|  | In these pages some useful information can be found on our study of the ATLAS discovery reach for several final states of the Left Right Twin Higgs model. In particular, some links to presentations are provided, as well as tables of numbers relevant for this study. |
The Left Right Twin Higgs model proposes a solution to the hierarchy problem of the Standard Model of fundamental interactions. The Left Right symmetry removes the quadratic divergence of the radiative corrections to the Higgs mass. Among the phenomenological consequences of the model are heavy counterparts for the Standard Model gauge bosons (except the photon) and for the top quark. For several final states the ATLAS discovery potential is being investigated. The links below lead to pages where some preliminary results are presented for two of them: the decay of a several TeV Z_H boson into an electron and positron, and the cascade decay of W_H. The analysis concentrates on a few points in parameter space. The page on benchmark points provides the details.
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