#Var Var name Var description #1 tReco (real) Reconstructed proper time #2 tErr (real) Reconstructed proper time error #3 tTrue (real) MC true proper time #4 pTagB (real) Reconstructed tagging B flavor probability: 1 = tag is B, 0 = tag is Bbar or no decision (can be distinguised by Tagging Category) Important: the tag is referred to the flavor of the B used for tagging, not the state of the same B at initial time #5 pTagBTru (real) MC true tagging B flavor probability #6 tagCatRaw (integer) Raw Tagging Category: 0=No Tag. Other values will be defined once B tagger will be available #7 pRecB (real) Reconstructed B flavor probability: for selftagging modes 1 = reco is B, 0 = reco is Bbar for CP or not selftagging modes = 0 (can be distinguised from Bbar by signal type -brecMode-) #8 pRecBTru (real) MC true B flavor probability #9 brecMode (integer) Code for B reconstructed mode: 1010 = B0->K*0 gamma, K*0->K+pi- 1020 = Bs->phi gamma, phi->K+K- #10 mB (real) Reconstructed B mass #11 helicity (real) Reconstructed helicity #12 BDT (real) Reconstructed BDT #13 runNumber (integer) Run number #14 evtId (integer) Event ID number