#!/usr/bin/perl #################################################################### # minimal script for compiling final states list table for the note # Author Nicola Neri # email nicola.neri@mi.infn.it # INFN - Milano # July 2011 #################################################################### $outfile = "table_final_state_list_v2.tex"; print "outfile = $outfile \n"; # betagamma values of the CM boost @betagamma= ( 0.24, 0.56, 0.90 ); # Efficiencies are calculated with FastSim (geometrical efficiency from true MC) @Eff_Kpi= ( 0.77, 0.74, 0.66 ); @Eff_KK= ( 0.77, 0.74, 0.66 ); # For the moment it is assumed to be the same as Kpi @Eff_Klnu= ( 0.77, 0.74, 0.66 ); # For the moment it is assumed to be the same as Kpi @Eff_Kspi0= ( 0.43, 0.40, 0.36 ); @Eff_Kspipi= ( 0.67, 0.58, 0.47 ); # Number of events for 75ab-1 at Upsilon(4S) from white paper # arXiv:1008.1541v1 [hep-ex] $N_KK_FourS = 13.7e6; $N_pipi_FourS = 5.9e6; # Extrapolation from Belle D0->Kspi0 measurement arXiv:1101.3365v2 [hep-ex] # since it is a different selection (optimized for integrated CPV search) and experiment it is not directly comparable # with N_CPPlus_Fours number. Probably should be adjusted. $N_Kspi0_FourS = 30.9e6; $N_CPPlus_FourS = $N_KK_FourS + $N_pipi_FourS; $N_CPMinus_FourS = $N_Kspi0_FourS; # arXiv:hep-ex/0703020a $N_Kpi_RS_FourS = 222.9e6; $N_Kspipi_FourS = 86.6e6; #Extrapolation from BaBar measurement arXiv:1004.5053v3 [hep-ex] # From Phys. Rev. D 76, 052005 (2007) BaBar 75 fb-1 D0->K-e+nu_e # note that the single tag won't be the best approach for selecting WS double semileptionic event at the Ups(4S). # Too high bkg. We should use charm tagged events. A techique already used in BaBar. $N_lX_lX_RS_FourS = 85.3e6; # value of mixing parameters from HFAG 2011 (CPV allowed results) # See http://www.slac.stanford.edu/xorg/hfag/charm/CHARM10/results_mix+cpv.html $x = 0.65e-2; $y = 0.74e-2; $xSq_Plus_ySq = $x*$x+$y*$y; $RD = 0.33e-2; ##Number of events extrapolated from CLEOc experiment results # arXiv:0802.2268v2 [hep-ex] on 0.281 fb-1 for semileptonic and CP tags $scale_factor1 = 500/0.281; $N_lX_CPPlus_FromCLEO = 320*$scale_factor1; $N_lX_CPMinus_FromCLEO = 385*$scale_factor1; $N_lX_Kpi_RS_FromCLEO = 2350*$scale_factor1; $N_Kpi_Kpi_RS_FromCLEO = 600*$scale_factor1; # make the assumption here that we have the same number as in Kpi_Kpi. No numbers from CLEOc # BR (D0->K(*)enu) = (3.55+2.16)x10-2 # BR (D0->K-pi+) = (3.87)x10-2 $N_lX_lX_RS_FromCLEO = $N_Kpi_Kpi_RS_FromCLEO; $N_CPPlus_Kpi_FromCLEO = 174*$scale_factor1; $N_CPMinus_Kpi_FromCLEO = 164*$scale_factor1; $N_CPPlus_CPMinus_FromCLEO = 52*$scale_factor1; # arXiv:0903.1681v1 [hep-ex] on 0.818 fb-1 for Kspipi modes $scale_factor2 = 500/0.818; $N_lX_Kspipi_FromCLEO = 1356*$scale_factor2; $N_CPPlus_Kspipi_FromCLEO = 186*$scale_factor2; $N_CPMinus_Kspipi_FromCLEO = 189*$scale_factor2; $N_Kspipi_Kspipi_FromCLEO = 475*$scale_factor2; # Correction for changes in efficiencies due to different boost values # assume that the efficiency at betagamma = 0.24 is identical as the one we have at CLEOc with betagamma = 0 for ($i=0; $i<3; $i++){ $N_lX_CPPlus[$i] = $N_lX_CPPlus_FromCLEO*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]*$Eff_KK[$i]/$Eff_KK[0]; printf "N_lX_CPPlus[$i] = %d \n" , $N_lX_CPPlus[$i]; $N_lX_CPMinus[$i] = $N_lX_CPMinus_FromCLEO*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]*$Eff_Kspi0[$i]/$Eff_Kspi0[0]; printf "N_lX_CPMinus[$i] = %d \n" , $N_lX_CPMinus[$i]; $N_lX_Kpi[$i]= $N_lX_Kpi_RS_FromCLEO*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]*$Eff_Kpi[$i]/$Eff_Kpi[0]; printf "N_lX_Kpi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_lX_Kpi[$i]; $N_lX_Kspipi[$i] = $N_lX_Kspipi_FromCLEO*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]*$Eff_Kspipi[$i]/$Eff_Kspipi[0]; printf "N_lX_Kspipi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_lX_Kspipi[$i]; $N_lX_lX[$i] = $N_lX_lX_RS_FromCLEO*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]*$Eff_Klnu[$i]/$Eff_Klnu[0]; printf "N_lX_lX[$i] = %d \n" , $N_lX_lX[$i]; $N_Kpi_Kpi[$i] = $N_Kpi_Kpi_RS_FromCLEO*$Eff_Kpi[$i]/$Eff_Kpi[0]*$Eff_Kpi[$i]/$Eff_Kpi[0]; printf "N_Kpi_Kpi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_Kpi_Kpi[$i]; $N_CPPlus_Kpi[$i] = $N_CPPlus_Kpi_FromCLEO*$Eff_KK[$i]/$Eff_KK[0]*$Eff_Kpi[$i]/$Eff_Kpi[0]; printf "N_CPPlus_Kpi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_CPPlus_Kpi[$i]; $N_CPMinus_Kpi[$i] = $N_CPMinus_Kpi_FromCLEO*$Eff_Kspi0[$i]/$Eff_Kspi0[0]*$Eff_Kpi[$i]/$Eff_Kpi[0]; printf "N_CPMinus_Kpi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_CPMinus_Kpi[$i]; $N_CPPlus_CPMinus[$i] = $N_CPPlus_CPMinus_FromCLEO*$Eff_KK[$i]/$Eff_KK[0]*$Eff_Kspi0[$i]/$Eff_Kspi0[0]; printf "N_CPPlus_CPMinus[$i] = %d \n" , $N_CPPlus_CPMinus[$i]; $N_CPPlus_Kspipi[$i] = $N_CPPlus_Kspipi_FromCLEO*$Eff_Kspi0[$i]/$Eff_Kspi0[0]*$Eff_Kspipi[$i]/$Eff_Kspipi[0]; printf "N_CPPlus_Kspipi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_CPPlus_Kspipi[$i]; $N_CPMinus_Kspipi[$i] = $N_CPMinus_Kspipi_FromCLEO*$Eff_Kspi0[$i]/$Eff_Kspi0[0]*$Eff_Kspipi[$i]/$Eff_Kspipi[0]; printf "N_CPMinus_Kspipi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_CPMinus_Kspipi[$i]; $N_Kspipi_Kspipi[$i] = $N_Kspipi_Kspipi_FromCLEO*$Eff_Kspipi[$i]/$Eff_Kspipi[0]*$Eff_Kspipi[$i]/$Eff_Kspipi[0]; printf "N_Kspipi_Kspipi[$i] = %d \n" , $N_Kspipi_Kspipi[$i]; } open (OUTFILE,">$outfile") || die "cannot open $outfile: $!\n"; print OUTFILE "\\begin{table} \n"; print OUTFILE "\\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|} \n"; print OUTFILE "\\hline \n"; print OUTFILE "Selected & \$ \\Upsilon(4S)\$ & \$\\Psi(3770)\$ & \$\\Psi(3770)\$ & \$\\Psi(3770)\$ \\\\ \n"; print OUTFILE "decays & 75\\invab & 0.5\\invab, \$\\beta\\gamma=0.238\$ & 0.5\\invab, \$\\beta\\gamma=0.56\$ & 0.5\\invab, \$\\beta\\gamma=0.91\$\\\\ \n"; print OUTFILE " &N/RMS(\$\\tau\$) & N/RMS(\$\\tau\$) & N/RMS(\$\\tau\$) & N/RMS(\$\\tau\$)\\\\ \\hline \n"; printf OUTFILE "\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$, \$CP+\$ & $N_CPPlus_FourS & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_lX_CPPlus[0], $N_lX_CPPlus[1], $N_lX_CPPlus[2] ; printf OUTFILE "\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$, \$CP-\$ & $N_CPMinus_FourS & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_lX_CPMinus[0], $N_lX_CPMinus[1], $N_lX_CPMinus[2] ; printf OUTFILE "\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$, \$K^\\pm\\pi^\\mp\$ & $N_Kpi_RS_FourS & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_lX_Kpi[0], $N_lX_Kpi[1], $N_lX_Kpi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$, \$K^0_S\\pi^+\\pi^-\$ & $N_Kspipi_FourS & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n" , $N_lX_Kspipi[0], $N_lX_Kspipi[1], $N_lX_Kspipi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$, \$l^\\mp X^\\pm\$ & $N_lX_lX_RS_FourS & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_lX_lX[0], $N_lX_lX[1], $N_lX_lX[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$K^\\mp\\pi^\\pm\$, \$K^\\pm\\pi^\\mp\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_Kpi_Kpi[0], $N_Kpi_Kpi[1], $N_Kpi_Kpi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$CP+\$, \$K^\\mp\\pi^\\pm\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_CPPlus_Kpi[0], $N_CPPlus_Kpi[1], $N_CPPlus_Kpi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$CP-\$, \$K^\\mp\\pi^\\pm\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_CPMinus_Kpi[0], $N_CPMinus_Kpi[1], $N_CPMinus_Kpi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$CP+\$, \$CP-\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_CPPlus_CPMinus[0], $N_CPPlus_CPMinus[1], $N_CPPlus_CPMinus[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$CP+\$, \$K^0_S\\pi^+\\pi^-\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_CPPlus_Kspipi[0], $N_CPPlus_Kspipi[1], $N_CPPlus_Kspipi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$CP-\$, \$K^0_S\\pi^+\\pi^-\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_CPMinus_Kspipi[0], $N_CPMinus_Kspipi[1], $N_CPMinus_Kspipi[2]; printf OUTFILE "\$K^0_S\\pi^+\\pi^-\$, \$K^0_S\\pi^+\\pi^-\$ & N/A & %d & %d & %d \\\\ \n", $N_Kspipi_Kspipi[0], $N_Kspipi_Kspipi[1], $N_Kspipi_Kspipi[2]; print OUTFILE "\\hline \n"; print OUTFILE "\\end{tabular} \n"; print OUTFILE "\\caption{Expected number of events and proper time resolution as a function of the reconstructed decays. For the run at \$\\Psi(3770)\$ we assume an integrated luminosity of 0.5\\invab and we consider 3 scenarios for the CM boost, from 0.238 up to 0.91. The label ``\$l^\\pm X^\\mp\$'' for the \$\\Upsilon(4S)\$ run should be read as ``at \$t=0\$ the \$D\$ flavor was determined to be \$D^0\$ (\$l^+ X^-\$) or \$\\bar D^0\$ (\$l^- X^+\$) through the selection of the \$D^{*\\pm}\\to D^0/\\bar{D^0}\\pi^\\pm\$ decay''. All numbers are preliminary. N/A=Not Available.} \n"; print OUTFILE "\\label{tab:final_states_list2} \n"; print OUTFILE "\\end{table} \n"; close OUTFILE;