How to come to IFIC

From Ayre Hotel Astoria Palace


The simplest way to reach IFIC is to take a taxi. Outside rush hours it can take 15-20 minutes and the fare can be around 15-20 euros. Tell the driver to go to: “Institutos de investigación de Paterna, detrás de Canal Nou”.


You can also take subway. The closest stop to the hotel is 'Colón' (see map) and you get off at stop "TVV"

The institute is three minutes away walking in the same direction as the incoming tram

(more information bellow)








Step 1: From Colón to Àngel Guimerà

Trains bound: Riba-roja de Túria, Av. del Cid, Aeroport

Step 2: From Àngel Guimerà to Empalme

Trains bound: Paterna, Llíria, Seminari - CEU, Bétera, Empalme

Step 3: From Empalme to TVV

Trains bound: Ll. Llarga - Terramelar, Mas del Rosari

Check Metrovalencia subway timetables here

Workshop on Top physics at the LC 2015

Valencia - Spain, 29 June - 3 July 2015