Astroparticle and High Energy Physics Marie Curie Training Site at Valencia


The Astroparticle and High Energy Physics Group at the Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC/CSIC) of the University of Valencia has been granted the status of an officially recognized and financedTraining site on Particle Physics Beyond the Standard Model  of the European Commission within the present V Framework program. We have up to 12 vacancies to be filled in the period 2000-2004. The first application deadline is January 10, 2001.  The next application deadlines are June 29, 2001 and September 28, 2001, respectively. Candidates must be students engaged in research towards their PhD at their home institution. Note however, that the EC fellowship is compatible with keeping the national PhD fellowships in the home country. Applicants must  obey the European Community regulations. These imply that they should  be 35 years old or less and be nationals of a European Union member state (excluding Spain) or an  associated state , or have been residing in the Community for at least the last five years. Furthermore, they should not have carried out a reasearch activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the last two years.  Candidates should preferrably be third or fourth year students with basic knowledge of particle physics and/or cosmology/astrophysics and some computer skills. In addition, applicants should send a brief CV listing personal data, publications and a brief description of research interests, as well as one recommendation letter addressed to

Prof. J. W. F. Valle
Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular - U. de Valencia/CSIC
Edificio Institutos de Paterna
Apartado de Correos  2085
46071 Valencia
Tel/fax +34 96 3983520

A xerox of passport should also be faxed. The candidates are expected to join the group's main research lines as part of their PhD Thesis work. We are an excellence group and hold a variety of collaboration agreements such as the European Commission Research Training network on Physics Across the Present Energy Frontier: Probing the Origin of Mass. Moreover we coordinate the Neutrino Astrophysics Network of the European Science Foundation. Over the past ten years we have hosted a large number of International Workshops as well as postdoctoral fellows and visiting scientists. The AHEP group offers an equal opportunities environment.