Some personal items
I use this page to store various objects I like: short stories, bits and pieces I found here and there, proposals to improve the world... I am afraid not everything is readable to everyone. I am working on the translations.
My favourites:
- The lyrics of Jacques Brel's song 'De Burgerij' (the original Dutch text, that is)
- A link to some of Julio Cortazar's short stories. He's the guy on the photo at the top of the page. There's plenty of his writings all over the web, including good translations of his work. Therefore, I will not add my own translations.
- Pere Calders short stories. This writer is notorious in Catalunya, more or less known in Spain, and essentially unknown in the rest of the world. His short stories are absolutely brilliant. Several collections exist (I would recommend tria personal). There are paperback editions by Edicions 62. Translations in many languages exist. He also wrote some novels, but they seem to be out of print.
I translated a few of his stories to Dutch:
Short stories. There's just a few of them and they tend to be a bit rough around the edges. Here they are, anyway :
Proposals (written entirely in Dutch). These are a series of proposals to improve the world that I am working on (on rainy days when I have nothing better to do). I have many of them, but most need a lot of work. Here, all help is welcome. It's a big job and we have way too few rainy days in Valencia. Please, send me proposals if you have them. As soon as I have enough of them I will translate them.