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de Física Matemática y Física Teórica de Altas Energías,
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Prof. L. J. Boya
Prof. E.A. Bergshoeff
Prof. E. Ivanov
Prof. I. Bars
Prof. P. Salgado
Prof. P.K. Townsend
Prof. J.A. de Azcárraga and Prof. J.M. Figueroa O'Farrill
Introduction to supersymmetry: a short course
Plan of the course (tentative)
1. Simple and extended Poincaré supersymmetry: motivations, definitions,
notation. The no-go Coleman-Mandula theorem and how it is evaded in extended
susy. 4D-susy via dimensional reduction from D > 4; central charges.
Examples of susy realizations on fields: physical and auxiliary fields,
on-shell and off-shell realizations. Non-linear realizations of
spontaneously broken supersymmetry.
9. Some uses of superconformal symmetries in diverse dimensions. Conformal/AdS superalgebras. A simple example: conformal and superconformal mechanics. Tensorial superspace and its generalized superconformal symmetry OSp(1|8). Higher spins from non-linear realizations of OSp(1|8). [Note. This course forms part of the Programa de doctorado de calidad del Tercer Ciclo del Departamento de Física Teórica de la Universitat de València, granted by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Third cycle students wishing to find reasonably priced accomodation may contact the Dept. secretary alicia.salva@uv.es for information (the actual reservation will have to be made by the participants themselves) ]