Pre-Tutorial Exercises

The material for this Tutorial is located on several pages that are linked from here. Additionally, a number of exercises have been prepared which you should complete before arriving at IFIC. These are to ensure that your CERN LXPLUS account is correctly configured and also to give you some prior experience with the tools.

Most importantly, however, you will need to obtain a Grid Certificate, which must be correctly imported into LXPLUS. Without it you will be unable to do any of the exercises. The procedure to obtain one sometimes takes several days, so you must apply for one immediately if you don't have one already.

Please work through the pages linked below before you arrive.

If you do not have a computing account at CERN (LXPLUS) you must request one immediately through e-mail.

If you have any problems with any of the steps in these pages, please send an e-mail before the Tutorial starts.

Exercise 1: How to get a Grid Certificate

Exercise 2: Running a Grid Job

Exercise 3: Running Athena on the Grid

During the Tutorial, we will be using Tutorial agenda. You are welcome to look through some exercices before you arrive. Please note that we will be testing the exercises right up to the day of tutorial, so they are subject to change.