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2011, volume 7961, pages 796145, number 1

Using Spherical Basis Functions on a Polar Grid for Iterative Image Reconstruction in Small Animal PET

J. Cabello, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2011, volume 7961, pages 796144, number 1

Singles-prompt, a novel method to estimate random coincidences by using prompts and singles information

J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2011, volume 7961, pages 796149, number 1

A compton imaging algorithm for on-line monitoring in hadron therapy

J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, I. Torres-Espallardo, C. C. Juan, G. Llosá, P. Solevi, J. Barrio, M. Rafecas
Medical Imaging 2011: Physics of Medical Imaging, 2011, volume 7961, pages 79611O, number 1


Monte-Carlo modelling of a silicon detector insert combined with a PET scanner

K. Brzezinski, J. F. Oliver, G. Llosá, P. Solevi, V. Linhart, J. Cabello, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas
5th European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM2010, 2010, pages 184

AX-PET: concept, proof of principle and first results with phantoms

P. Beltrame, E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, V. Fanti, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, U. Ruotsalainen, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, U. Tuna, P. Weilhammer
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pages 2754--2757

Reduction of random coincidences in small animal PET using artificial neural networks

E. Fuster-Garcia, J. F. Oliver, J. Cabello, S. Tortajada, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pages 2308--2313

First pet imaging results with continuous lyso crystals and monolithic, 64-pixel sipm matrices

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, P. Barrillon, S. Bondil-Blin, C. L. Taille, C. Piemonte, G. Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, M. M. Bisogni, A. D. Guerra
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pages 3376--3379

Joint reconstruction of image and motion for PET: displacement fields versus a b-spline motion model

M. Blume, A. Keil, N. Navab, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pages 3506--3508

Polar voxelization schemes combined with a monte-carlo based system matrix for image reconstruction in high resolution pet

J. Cabello, J. F. Oliver, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Rafecas
Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2010 IEEE, 2010, pages 3256--3261

Joint reconstruction of image and motion for PET using linear diffusion regularization

M. Blume, M. Rafecas
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2010, pages 250

Iterative image reconstruction images using polar and spherical basis functions for positron emission tomography

J. Cabello, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2010, pages 80

Caracterización de detectores y adquisición de datos de un primer tomógrafo pet con cristales lyso continuos y matrices de fotomultiplicadores de silicio de 64 elementos

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. C. M. Blume, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, M. M. Bisogni, A. Del-Guerra
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2010, pages 265

Caracterización de un detector de labr3 acoplado a una matriz de fotomultiplicadores de silicio

J. Barrio, G. Llosá, C. Lacasta, M. Rafecas, J. E. Gillam, S. Callier, L. Raux, C. De-la-Taille
Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, 2010, pages 264


Simultaneous reconstruction of image and motion in gated positron-emission-tomography

M. Blume, A. Keil, M. Rafecas, N. Navab
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 5485 - 5487

First results from the AX-PET demonstrator

P. Beltrame, E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, V. Fanti, C. Joram, H. Kagan, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, P. Weilhammer
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , pages 3096 -3101

LabPET inter-crystal scatter study using GATE

S. Rechka, R. Fontaine, R. Lecomte, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , pages 3988 -3994

Joint reconstruction of image and motion in gated positron-emission-tomography

M. Blume, A. Martinez-Möller, A. Keil, N. Navab, M. Rafecas
Proceedings of the 10th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully3D), September , pages 118-121

ML-EM implementation on a GPU: avoiding simultaneous read-modify-write processes.

T. Felder, M. Blume, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Proceedings of the 10th International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Fully3D), 2009, pages 65-69

ML-EM implementation on a GPU: avoiding simultaneous read-modify-write processes

T. Felder, M. Blume, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on High Performance Image Reconstruction (HPIR), 2009, pages 65-68

Blind motion compensation for positron-emission-tomography

M. Blume, A. Keil, N. Navab, M. Rafecas
Proceedings of the SPIE, February , volume 7258, pages 72580T-72580T-8


Combined motion compensation and reconstruction for PET

M. Blume, M. Rafecas, S. Ziegler, N. Navab
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 5485 -5487

Revisiting the singles rate method for modeling accidental coincidences in PET

J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 4288 -4291

Development and validation of a GATE simulation model for the LabPET scanner

Rechka, Sanae, Fontaine, Rejean, Rafecas, Magdalena, Lecomte, Roger
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 4003 -4009

Comparison of coincidence identification techniques for high resolution PET

J. F. Oliver, I. Torres-Espallardo, R. Fontaine, S. S. Ziegler, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 4732--4735

Coincidence identification in PET using neural networks

E. Fuster-Garcia, J. F. Oliver, S. Tortajada, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 4728-4731

A demonstrator for a new axial PET concept

E. Bolle, A. Braem, C. Casella, E. Chesi, N. Clinthorne, E. Cochran, R. D. Leo, G. Dissertori, L. Djambazov, K. Honscheid, S. Huh, I. Johnson, C. Joram, H. Kagan, C. Lacasta, W. Lustermann, F. Meddi, E. Nappi, F. Nessi-Tedaldi, J. F. Oliver, F. Pauss, M. Rafecas, D. Renker, A. Rudge, D. Schinzel, T. Schneider, J. Seguinot, S. Smith, P. Solevi, S. Stapnes, I. Vilardi, P. W. matarommer
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, October , pages 4571 -4574


Quantification issues in imaging data of MADPET-II small animal PET scanner using a system matrix based on Monte Carlo techniques

I. Torres-Espallardo, V. C. Spanoudaki, M. Rafecas, J. Schirmer, S. I. Ziegler
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , volume 6, pages 4192 -4197

PET iterative reconstruction using pseudo-Wu raytracer

P. Aguiar, M. Rafecas, C. Falcón, J. Pavia, D. Ros
Proceedings of the International Meeting on Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 2007, pages 406-409

Sensitivity in PET: Neural networks as an alternative to compton photons LOR analysis

J. B. Michaud, C. A. Brunet, M. Rafecas, R. Lecomte, R. Fontaine
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , volume 5, pages 3594--3600


Polar pixels for high resolution small animal PET

C. Mora, M. Rafecas
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , volume 5, pages 2812 -2817

Evaluation of different random estimation methods for the MADPET-II small animal PET scanner using GATE

I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Rafecas, V. C. Spanoudaki, D. P. McElroy, S. I. Ziegler
IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, November , volume 5, pages 3148 -3150

Contribuciones a congresos
Ir arriba


Radionuclide therapy assessment with MACACO III+

G. Llosá on behalf of the IRIS group and collaborators.
Talk at XVI CPAN days. Madrid, 19-21 Nov 2024.

A logical interface between a clinical accelerator and your physics research experiment​

Fernando Hueso González, Antonio Fernández Prieto, Edgar Lemos Cid
Talk at the 2024 CERN OSPO Event. (Geneva, Switzerland), 7 Nov 2024.

Background reduction of Compton-camera based 3D imaging for range verification in proton therapy

J. Roser, J. Kasprzak, G. Llosá, J. Werner, M. Rafecas
Poster at 2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Tampa, Florida, USA), 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024.

Optimizing Proton Range Verification on Compton Camera Experimental Data with Neural Network Algorithms

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, K. Brzezinski, E. Muñoz, J. Bernabeu, G. Llosá
Talk at 2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Tampa, Florida, USA), 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024.

MACACO III Compton camera for imaging of targeted alpha therapy using 225Ac

K. Brzezinski, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas, J. N. Badel, A. Etxebeste, D. Sarrut, G. Llosá
Talk at 2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Tampa, Florida, USA), 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024.

131I imaging with MACACO Compton camera

L. Barrientos, P. Bello, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, I. Torres-Espallardo, R. Viegas, G. Llosá
Poster at 2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Tampa, Florida, USA), 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024.

Neural Networks for inter-crystal scatter recovery in semi-monolithic PET detectors

K. Brzezinski, A. J. González, J. M. Benlloch and G. Llosá.
Talk at the 4th MODE Workshop on Differentiable Programming for Experiment Design, Valencia, 23-25 Sept 2024.

Coaxial prompt gamma-ray monitoring for proton range verification: simulated results with an anthropomorphic phantom

Francisco Miguéis, J.V. Casaña, Daniel García Fernández, F. Hueso-González, G. Llosá, Antonio Fernández Prieto, Pablo Vázquez Regueiro, Iris García Rivas, A. Ros, Paulo Crespo and Hugo Simões
Talk at ISRP16. (Lisbon, Portugal), 1-5 Sep 2024.

Status of MACACO and FALCON Compton cameras for medical applications

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas, G. Llosá.
Talk at XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la RSEF. Donostia, 15-19 Jul 2024.

Compton cameras for cancer treatment assessment

G. Llosá.
Invited talk at JS2024. Krakow, 29 Jun-7 Jul 2024.

ICOR – Compton imaging in radionuclide therapy

G. Llosá on behalf of the IRIS group and collaborators.
Talk at ASTROHEP-PPCC24 workshop. Zaragoza, 5-7 Jun 2024.

First Radionuclide Imaging Tests with MACACOIII+ Compton camera

L. Barrientos, K. Brzezinski, J. Roser, J.N. Badel, P. Bello, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, A. Etxebeste, S. Prado, D. Sarrut, C. Senra, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá.
Talk at PSMR 2024. La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, 19-24 May 2024.

IRIS innovative detectors for medical applications

G. Llosá on behalf of the IRIS group.
Talk at CPAN Network on Instrumentation and Detectors workshop. Valencia, 8-10 May 2024.

Sistema de detección e imagen mediante fotones

G. Llosá
Feria empresarial Transfiere 2024. Presentación en el elevator pitch. Málaga, 20-22 Mar 2024.

Compton cameras for radiopharmaceutical therapy assessment

L. Barrientos, K. Brzezinski, J. Roser, J.N. Badel, P. Bello, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, A. Etxebeste, S. Prado, D. Sarrut, C. Senra, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá.
Talk at 19th EMIM. Oporto, 12-15 Mar 2024.

Instrumentation for medical applications

G. Llosá
Invited Talk at ASFAE workshop. Alicante, 4-6 Mar 2024.

Overview of instrumental developments for PT @ CV

F. Hueso-González
Invited Talk at Workshop on Technologies & applied research at the future Valencian proton-therapy facility. Valencia, 21-23 Feb 2024.

Prevention of mechanical collisions during proton therapy treatment planning in RayStation: a shared platform for all Spanish proton centers

F. Hueso-González, P. Wohlfahrt, D. Craft, K. Remillard
Talk at Workshop on Technologies & applied research at the future Valencian proton-therapy facility. Valencia, 21-23 Feb 2024.

A New Strategy for Range Verification in Proton Therapy: the Coaxial Approach

F. Hueso-González, A. Fernandez Prieto, J. V. Casaña, A. Dosil Suarez, A. Gallas Torreira, D. García Fernández, I. García Rivas, E. Lemos Cid, G. Llosá, A. Pazos Álvarez, E. Pérez Trigo, A. Ros García, P. Vázquez Regueiro
Talk at Workshop on Technologies & applied research at the future Valencian proton-therapy facility. Valencia, 21-23 Feb 2024.

From MACACO to FALCON: Compton camera prototypes for proton beam range verification

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser and G. Llosá
Talk at Workshop on Technologies & applied research at the future Valencian proton-therapy facility. Valencia, 21-23 Feb 2024.


Imaging Ac-225 with MACACO III Compton Camera

G. Llosá on behalf of the IRIS group and collaborators.
Talk at IV Jornadas RSEF-IFIMED de Física Médica. Sevilla, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2023.

Neural Network-Based Localization of Photon Interactions in Monolithic Scintillators

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, R. Viegas, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, K.Brzezinski, C. Senra, V. Sanz and G. Llosá
Talk at IV Jornadas RSEF-IFIMED de Física Médica. Sevilla, 29 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2023.

3D position determination in LaBr3 monolithic crystals with convolutional neural networks

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, R. Viegas, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, C. Senra, V. Sanz, G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

Evaluation of MACACO III Compton camera for assessment of radiopharmaceutical treatments

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

Inter-Crystal Scatter in a Novel Brain Dedicated PET Detector with 3D Spatial Information

K. Brzezinski, A. Gonzalez, J. Roser, J. M. Benlloch and G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

From MACACOp to FALCON, characterization and in-beam tests

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, K. Brzezinski, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Mazal, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, J.A. Vera-Sánchez and G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

PET-Compton camera integration: towards a compact alternative to PET-SPECT

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, K. Brzezinski, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, M. Rafecas and G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

Improvement studies of Compton cameras over gamma cameras in nuclear medicine treatments

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, P. Bello, M. Borja-Lloret, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, P. Lozano, J. Pérez-Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, C. Senra, R. Viegas, I. Torres-Espallardo and G. Llosá
Poster at 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Vancouver, Canada), 04 Nov - 11 Nov 2023.

Individualized treatment verification based on photon emission

G. Llosá
Invited Talk at 4th Intenational Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications. Valencia, 16-20 Oct. 2023

Comparison between a simple analytical method and Monte-Carlo simulations on heterogeneities in low rate brachytherapy

J. Mingarro Carceller, F. Hueso-González, J. Vijande Asenjo, F. Ballester and J. Pérez-Calatayud
Poster at 4th Intenational Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications. Valencia, 16-20 Oct. 2023

Advances in medical physics from Nuclear and HEP

G. Llosá
Invited Talk at L IMFP23 and XV CPAN Days. Santander, 2-6 Oct.

Advances in the development of Compton cameras for treatment verification

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Talk at L IMFP23 and XV CPAN Days. Santander, 2-6 Oct.

Effect of electron space-charge on the gain of a two-dimensional photomultiplier tube model

D. Esperante, B. Gimeno, D. Ginestar, D. González-Iglesias, J.L. Hueso, F. Hueso-González, G. Llosá, P. Martín-Luna and J. Riera
Talk at MME&HB 2023. Valencia, 11-14 July 2023.

Advances and test results with MACACO Compton camera

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Talk at ANIMMA 2023. Lucca (Italy), 12-16 June 2023

Range monitoring in proton therapy using the J-PET scanner

K. Brzeziński, J. Baran, D. Borys, J. Gajewski, G. Korcyl, S. Niedźwiecki, P. Moskal and A. Rucinski
Talk at PTCOG 61. Madrid, 10-16 June 2023.

Compact detector for coaxial monitoring of prompt gamma-rays for proton therapy range verification

I. García Rivas, A. Fernández Prieto, P. Vázquez Regueiro, D. García-Fernández, F. Hueso-González, G. Llosá
Poster at PTCOG 61. Madrid, 10-16 June 2023.

Background study in a Compton camera for treatment monitoring

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Poster at PTCOG 61. Madrid, 10-16 June 2023.

Compton camera performance as treatment monitoring system at a Proton therapy center

R. Viegas, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, and G. Llosá
Talk at PTCOG 61. Madrid, 10-16 June 2023.

MACACO imaging system for hadron therapy treatment monitoring

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Talk at IGFAE workshop on technologies and applied research at the future Galician proton-therapy facility. Santiago, 9-10 May 2023.

A New Strategy for Range Verification in Proton Therapy: the Coaxial Approach

F. Hueso-González, A. Fernandez Prieto, J. V. Casaña, A. Dosil Suarez, A. Gallas Torreira, D. García Fernández, I. García Rivas, E. Lemos Cid, G. Llosá, A. Pazos Álvarez, E. Pérez Trigo, A. Ros García, P. Vázquez Regueiro.
Talk at IGFAE workshop on technologies and applied research at the future Galician proton-therapy facility. Santiago, 9-10 May 2023.


MACACO III first evaluation for Nuclear Medicine imaging.

G. Llosá, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, P. Bello, Marina Borja-Lloret, Fernando Hueso-González, Carlos Lacasta, Javier Pérez Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas, I. Torres-Espallardo and G. Llosá.
Talk at XIV Jornadas CPAN. Bilbao, 21-23 November 2022.

Latest advances in a Compton camera for medical applications

Gabriela Llosá, Luis Barrientos, José Bernabéu, J. V. Casaña, Marina Borja-Lloret, Fernando Hueso-González, Carlos Lacasta, Javier Pérez Curbelo, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, César Senra, Carles Solaz, Rita Viegas.
Talk at XIII CPAN Days. Huelva, 21-23 Marzo 2022.

MACACOp Compton camera performance at proton therapy centres

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, G. Llosá.
Talk at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Experimental comparison of Prompt Gamma-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy under equalized conditions using an anthropomorphic head phantom

Fernando Hueso-González, Jonathan Berthold, P. Wohlfahrt, T. Bortfeld, C. Khamfongkhruea, S. Tattenberg, M. Zarifi, J. Verburg and C. Richter.
Talk at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Evaluation of the detector material in MACACO III Compton camera

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, C. Fonseca, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Estimating Inter-Crystal Scatter in a Novel PET Module Design Using Depth of Interaction Information

K. Brzezinski, Y. Fontenla, J. Roser and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Proton range verification with MACACO III Compton camera in a hadrontherapy center

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, H. Jabłoński, R. Kopeć, D. Krzempek, N. Mojżeszek, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Radiotracer imaging of phantoms and patients with MACACO III Compton camera

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, P. Bello, M. Borja-Lloret, J. M. Calatayud, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso- González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, S. Prado, A. Ros, C. Senra, I. Torres-Espallardo, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Improving Compton camera imaging of multi-energy radioactive sources by using Neural Networks for event selection

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, E. Muñoz, M. Borja-Lloret, R. Viegas, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, C. Senra, V. sanz and G. Llosá
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Assessment of a veto system for background rejection in MACACO III Compton camera

M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, L. Barrientos, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez-Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Simulation of Electron Transport and Secondary Emission in a Photomultiplier Tube

P. Martı́n-Luna, F. Hueso-González, D. González-Iglesias, D. Esperante, B. Gimeno, G. Llosá, A. Fernández Prieto, A. Gallas Torreira, I. Garcı́a Rivas, E. Lemos Cid, P. Vázquez Regueiro, P. Wohlfahrt, C. Blanch, N. Fuster-Martı́nez, P. Martinez-Reviriego, and J. Fuster.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

PMT system for prompt gamma-ray measurements during proton therapy treatments

A. Fernández Prieto, A. Gallas Torreira, I. García Rivas, F. Hueso-González, E. Lemos Cid, G. Llosá, A. Pazos Álvarez, E. Pérez Trigo and P. Vázquez Regueiro.
Poster at 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). (Milano, Italy), 05 Nov - 12 Nov 2022.

Last developments and applications of the MACACO III Compton camera

Jorge Roser, Luis Barrientos, José Vicente Casaña, Marina Borja-Lloret, Fernando Hueso-González, Javier Pérez Curbelo, Ana Ros, César Senra, Rita Viegas, Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at EmiLy : Rencontre Lyonnaise en Imagerie d'Émission workshop. Lyon (France), 07 Nov 2022.

Event selection with Neural Networks for Compton camera imaging of multi-energy radioactive sources.

J. Pérez-Curbelo, J. Roser, L. Barrientos, E. Muñoz, V. Sanz and G. Llosá.
Talk at XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia.Murcia (Spain), 7-11 Jul 2022.

Compton camera assessment for hadron therapy treatment monitoring and radiotracer imaging.

G. Llosá, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Pérez Curbelo, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas.
Poster at New Developments in Photodetection (NDIP 2022) Conference. Troyes (France) 4-8 Julio 2022.

Advances in electronics for a Compton camera

Gabriela Llosá, Rita Viegas, Luis Barrientos, Marina Borja-Lloret, José Vicente Casaña, Fernando Hueso-González, Javier Pérez Curbelo, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, César Senra.
Talk at Conference "Fast Timing in Medical Imaging". FTMI Valencia, 3-5 June 2022.

Multi-gamma imaging with MACACO III Compton camera

Jorge Roser, Luis Barrientos, José Vicente Casaña, Marina Borja-Lloret, Fernando Hueso-González, Javier Pérez Curbelo, Ana Ros, César Senra, Rita Viegas, Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at Young Investigators' Workshop on Multi-Gamma Imaging (YIWS 2022). Virtual, 22 Apr 2022.


Comparison of efficiency and activity recovery coefficients of Compton and Anger cameras in nuclear medicine

A. Etxebeste, E. Muñoz, D. Dauvergne, J. M. Létang, M. Borja-Lloret, G. Llosá, V. Maxim, D. Sarrut and E. Testa.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Neural Networks for event classification of Compton Camera data from multi-energy radioactive sources

P. Martín-Luna, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas, V. Sanz and G. Llosá
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Experimental characterization and test-beam results of MACACO III Compton camera

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, J. Garcia López, F. Hueso-González, M. D. C. Jiménez-Ramos, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Talk at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

A PETsys-based probe for the improvement of the spatial resolution in total-body PET

A. Ros Garcı́a, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, N. Efthimiou, F Hueso-González, J. Roser, C. Senra, J.M. Udı́as, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

MACACOp Compton Camera: performance improvement and tests at high photon energies

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, J. Garcia López, F. Hueso-González, M. D. C. Jiménez-Ramos, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Efficiency enhancement studies in a scintillator-based Compton camera for hadron therapy

M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, G. Llosá, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, and E. Testa.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Effect of a veto system for background rejection in Compton camera for hadron therapy

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G Llosá.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

A New Strategy for Range Verification in Proton Therapy: the Coaxial Approach

F Hueso-González, JV Casaña, A Fernandez Prieto, A Gallas Torreira, E Lemos Cid, A Ros García, P Vázquez Regueiro and G Llosá.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Image quality enhancements in high energy gamma-ray imaging with a Compton Camera

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, F. Hueso-González, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, C. Senra, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Yokohama, Japan), 16 Oct - 23 Oct 2021.

Compton cameras in medical applications.

G. Llosá.
Workshop on LHC Technologies (Red-LHC). Virtual conference, 27- 30 Sep 2021.

PROScRiPT: a probe for the improvement of the spatial resolution in total-body PET

A. Ros García, F. Arias-Valcayo, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, J. Roser, C. Senra, J.M. Udías, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Poster at 2021 Total-body PET Virtual (Edinburgh, Scotland), 22 Sept. - 24 Sept. 2021.

New probe for the improvement of the Spatial Resolution in total-body PET (PROScRiPT)

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, M. Borja, J.V. Casaña, E. Muñoz, J. Roser, J.M. Udias, R. Viegas, G. Llosá
Talk at 2021 Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), Virtual, (Prague, Czech), 21-25 Jun 2021.

Compton and PET

G. Llosá.
Invited talk at workshop N°3: Forum on Prospective technologies for the future PET imaging in the 7th Intenational Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurements and their Applications, ANIMMA, 2021. Virtual (Prague, Czech Republic), 21-25 Jun 2021 Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.

Progress and prospects of MACACO: a multi-layer Compton camera for range verification in hadron therapy

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, P. Dendooven, J. García-López, F. Hueso-González, M. C. Jiménez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, P. Martín-Luna, E. Muñoz, I. Ozoemelam, A. Ros, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 7th Intenational Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurements and their Applications, ANIMMA, 2021. Virtual (Prague, Czech Republic), 21-25 Jun 2021

New perspectives in the development of a Compton telescope for treatment monitoring

G. Llosá, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, F. Hueso-González, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas.
PTCOG 59. Online meeting 4-7 June 2021.

PET/Compton hybrid as the imager of the next generation.

G. Llosá.
Invited talk at CoViD-19: Inflammation and molecular imaging. Virtual conference, 20-23 May 2021. Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.


Improving the quality of the images obtained by the MACACO Compton telescope by means of a joint reconstruction algorithm

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Talk at III Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica 2020. Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.

Performance of the MACACOp Compton camera at high photon energies

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, J. Garcia-Lopez M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser and G. Llosá.
Talk at III Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica 2020. Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.

Background evaluation in a LaBr3 Compton camera for hadron therapy

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabeu, J.V. Casaña, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
e-poster (short talk) at III Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica 2020. Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.

Experimental characterization of MACACO III Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring,

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, J. García López, F. Hueso-González, M.C. Jiménez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
e-poster (short talk) at III Jornadas RSEF / IFIMED de Física Médica 2020. Virtual (Valencia, Spain), 14 - 15 Dec 2020.

Background studies in MACACO Compton camera for hadron therapy.

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabeu, J.V. Casaña, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Talk at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.

Proton beam tests of MACACO II Compton camera at KVI-CART Groningen

E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, P. Dendooven, I. Ozoemelam, A. Ros, J. Roser, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.

Compton camera design optimization for detection efficiency enhancement in Nuclear Medicine.

A. Etxebeste, D. Dauvergne, J. M. Létang, M. Borja-Lloret, G. Llosá, A. Ros, D. Sarrut and E. Testa.
Poster at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.

Assembly and initial characterization of MACACO III Compton telescope.

L. Barrientos, J. Roser, A. Esteban, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.

Compton spectral joint image reconstruction of in-beam data combining two and three interaction events.

J. Roser, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.

MACACOp: Compton camera first tests with PETsys readout.

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, J. V. Casaña, E. Muñoz, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Virtual (Boston, EEUU), 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020.


Full characterization of MACACO II Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring.

L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, M. Borja-Lloret, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at Young Investigator's Workshop on Photon Detection in Medicine and Medical Physics - 2019. Siegen (Germany), 02-03 Dic 2019.

Laboratory and test-beam results with MACACO II.

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, P. Dendooven, F.J. García López, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá
Poster at 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Manchester (UK), 26 Oct-2 Nov 2019.

Three-interaction analytical model for a Compton Camera: performance with experimental data

J. Roser, E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, R. Marco, A. Ros, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and J. F. Oliver.
Poster at 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Manchester (UK), 26 Oct-2 Nov 2019.

MACACO II results and further upgrades.

G. Llosá, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Esteban, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz, R. Viegas.
Talk at XI CPAN days Oviedo, 21-23 Oct 2019.

MACACO II developments and results.

G. Llosá, L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Esteban, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz, R. Viegas.
Talk at ENSAR-MediNet Network final meeting. MEDAUSTRON, Wiener Neustadt, 7-9 Oct 2019.

Initial evaluation of PETsys TOFPET2 ASIC for a scintillator based Compton Camera.

R. Viegas, L. Barrientos, J. Bernabéu, T. Binder, M. Borja-Lloret, J.V. Casaña, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra and G. Llosá.
Poster at ENSAR-MediNet Network final meeting. MEDAUSTRON, Wiener Neustadt, 7-9 Oct 2019.

Results with MACACO II: A Compton telescope for hadron therapy monitoring.

L. Barrientos, M. Borja-Lloret, P. Dendooven, J. García López, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, A. Ros, J. Roser, C.Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and G. Llosá.
Poster at 24th International Conference on Medical Physics, Santiago de Chile. Santiago de Chile (Chile), 8-11 Sept 2019.

Evaluación Experimental del Telescopio Compton MACACO II.

L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Esteban, C. Lacasta, R.Marco, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Españolade Física, Zaragoza. Zaragoza (Spain), 15-19 Jul 2019.

Beam tests and upgrades of MACACO II Compton telescope.

Gabriela Llosá, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Esteban, C. Lacasta, R.Marco, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Zaragoza. Zaragoza (Spain), 15-19 Jul 2019.

Experimental results with a Compton telescope prototype: MACACO II.

M. Borja-Lloret, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, P. Dendooven, F.J. García López, M.C Jiménez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
Poster at ENLIGHT Annual Meeting and Training 2019, Caen. Caen (France), 1-3 Jul 2019.

Performance characterisation of MACACO II, a second prototype of a Compton telescope.

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, P. Dendooven, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
6th Intenational Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurements and their Applications, ANIMMA, 2019. Portoroz (Slovenia), 17-21 Jun 2019.

Upgrade of a Compton telescope for Hadron Therapy Treatment Monitoring.

Gabriela Llosá, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Esteban, C. Lacasta, R.Marco, E. Muñoz, J.F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz, R. Viegas and Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at MEDAMI 2019, Valencia (Spain), 15-17 May 2019. Zaragoza (Spain), 15-19 Jul 2019.


Calculation and impact of the sensitivity model for a two-plane Compton camera.

E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-LLoret, A. Etxebeste, L. Gabarda, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz and J. F. Oliver.
Poster at 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Sydney (Australia), 10-17 Nov 2018.

First results with MACACO II: second prototype of a Compton telescope.

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, P. Dendooven, A. Etxebeste, L. Gabarda, J. García López, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, I. Ozoemelam, J. Roser, C. Senra, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
Poster at 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Sydney (Australia), 10-17 Nov 2018.

Evaluation and Validation of a Sensitivity Model for a Three-layer LaBr3 Compton Telescope.

J. Roser, E. Muñoz, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, L. Gabarda, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, A. Ros and J. F. Oliver.
Poster at 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Sydney (Australia), 10-17 Nov 2018.

Multidetector data acquisition system (AliVATA).

Gabriela Llosá, Luis Barrientos, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F. Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz.
Talk at X CPAN Days. Salamanca (Spain), 29-31 October 2018.

A GATE module for Compton camera simulations

A. Etxebeste, Y. Feng, J. M. Létang, G. Llosá, V. Maxim, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, E. Testa and D. Sarrut.
Talk at The Third Geant4 International User Conference at the Physics-Medicine-Biology frontier Bordeaux (France), 29-31 October 2018.

Photosensors in Nuclear Medicine and Biology Imaging

Gabriela Llosá.
Invited review talk. SENSE Technology Forum. Geneva, Ècole de Physique. June 21-22, 2018.

Evaluation of LFS continuous scintillation crystals for PET

Ana Ros, John Barrio, Luis Barrientos, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, José Francisco Oliver, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá
Talk at II Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de Física Médica. Madrid, 14-15 June 2018.

Evaluation and Validation of a Sensitivity Model for a Three-layer LaBr3 Compton Telescope

Jorge Roser, Enrique Muñoz, Luis Barrientos, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros, and José Francisco Oliver.
Talk at II Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de Física Médica. Madrid, 14-15 June 2018.

Calculation and impact of the sensitivity matrix for a two-plane Compton camera

Enrique Muñoz, Luis Barrientos, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser and José Francisco Oliver.
Poster at II Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de Física Médica. Madrid, 14-15 June 2018.

MACACO II: second prototype of a Compton telescope for hadron therapy monitoring

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste, L. Gabarda, J. García López, M.C. Jimenez-Ramos, C. Lacasta, R. Marco, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, J. Roser, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
Poster at PM2018 - 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), 27 May to 02 June 2018

Evaluation of LFS continuous scintillation crystals for PET

A. Ros, L. Barrientos, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, M. Borja-Lloret, A. Etxebeste,L. Gabarda, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, J. Roser, C. Solaz and G. Llosá
Poster at PM2018 - 14th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors La Biodola, Isola d'Elba (Italy), 27 May to 02 June 2018

Development of a Compton telescope for dose monitoring

Josep F. Oliver on behalf of IRIS group.
Invited talk. II Workshop español en protonterapia. Sevilla, 15-16 March 2018


Improving MACACO, a Compton Telescope for Treatment Monitoring in Hadron Therapy .

John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Laura Granado, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, José Francisco Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Atlanta (USA), 21-28 October 2017.

Impact of the ring resolution on the performance of the dual ring high resolution silicon PET

A. Studen, V. Cindro, N. H. Clinthorne, H. Kagan, E. Kalšek, C. Lacasta, G. Llosa, M. Mikuž, J. F. Oliver, D. Žontar.
Poster at 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (IEEE NSS MIC). Atlanta (USA), 21-28 October 2017.

Mejoras en la respuesta de MACACO, un telescopio Compton para monitorización en terapia hadrónica.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, L. Granado, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, J. Roser, C. Solaz.
Talk at IX CPAN Days. Santander (Spain), 23-25 October 2017.

Performance improvement of MACACO, a Compton telescope for treatment monitoring in hadron therapy.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, L. Granado, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, C. Solaz.
Talk at XXXVI Reunión bienal RSEF, simposio especializado del GEFM. Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 17-21 Julio 2017.

Performance Improvement Tests of a Compton Telescope based on Continuous Crystals and SiPMs.

J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, L. Granado, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
Poster at 8th International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection: NDIP 2017. Tours (France), 3-7 July 2017.

Final tests with MACACO: a Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, P.G. Ortega, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, C. Solaz.
Talk at 8th International Conference on New Developments in Photodetection: NDIP 2017. Tours (France), 3-7 July 2017.

From MACACO to MACACO II: a Compton telescope for treatment monitoring in hadron therapy.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, L. Granado, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, A. Ros, C. Solaz.
Talk at V MEDAMI workshop. Orosei (Sardinia, Italy) 30 May- 4 June 2017.

Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring.

G. Llosá.
Invited talk at World Cancer Congress. Barcelona (Spain) 19-21 May 2017.


Centro para imagen médica y terapia hadrónica IFIMED

G. Llosá
Invited talk and round table presentation. I Workshop español en protonterapia. Madrid, 14 December 2016

IFIMED status and results of a Compton telescope for hadron therapy

G. Llosá, E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J. F Oliver, P. G. Ortega, C. Solaz.
Talk. VIII CPAN days. Zaragoza, 28-30 November 2016

Evaluation and validation of sensitivity models for a Compton Telescope

P. G. Ortega, E. Muñoz, A. Etxebeste, J. Barrio, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, C. Solaz, J. F. Oliver
Poster presentation. 2016 "IEEEMedical Imaging Conference", Strasbourg (France). November

Improved Laboratory and in-Beam Results of a Compton Telescope with LaBr3 and SiPMs

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, J. Bernabéu, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, P. G. Ortega, C. Solaz and G. Llosá
Talk at  2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Strasbourg (France), November 2016

Laboratory and beam tests of a Compton Telescope for treatment monitoring

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, P.G. Ortega, C. Solaz and G. Llosá.
Talk in PTCOG 55. Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic, 22-28 May 2016

Recent Laboratory and Test Beam Results of a LaBr3 Compton Telescope for Treatment Monitoring

Enrique Muñoz, John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Carlos Lacasta, Josep F. Oliver, Pablo G. Ortega, Carles Solaz, Paola Solevi and Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at In Vivo Dose Monitoring Workshop. Munich, 20 May 2016

Avances en imagen médica. Detectores para el control del tratamiento con hadrones

Gabriela Llosá.
Invited Talk at II Simposio La física del cancer. Valencia, 17 May 2016

Fast SiPM readout for PET

David Sánchez, David Gascon, Ricardo Graciani, John Barrio, Gabriela Llosá, Jesús Marín, Josep F. Oliver, José Manuel Perez, Pedro Rato, Iciar Sarasola
Talk at MEDAMI 2016. Ajaccio Bay, Corsica, 1-5 May 2016

Compton Telescope for hadron therapy range monitoring: update on characterization results and beam tests.

Gabriela Llosá, John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F. Oliver, Pablo G. Ortega, Carles Solaz, Paola Solevi.
Talk at MEDAMI 2016. Ajaccio Bay, Corsica, 1-5 May 2016

Testing MPPCs for PET at UB (on going work)

David Gascon, Ricardo Graciani, David Sánchez, John Barrio, Gabriela Llosa.
Talk in I Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de física médica. Valencia, 10-11 Marzo 2016

Determinación de la posición en cristales continuos

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Carlos Lacasta, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F. Oliver, Pablo G. Ortega, Carles Solaz, Gabriela Llosá
Talk at I Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de física médica. Valencia, 10-11 Marzo 2016

Pruebas en Laboratorio y Haz de un Telescopio Compton para Monitorización de Terapia Hadrónica

Enrique Muñoz, John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Carlos Lacasta, Josep F. Oliver, Pablo G. Ortega, Carles Solaz, Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at I Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de física médica. Valencia, 10-11 Marzo 2016

Monitorización de la terapia hadrónica en tiempo real

Gabriela Llosá.
Talk at I Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de física médica. Valencia, 10-11 Marzo 2016

High rate tests on SiPM readout ASICs for the SAFIR project

C. Casella on behalf of SAFIR collaboration
Poster presentation at European Molecular Imaging Meeting, EMIM 2016 Utretch (Netherlands). Mar 8–10, 2016.

Characterization and test beam results of a LaBr3 Compton telescope for treatment monitoring.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, P.G. Ortega, C. Solaz, P. Solevi.
Talk at ICTR-PHE.
Geneva (Switzerland). 15-19 Feb. 2016

Increasing PET scanner resolution using a Silicon detector probe

K. Brzezinski, J. F. Oliver, J.G. Gillam and M. Rafecas.
Poster at ICTR-PHE, Winner of student award.
Geneva (Switzerland). 15-19 Feb. 2016


IRIS technological developments in PET and Hadron Therapy.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, K. Brzezinski, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato.
Talk in VII CPAN Days. , Segovia (Spain), 1-3 December 2015

Characterization and Simulation Results of a Two/Three-Layer Compton Telescope with LaBr3 and SiPMs.

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, C. Solaz, P: Solevi, M. Trovato and G. Llosá
Poster at 2015 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) , San Diego, November 2015.Segovia (Spain)

Simulation Study of Sensitivity and Resolution for a Small Animal PET Ring Based on Continuous Crystals.

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Enrique Muñoz, Carles Solaz, Paola Solevi, Josep. F Oliver.
Poster at 2015 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) , San Diego, November 2015.

A Compton Telescope for Ion-Beam Therapy Monitoring: from Monte Carlo Modeling to First on-Beam tests.

P. Solevi, E. Muñoz, C. Solaz, M. Trovato, J. Barrio, P. Dendooven, A. Etxebeste, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, I. Torres-Espallardo, G. Llosá
Talk at 2015 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), , San Diego, November 2015.

Brain PET Imaging Based on the Axial PET Concept: a Simulation Study

P. Solevi, G. Rey´ens-Llompart, J. Cabello, J. Gillam, C. Joram, J. F. Oliver and M. Rafecas
Poster presentation at IEEE Medical Imaging Conference. San Diego (USA). Nov 3-7, 2015

Monte-Carlo Simulation Based Estimation of NECR, Sensitivity, and Spatial Resolution of a Novel Preclinical PET Insert for MR

J. Fischer, R. Becker, J.P. Cachemiche, G. Dissertori, A. Howard, K. Kramer, W. Lustermann, C. Morel, J. F. Oliver, U. Roser, Q. Wang, B. Weber.
Invited oral presentation at IEEE Medical Imaging Conference.
San Diego (USA). Nov 3-7,2015

Simulation of a Compton Telescope with GATE

E. Muñoz, J. Barrio, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, G. Llosá, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, M. Trovato and J.F. Oliver
Invited talk at GATE Users Meeting, 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, California, EEUU. November 4, 2015

Present and future of the IFIMED research activities in medical imaging.

G. Llosá and J. F. Oliver.
Invited talk in IVICFA Medical Physics Workshop. Valencia, 16 Oct. 2015

Photon detectors in medical Imaging.

G. Llosá.
Invited review talk in RD51 Academia-Industry Matching Event. Special Workshop on Photon Detection with MPGDs. CERN, Geneva, 10-11 June, 2015

Applications of particle physics to treatment and monitoring in hadrontherapy

J.F. Oliver
Invited oral presentation at La Fısica del Cancer. Valencia (Spain). Jun 19, 2015

List-Mode Reconstruction from Raw Detector Signals: An Embedded Detection Model for Monolithic Crystals.

Jorge Cabello, Magdalena Rafecas, John E. Gillam and J.F. Oliver
Poster presentation at 2015 Fully-3D. Newport (USA). May 31 a Jun 4, 2015

Characterisation of a three-layer Compton telescope for Hadron Therapy Dose Monitoring.

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, P. Dendooven, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, E. Muñoz, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato.
Talk in 4th International Conference on Advances in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA). Lisbon (Portugal), 20-24 April 2015.

The SAFIR project: Status and perspectives

C. Casella on behalf of SAFIR collaboration
Oral presentation in 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation. Vienna (Austria). Feb 15-19, 2015


A Three Layer Compton Telescope for Dose Monitoring in Hadron Therapy

M. Trovato, P. Solevi, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, G.Llosa
Poster at IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle (USA), November 2014.

Beam Model Inclusion Into Compton Camera Image Reconstruction

P. Solevi, I. Torres-Espallardo, John E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, G. Llosa, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, M. Trovato and J. F. Oliver
Poster at IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle (USA), November 2014

PET Detectors Using Continuous Crystals: a Simulation Study about Detector Limitations

J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, G. Llosá, F. Schneider, and S. I. Ziegler.
Talk at IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, Seattle (USA), November 2014

Towards a High-Resolution Full-Ring Small-Animal PET Based on Continuous Crystals and SiPMs

J. Barrio, J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova and G. Llosá..
Poster at 2014 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Seattle, November 2014.

Monte Carlo Validation of a Continuous Crystal Coupled to a SiPM array

Ane Etxebeste, John Barrio, Jorge Cabello, Carlos Lacasta, Josep F. Oliver, Magdalena Rafecas, Carles Solaz and Gabriela Llosá.
Poster at 2014 Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), Seattle, November 2014.

Detectors to monitor hadron therapy

G. Llosá
Invited talk. IVICFA Medical Physics Workshop. 31 Oct. 2014.

Developments for PET and Hadron Therapy applications

G. Llosá, J. F. Oliver., C. Lacasta, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, J. Barrio, K. Brzezinski, A. Etxebeste, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato. J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam. M. Rafecas. V. Stankova.
Talk. VI CPAN Days. Sevilla (Spain), 20-22 October 2014.

Compton telescope for dose monitoring in hadron therapy

G. Llosá, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J. F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato.
Talk. VI CPAN Days. Sevilla (Spain), 20-22 October 2014.

Development of a high resolution animal PET with continuous crystals and SiPMs

G. Llosá, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, A. Etxebeste, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, V. Stankova.
Invited talk. II Symposium on PET. Krakow (Poland), 21-24 September 2014.

Estimation of accidental coincidences in PET

J.F. Oliver, M. Rafecas
Invited talk. II Symposium on PET. Krakow (Poland), 21-24 September 2014.

AX-PET: from demonstrator towards a full-ring brain scanner

P. Solevi on behalf of AX-PET collaboration.
Invited talk. II Symposium on PET. Krakow (Poland), 21-24 September 2014.

European ENVISION project for improving timing resolution in PET systems

J. F. Oliver on behalf of ENVISION members
Invited talk. II Symposium on PET. Krakow (Poland), 21-24 September 2014.

Three-layer Compton Telescope with continuous LaBr3 crystals and SiPMs

G. Llosá, J. Cabello, J.E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo, M. Trovato.
Poster. III Mediterranean Thematic Workshop in Advanced Molecular Imaging. MEDAMI 2014. Alghero (Italy). 3-7 September 2014.

Recent developments in photodetection for medical applications

G. Llosá
Invited review talk. 7th International conference on new developments in photodetection (NDIP 2014). Tours, France, 30 Jun-4 Jul 2014.

A three layer Compton telescope for dose monitoring in hadron therapy

M. Trovato, J. Barrio, J. Cabello, J. E. Gillam, C. Lacasta, J.F. Oliver, M. Rafecas, C. Solaz, P. Solevi, V. Stankova, I. Torres-Espallardo and G. Llosa.
Poster presentation. ICTR-Physics for health in Europe, held in Geneve (Switzerland), February, 10-14.

Different detector concepts for several imaging scenarios: from hadrontherapy monitoring to clinical imaging

P. Solevi, I. Torres-Espallardo, J.E. Gillam, M. Trovato, J.F. Oliver, J. Cabello, G. LLosa, J. Barrio, C. Solaz, M. Rafecas, C. Lacasta
Talk at 2014 ICTR-Physics for health in Europe, held in Geneve (Switzerland), February, 10-14



Tesis doctorales
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Enhancing Compton camera performance for in-vivo hadrontherapy monitoring with advanced readout electronics (pdf)

Rita Viegas Botelho Correia Rego
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros.

Performance improvement in a Compton telescope for hadron therapy treatment monitoring (pdf)

Luis Alfredo Barrientos Mauriz
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros.

Studies of performance and background in a Compton camera for proton therapy treatment monitoring (pdf)

Marina Borja Lloret
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Ana Ros.


Improving Image Quality in a multi-plane Compton telescope for hadron therapy monitoring (pdf)

Jorge Roser Martínez
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Josep F. Oliver.


Development of a reconfigurable multi-plane Compton telescope for hadrontherapy dose monitoring (pdf)

Enrique Muñoz Albaladejo
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Josep F. Oliver.


Performance Enhancement of a Small Animal Positron Emission Tomograph based on Continuous Crystals and Silicon Photomultipliers (pdf)

Ane Etxebeste Barrena
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Josep. F. Oliver, Gabriela Llosá, José Bernabéu.

Development of high resolution and efficiency detectors based on Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) and continuous crystals for medical physics applications (pdf)

John Barrio Toala
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Gabriela Llosá, Carlos Lacasta.


Development of a data acquisition system using silicon detectors for PET applications (pdf)

Vera K. Stankova
Universidad de Valencia.
Supervisors: Dr. Vicente González, Dr. Carlos Lacasta and Dr. Gabriela Llosá


Study of a high-resolution PET system using a silicon detector probe (pdf)

K. Brzezinski
Universidad de Valencia
Supervisors: Dr. Magdalena Rafecas, Dr. Josep F. Oliver and Dr. J. E. Gillam


Joint Image and Motion Reconstruction for Positron Emission Tomography (pdf)

M. Blume
Fakultät für Informatik Technische Universität München
Supervisors: Prof. Nassier Navab and Dr. Magdalena Rafecas


Image Reconstruction and Correction Methods for MADPET-II Based on Monte Carlo Techniques (pdf)

I. Torres-Espallardo
Departament de Física Atòmica, Molecular o Nuclear, IFIC, Universitat de València - CSIC
Supervisors: Dr. Magdalena Rafecas and Prof. Sybille Ziegler

Tesis de máster y trabajos de investigación
Ir arriba


Optimization of image quality of a probe for Total-Body PET

Laura Navarro Cozcolluela
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Avanzada (Universidad de Valencia). July 2024.
Supervisors: A. Ros, R. Viegas.

Compton camera studies for radionuclide therapy

Cristina García Prado
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Avanzada (Universidad de Valencia). Apr-Sep 2024.
Supervisors: G. Llosá, K. Brzezinski.


Fast Monte Carlo simulations on GPUs for proton therapy treatment verification

César Andrés Pérez Robinson
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física de la Université Paris-Saclay (Large scale accelerators and lasers, Erasmus Mundus). Apr-Sep 2023.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González.


Estudio y cracterización de módulos detectores basados en Bromuro de Lantano para hadronterapia

Fernando López Berenguer
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Avanzada (Universidad de Valencia). Julio 2022.
Supervisor: G. Llosa, A. Ros.

Development of Deep Learning models to support Proton Range Verification in Hadron Therapy

Vicent Cano Caravaca
Trabajo fin de grado (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). Julio 2022.
Tutor académico: Jon Ander Gómez Adrián. Tutora externa: Gabriela Llosá.

Modelado del rendimiento de una cámara Compton mediante simulaciones de Monte Carlo y experimentos de validación

Angie Carolina Fonseca Vargas
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Avanzada. Apr-Sep 2022.
Supervisor: G. Llosa, F. Hueso-González.

Efecto de calcificaciones de próstata en dosimetrı́a de braquiterapia

Jaume Mingarro Carceller
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Apr-Sep 2022.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González, J. Vijande, F. Ballester, J. Pérez-Calatayud.

Caracterización de detectores gamma para su aplicación en monitorización de terapia hadrónica

Alba Meneses Felipe
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Apr-Sep 2022.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González.


Beca de colaboración JAE Intro

Alba Meneses Felipe
Instituto de Física Corpuscular. 1/10/2021-28/2/2022.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González.

Detección preventiva de colisiones en hadronterapia y radioterapia

Francisco Piqueras Guardiola
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Apr-Sep 2021.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González.

Monitorización de terapia hadrónica mediante detectores gamma

Luis Carlos Pinto Leite
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Apr-Sep 2021.
Supervisor: F. Hueso-González.


Beca de colaboración JAE Intro

Pablo Martín Luna
Instituto de Física Corpuscular. 1/9/2020-30/5/2021; 300 horas.
Supervisor: G. Llosá.


Evaluation of the ASIC PETsys for a scintillator-based Compton camera

Rita Viegas.
Erasmus+ traineeship. University of Coimbra-University of Valencia. Jan-Aug 2019.
Supervisor: G. Llosá.


Estudios del telescopio Compton para la monitorización de la terapia hadrónica

Marina Borja Lloret
Beca de colaboración JAE Intro. Sep-Nov 2018. 150 horas .
Supervisor: G. Llosá.

Study of the spatial resolution of a Compton Telescope for hadron-therapy monitorization.

Marina Borja Lloret
Trabajo de Investigación del Máster de Física Avanzada. Universidad de Valencia. Jul-Sep 2018. 150 horas.
Supervisor: Josep F. Oliver, A. Ros, G. Llosá.

Caracterización de detectores para física médica.

Ana Bueno Fernández
Prácticas curriculares en empresa Universitat de Valencia-ADEIT. Marzo-Junio 2018. 150 horas.
Supervisors: G. Llosá


Prácticas curriculares de grado en física.

Raúl Sánchez Sellas
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Julio-Septiembre 2017. 150 horas.
Supervisor: G. Llosá.

Readout of photomultipliers with MADDAQ

Eva Kalšek.
Erasmus+ traineeship. University of Ljubljana-University of Valencia. May-July 2017
Supervisor: G. Llosá.

Developement of detectors and algorithms for medical physics.

Raphael Silveira de Melo Martins
Trabajo Fin de Grado de Física. September 2017
Supervisors: Josep F. Oliver and V. Castillo.

Spatial resolution determination of medical devices by using Bayesian estimators.

Jorge Roser Martínez
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Avanzada. Julio 2017
Supervisors: Josep F. Oliver.

Estudios para la mejora de un telescopio Compton para terapia hadrónica.

Laura Granado Alonso
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Julio 2017
Supervisors: G. Llosá, R. Cibrián, A. Ros.

Caracterización de detectores para física médica.

Raphael Silveira de Melo Martins
Prácticas curriculares en empresa Universitat de Valencia-ADEIT. Marzo-Junio 2017. 150 horas.
Supervisors: G. Llosá

Caracterización de detectores para telescopios Compton para terapia hadrónica

Laura Granado Alonso
Prácticas extracurriculares en empresa Universitat de Valencia-ADEIT. Febrero-Mayo 2017. 300 horas.
Supervisors: G. Llosá


Caracterización de detectores para telescopios Compton en terapia hadrónica

Yolanda Martinez
Trabajo de investigación del Master de Física Médica. Septiembre 2016
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá

Caracterización de detectores de un telescopio Compton para terapia hadrónica

Mireia Hernandez
Prácticas en empresa Universitat de Valencia-ADEIT. Febrero-Julio 2016. 150 horas.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá


Caracterización de detectores para física médica

Salvador Bañuls Estruch
Prácticas en empresa Universitat de Valencia-ADEIT. Febrero-Julio 2016. 150 horas.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá


Caracterización y Simulación de un prototipo de telescopio Compton para monitorización de terapia hadrónica

Enrique Muñoz
Trabajo de Investigación del Máster de Física Avanzada. Universitat de Valencia, 2014.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá and Dr. Josep F. Oliver


The AX-PET principle applied to Hadron Therapy dose monitoring

Gabriel Reynes
Trabajo de Investigación del Máster de Física Médica. Universitat de Valencia, 2013.

Supervisors: Dr. P. Solevi and Dr. Josep F. Oliver

Performance studies of a Compton camera for treatment monitoring in hadron therapy

Pablo Botas
Trabajo de Investigación del Máster de Física Médica. Universitat de Valencia, 2013.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá


Development of a Data acquisition System for silicon Multipixel Detectors

Vera K. Stankova
Trabajo de Investigación del DEA. Universitat de Valencia. Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica. Septiembre 2012.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá

Caracterización y modelización de detectores basados en la tecnología Cristal Continuo/SiPM para escáneres de tomografía por emisión de positrones (pdf)

Ane Etxebeste
Trabajo de investigación de Master (6º año). Universitat de Valencia. Julio 2012.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá and Dr. Josep F. Oliver


Desarollo de un detector pixelado con fotomultiplicadores de silicio para tomografía por emisión de positrones

Antonio Crespo
Trabajo de investigación de Master (6º año). Universitat de Valencia. Septiembre 2011.
Supervisors: Dr. G. Llosá


Design and characterization of a small animal PET scanner using Monte-Carlo simulations

Josep Torres Oliver
Trabajo de investigación de Master (6º año). Universitat de Valencia. Septiembre 2008

Supervisors: Dr. M. Rafecas and Dr. Josep F. Oliver

Seminarios, cursos y otros
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Data publication: Inter-center comparison of proton range verification prototypes with an anthropomorphic head phantom

Berthold, Jonathan and Hueso-González, Fernando and Wohlfahrt, Patrick and Bortfeld, Thomas and Khamfongkhruea, Chirasak and Tattenberg, Sebastian and Zarifi, Melek and Verburg, Joost and Richter, Christian
RODARE, doi: 10.14278/rodare.3196

High-count rate photon detection with scintillators coupled to photomultiplier tubes and fast digitizers

García Rivas, Iris and Fernández Prieto, Antonio and Kögler, Toni and Roemer, Katja Ellen and Hueso González, Fernando
RODARE, doi: 10.14278/rodare.2807


Grupo IRIS

G. Llosá
Jornadas de Física Médica 2021. Instituto de Física Corpuscular. 18 Feb. 2021.

Técnica Compton en Imagen Médica.

G. Llosá
Seminario invitado en el HUiP La Fe, Valencia, 21/4/2021.


Imagen médica y terapia hadrónica.

G. Llosá
IFIC Summer Student Programme 2019. IFIC, Valencia, 4/7/2017.

Medical applications of SiPMs

G. Llosá
SENSE Detector school 2019. Ringberg Castle, Tegernsee, 19-22 June 2019.

Monitorización de la terapia hadrónica mediante fotones.

G. Llosá
Invited seminar at the detector talks of I3M. Valencia, 27/2/2019.

Aplicaciones médicas de la física nuclear y de partículas.

J.F. Oliver y G. Llosá
Curso para profesorado organizado por el CEFIRE Torrent: 'Actualización en conocimientos y didáctica de Física moderna' (código 18CT42IN003)). Aplicaciones médicas de la física nuclear y de partículas. Detectores para imagen médica. 2 horas. 25/2/2019.


Improvement of image reconstruction software for MACACO: a Compton camera.

Enrique Muñoz, Luis Barrientos, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Carlos Lacasta, Ricardo Marco, Josep F. Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz, Gabriela Llosá.
Poster at ENSAR-MediNet Network midterm meeting. Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, 12-14 March, 2018.

MACACO II: Upgrade and first results.

Gabriela Llosá, Luis Barrientos, John Barrio, José Bernabéu, Marina Borja-Lloret, John Barrio, Ane Etxebeste, Leticia Gabarda, Carlos Lacasta, Ricardo Marco, Enrique Muñoz, Josep F. Oliver, Ana Ros, Jorge Roser, Carles Solaz.
Talk at ENSAR-MediNet Network midterm meeting. Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, 12-14 March, 2018.

Aplicaciones médicas de la física nuclear y de partículas.

J.F. Oliver y G. Llosá
Curso para profesorado organizado por el CEFIRE Torrent: 'Actualización científica y Didáctica de la física de partículas en Educación Secundaria' (código 18TO77ES005). Aplicaciones médicas de la física nuclear y de partículas. Detectores para imagen médica. 2 horas. 14/5/2018.


Prompt gamma imaging for hadron therapy treatment monitoring.

G. Llosá
Invited seminars at the University of Bonn, Physikalisches Institut. Bonn, 23/11/2017.

Hadron therapy dose monitoring with a Compton Telescope based on LaBr3 and SiPMs

E. Muñoz
IFIC Student Seminar. IFIC, Valencia. 23/11/2017.

Imagen médica y terapia hadrónica.

G. Llosá
IFIC Summer Student Programme 2017. IFIC, Valencia, 17/7/2017.

Física médica

J.F. Oliver y G. Llosá
Curso para profesorado organizado por el CEFIRE Torrent: 'Actualización científica y Didáctica de la física de partículas en Educación Secundaria' (código 17TO77ES002). Tema 7. Física médica. Técnicas de física de partículas para explorar el cuerpo humano. Detectores de partículas aplicados a la medicina. Reconstrucción de imágenes del interior del cuerpo. 3 horas. 6/2/2017.


Imagen médica y terapia hadrónica.

G. Llosá
IFIC Summer Student Programme 2016. Valencia, 19/7/2016.

Medical imaging activities of the IRIS group at IFIC/IFIMED.

G. Llosá
Seminario invitado en el Instituto de Técnicas Energéticas (INTE). Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Barcelona, 3/6/2016.

Capítulos de libro
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Compton Cameras and Their Applications - Radiation Detection Systems (pdf)

J. Roser, F. Hueso-González, A. Ros, G. Llosá
Publisher: CRC Press, Editors: Jan S. Iwanczyk, Krzysztof Iniewski, 2021, pages 161--198


Medical Imaging - Nuclear Physics for Medicine (pdf)

F. Azaiez, D. Brasse, P. Cerello, C. La-Taille, A. Del-Guerra, P. Dendooven, W. Enghardt, F. Fiedler, I. Lazarus, G. Montemont, C. Morel, A. Murphy, J. F. Oliver, K. Parodi, M. Priegnitz, M. Rafecas, C. Scheidenberger, P. Solevi, P. G. Thirolf, I. Torres-Espallardo, J. M. Udias
Publisher: Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC), Editors: Azaiez F. and Bracco A. and Dobeš J. and Jokinen A. and Körner G.E and Maj A. and Murphy A. and Van Duppen P., 2011, pages 59--96

Algorithms for image reconstruction - Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine (pdf)

C. Hoeschen, M. Rafecas, T. Aspelmeier
Publisher: Springer, Editors: Cantone, M. C. and Hoeschen, Ch., 2011, pages 211--232

The PET magnifier probe - Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine (pdf)

C. Lacasta, N. H. Clinthorne, G. Llosá
Publisher: Springer, Editors: Cantone, M. C. and Hoeschen, Ch., 2011, pages 195--209

New trends in detectors for medical imaging - Radiation Physics for Nuclear Medicine (pdf)

G. Llosá, C. Lacasta
Publisher: Springer, Editors: Cantone, M. C. and Hoeschen, Ch., 2011, pages 175--191


Multicell Geiger-mode Avalanche Photodiodes: Silicon Photomultipliers - Semiconductor Radiation Detection Systems (pdf)

G. Llosá
Publisher: CRC Press, Editors: Iniewski, K., 2010

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Carlos Lacasta, Gabriela Llosá, Vera Stankova, José Bernabéu, Carles Solaz.
Utility model. Num. U201731615. En explotación por Alibava Systems. S.L.


Gabriela Llosá, Carlos Lacasta, John Barrio.
Patent request Num. P201930972 and PCT/ES2020/070678.

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Coding in ROOT with the horsepower of an F1

Fernando Hueso-González
Blog of CERN / ROOT, March 1st 2022.

¿Cuánto de física hay en la medicina?

Fernando Hueso-González
Blog de divulgación del IFIC - "Entre científic@s", 12 Enero 2021.

Cuando física y medicina van de la mano.

G. Llosá
Dissemination talk in the Ciclo de Conferencias 'Al voltant de la ciencia' del Ayuntamiento de La Eliana. La Eliana, 22 Marzo 2019.