So, you want to make a Web Page!
Lesson 6 - Last one!

Here are some excellent materials that you may want to have a look at.

Table Tutor, Form Tutor and Frames Tutor
When you're past the basics and are ready to add a few high octane components to your web page, these three tutorials will take you step by step through the tags.
The HTML Reference Library
An outstanding html guide and reference source in windows HELP format. I use it all the time. You may even want to visit their homepage.
Beginner's Guide to HTML
A good concise guide that explains the basics very well. I keep a copy and still refer to it on occasion.
Barebones Guide to HTML
Another outstanding guide that you will want to keep within easy reach. (This reference is also included as part of this tutorial package. Access it locally here.)
HTML Elements List
For the technoids. From Sandia National Laboratories. A very, very complete listing of html tags.
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
A great source of information touching on all aspects of web and site design.

If you need stuff for your pages... backgrounds, bullets, images, sounds, JavaScript or whatever, come by our Web Page Resources section. Help yourself to armloads of stuff!

If you would like to add a link to the Professional Web Design site, you are welcome to use the following...

This site designed with
a little help from:
Professional Web Design
HTML authoring tutorials

Just grab the above image, save it as proweb1.gif, and paste the following HTML code into your page...

<FONT SIZE=2 FACE="Arial">This site designed with<BR>
a little help from:<BR>
<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="proweb1.gif" ALT="Professional Web Design"
<I>HTML authoring tutorials</I></FONT>

Or if you prefer to just use the image...

Professional Web Design

<A HREF="">
<IMG SRC="proweb1.gif" ALT="Professional Web Design"

Make sure that proweb1.gif is in the same directory as your page.

(These are just suggestions. You can, of course, link any way you want or not at all. You can stand on top of a bus and point at me if you want.)


Introduction Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Index

Quick Reference
A listing of important topics discussed in this tutorial along with a few brief examples.
In addition, all outside links referenced in this tutorial are listed below.

Text related items

Make text bold
Make italics
Monospaced font
Change font size (sizes:1-7)
<FONT SIZE=5>xxxxx</FONT>
Change the font name (face)
Change the font color
<FONT COLOR="#0000FF"> xxxxx</FONT>
The rollercoaster!
The Handy Dandy Font Viewer
Color Picker
Background colors
<BODY BGCOLOR="#xxxxxx">
Change text, link, etc color for whole page <BODY BGCOLOR="#xxxxxx" TEXT="#xxxxxx" LINK="#xxxxxx" VLINK="#xxxxxx" ALINK="#xxxxxx">
Line breaks <BR>
Paragraph break <P>
Space code (special character for a space) &nbsp;
Six main special characters
A whole bucketful of special characters
Multiple blank lines &nbsp;<BR>
Tags in combination-
Overlapping vs Nested tags
More about
Overlapping vs Nested tags

Background images
<BODY BACKGROUND="xxxxx.gif">
(or .jpg)
Save an image off of a page
Inserting images
<IMG SRC="xxxxx.gif" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=456>
Image sources (SRC) explained in detail
Making an image a link
<A HREF="http://xxxxx"><IMG SRC="xxxxx.gif" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=456></A>
Get rid of the blue border around an image link
<A HREF="http://xxxxx"> <IMG SRC="xxxxx.gif" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=456 BORDER=O></A>
About image sizes
Using thumbnails
Make lines out of a 2x2 dot
The incredible Gif Wizard!
About Netscape's 216 colors
Netscape's 216 color chart 

Add a link <A HREF="http://xxxxx">abcdefg</A>
Add an email link
<A HREF=""> abcdefg</A>
Making an image a link
<A HREF="http://xxxxx"><IMG SRC="xxxxx.gif" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=456></A>
Get rid of the blue border around an image link<A HREF="http://xxxxx"><IMG SRC="xxxxx.gif" WIDTH=123 HEIGHT=456 BORDER=O></A>
Using thumbnail images
Link to a particular section of a page <A HREF="http://xxxxx#CHEESEWIZ"> abcdefg</A>
Formatting tools

Centering stuff <CENTER>xxxxx</CENTER>
Line breaks <BR>
Paragraph break <P>
Pull in your margins with <BLOCKQUOTE>
Ordered and Unordered lists
<UL> (or OL)
<LI>List item
Definition list
<DT>Definition title
<DD>Definition item
Horizontal Rule
<HR ALIGN=left|right|center WIDTH=80% SIZE=3 NOSHADE>
The <PRE>formatting tag

Skeleton HTML document- minimum tags required
<TITLE>My big ole bad page!</TITLE>
Background colors
<BODY BGCOLOR="#xxxxxx">
Document Title <TITLE>My Big ole bad page!</TITLE>
Background images
BACKGROUND="xxxxx.gif" (or .jpg)
Tags in combination-
Overlapping vs Nested tags
More about
Overlapping vs Nested tags
About Netscape's 216 colors
Netscape's 216 color chart 
Space code (special character for a space) &nbsp;
Six main special characters
A whole bucketful of special characters
Centering stuff <CENTER>xxxxx</CENTER>
Multiple blank lines &nbsp;<BR>
Absolute vs Relative URLs
About screen resolution
Comment tag <!--This is a comment-->
Save document as an HTML file
Save an image off of a page
About files & file extensions
Color Picker

A listing of links given in this tutorial

HTML editors- CMed, HTMLpad and HTML Notepad
Paint Shop Pro
Netscape Navigator
Background color codes
Netscape's 216 colors
HTML Special Characters
HTML Quick Reference Guide
Cute FTP
Web Wizard.
Top 10 ways to tell if you have a sucky homepage
Do's and Don'ts of web site design
Table Tutor, Form Tutor and Frames Tutor
The HTML Reference Library and their homepage
Beginner's Guide to HTML
Barebones Guide to HTML
HTML Elements List from Sandia National Laboratories
The Web Developer's Virtual Library
Raspberry Hill Publishing
ZDnet Software Library


That's all folks !!!!