Scientific programme
The main focus of the international Nufact08 neutrino school is neutrino oscillation physics, with an emphasis in new future facilities such as super-beams, beta-beams and muon-neutrino beams. This year edition will develop over a period of three weeks. The first two will take place at the Pedro Pascual Science Center, at Benasque, a scientific center and resort located at the Pyrenees. The program will consist on morning lectures (three hours per day) and afternoon tutorials. Lectures will be evenly split between theory, experimental issues and accelerator physics, a unique feature of this school. The third week will take place in Valencia and will consist of a "Mock data analysis week", where students will be presented to a Monte Carlo generated set of data (with unknown values for the oscillation mixing matrix). Analysis tools will be explained during day one, analysis will proceed during days 2-4, with papers being submitted to referees up to midnight of day four. Truth will be revealed on day five.