The program is divided in 9 differents devices and 3 differents
SAW. The SAW #1 is for bonding the devices D1, D2,
D3 and D7, SAW #2 is for bonding the devices D4, D5,
D6 and D8 and the SAW #3 is for bonding the device D9.
Devices D1 to D6: This is for bonding from CHIP to FANIN.
For placing the references see the pictures chip References and Fanin references.
For each device there are two group of wires, in this case group 1 for low
loop and group 2 for high loop. Click into the red box to see the value of
the differents parameters.
Device D7: This is for bonding from FANIN 1 to 1st DETECTOR.
For placing the references see the pictures Fanin
references and detector references. For this device there are two group of wires, in this
case group 3 for low loop and group 4 for high loop. Click into the red box
to see the value of the differents parameters.
Device D8: This is for bonding from FANIN 2 to 1st DETECTOR.
For placing the references see the pictures Fanin
references and detector references. For this device there are two group of wires, in this
case group 3 for low loop and group 4 for high loop. Click into the red box
to see the value of the differents parameters.
Device D9: This is for bonding from 1st DETECTOR to 2nd DETECTOR.
For placing the references see the pictures 1st
TOP, 1st BOTTOM, 2nd
TOP and 2nd BOTTOM. For this device
there are two group of wires, in this case group 5 for low loop and group
6 for high loop. Click into the red box to see the value of the differents