Botanic Garden Map and Rooms
To get a map with the distribution of rooms click here.To get the distribution of rooms for the different events click here.
IMPORTANT !!! Coffee breaks will be served besides ESTUFA FREDA
Protect your belongings inside and outside the garden
Don't leave your bags unattended. Just a reminder that our workshop is in an urban setting. We recommend you do not leave your backpack, laptop, etc unattended inside the garden, since the Botanic Garden is a public place. Valencia is a safe city but remember than tourist/foreiners are always attractive to thieves.For speakers
Speakers should upload their talks (in PDF or PPT format) in advance to the Nufact08 INDICO site. You should follow the following instructions:
1. Go to the INDICO site (click here)
2. Login (top-right corner) with a generic username and password that will be provided by email.
3. Click on INDICO programme (on the left menu)
4. Locate your talk and click on the third red icon starting from the left besides the time (submit material). The icon is .
5. Upload your talk in PPT or PDF format, indicating the type (PPT or PDF). For example:
6. Logout (top-right corner)
For poster presenters

The space available for each poster is approximately 150 cm height by 100 cm width, as you can see on the picture.
We encourage all
poster presenters to upload their posters to the Nufact08 INDICO site, following the instructions above.
Please use the number on the poster programme web page (link) to identify your poster. For example the poster
"Neutrino factory optimization for non-standard interactions", with ID 6 could be called poster_6.pdf.
Posters will be displayed on Tuesday evening while a light informal dinner is served.
You should bring the physical version of your poster to l'Estufa Freda on Tuesday at
19:00 o'clock with the ID written somewhere. All posters should be ready to show at 19:30
On site registration

Registration will start on June 30th at 8:00. Try to be there on time since the first talk by Prof. Murayama will start at 9 o'clock. The registration desk will be located in the Auditorium entrance (see picture on the right). Although credit card payment might be available (not clear yet) we encourage all participants who have to pay the registraion fee and/or the social programme, to pay in cash.
Wireless internet connection
Wireless internet connection will be available in all the garden surface though the EDUROAM system
Eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is the roaming infrastructure used by the international
research and education community that provides the eduroam user experience: open your laptop and be online.
Being part of eduroam allows users to access a wireless network at a visited institution
(also connected to eduroam) simply using the same credentials (for instance, username and password)
the users would use if they were at their home institution.
Unfortunately Eduroam is not available for all institutions yet. We encourage all Nufact08 participants
affiliated to institutions where Eduroam is not available to press their institution to join the Eduroam network.
An alternative solution will be provided for those users (ask for login and password to the Nufact08 secretary,
who will be available at the Auditorium entrance at all times).
Entrance to the garden
There are two entrances to the garden:
The visitors entrance: by default an euro should be paid to enter the garden. To avoid that you should either show your Nufact08 batch or indicate your name to the recepcionist (he will have the list of participants).
The Auditorium entrance: this is the entrance you should use in the morning. The Nufact08 secretaria will be available
there at all times
All lunches will be served inside the Botanic Garden, besides "l'Estufa Freda", from 13:00 to 15:00. It will be buffet style, what means that you are not forced to be there at 13:00 sharp. Nevertheless we encourage all participants to take their lunch as soon as possible. Afternnon sessions will start at 15:00 sharp
Water dispensers
A bottle of water will be available for each participant at each coffee break. In addition there will be a water dispenser in each of the conference rooms, which can be freely used at any time.