How to get a Grid Certificate

Before submitting jobs to the Grid, you must have a valid grid certificate. For that purpose, you need to request a certificate from your country's Certification Authority (CA), a list of which can be found here . When you arrive at your CA's site then follow the instructions. Once the local representative has approved your request, you will follow instructions explaining how to import the certificate. You must use the same computer to do all these steps as you used to make the request.

Now, do the following:

and you should be asked for your password, and a proxy certificate, which is valid for 12 hours, created. You must always have a valid proxy in place for your jobs to run. If it expires, so do the jobs. To make a longer certificate, you can do:

$ voms-proxy-init --valid hh:mm

Go to this page and click on the link marked "LCG Registration Form". Fill in the electronic details. Your Virtual Organisation is called "atlas". For this process to work, you must be registered at CERN as an ATLAS user - your application will be rejected otherwise. If your registration is accepted, your memebership of the ATLAS VO will be activated and a confirmatory e-mail sent to you.