
The module Solvers contains the functions to invert the Dirac operator as well as functions to obtain specific propagators.


The function CG! implements the Conjugate gradient algorith for the operator A

function CG!(si, U, A, dpar::DiracParam, lp::SpaceParm, dws::DiracWorkspace{T}, maxiter::Int64 = 10, tol=1.0)

Solves the linear equation Ax = si


where the tolerance is normalized with respect to $|$$si$$|^2$. The operator A must have the same input structure as all the Dirac operators. If the maximum number of iterations maxiter is reached, the function will throw an error. The estimation for $A^{-1}x$ is stored in $si$, and the number of iterations is returned.

Note that all the fermion field in $dws$ are used inside the function and will be modified. In particular, the final residue is given by $|$$$$|^2$.


In this file, we define a couple of useful functions to obtain certain propagators.

function propagator!(pro,U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace,  lp::SpaceParm, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, y::NTuple{4,Int64}, c::Int64, s::Int64)

Saves the fermionic progapator in pro for a source at point y with color c and spin s. If the last three arguments are replaced by time::Int64, the source is replaced by a random source in spin and color at t = time.


Internally, this function solves the equation

\[ D_w^\dagger D_w \psi = \gamma_5 D_w \gamma_5 \eta\]

where $\eta$ is either a point-source with the specified color and spin or a random source in a time-slice and stores the value in $pro$. To solve this equation, the CG! function is used.

For the case of SF boundary conditions, we have the boundary-to-bulk propagator, implemented by the function bndpropagator!

function bndpropagator!(pro,U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)

Saves the propagator from the t=0 boundary to the bulk for the SF boundary conditions for a source with color 'c' and spin 's' in 'pro'. The factor c_t is included while the factor 1/sqrt(V) is not. For the propagator from T to the bulk, use the function Tbndpropagator(U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)


This propagator is defined by the equation:

\[D_W S(x) = \frac{c_t}{\sqrt{V}} \delta_{x_0,1} U_0^\dagger(0,\vec{x}) P_+\]

The analog for the other boundary is implemented in the function Tbndpropagator!

function Tbndpropagator!(pro, U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)

Returns the propagator from the t=T boundary to the bulk for the SF boundary conditions for a source with color 'c' and spin 's'. The factor c_t is included while the factor 1/sqrt(V) is not. For the propagator from t=0 to the bulk, use the function bndpropagator(U, dpar::DiracParam{T}, dws::DiracWorkspace, lp::SpaceParm{4,6,1,D}, maxiter::Int64, tol::Float64, c::Int64, s::Int64)


defined by the equation:

\[D_W R(x) = \frac{c_t}{\sqrt{V}} \delta_{x_0,T-1} U_0(T-1,\vec{x}) P_-\]

Where $P_\pm = (1 \pm \gamma_0)/2$. The boundary-to-boundary propagator

\[ - \frac{c_t}{\sqrt{V}} \sum_\vec{x} U_0 ^\dagger (T-1,\vec{x}) P_+ S(T-1,\vec{x})\]

is computed by the function bndtobnd

function bndtobnd(bndpro, U, dpar, dws, lp)

Returns the boundary to boundary propagator of the Schrodinger functional given that bndpro is the propagator from t = 0 to the bulk, given by the function bndpropagator!.
