## The evil Breco cocktail for charged B mesons decaying ## to D(*)0 rho+/a1+/(some 4pi)+. ## Mixed by Jan Stark (Cut and paste from existing files, plus ## appropriate weighting). Alias MyB+ B+ Alias MyB- B- Alias MyD*0 D*0 Alias Myanti-D*0 anti-D*0 Alias MyD0 D0 Alias Myanti-D0 anti-D0 Alias Mya_1+ a_1+ Alias Mya_1- a_1- Alias MyK_1+ K_1+ Alias MyK_1- K_1- Alias MyK*0 K*0 Alias Myanti-K*0 anti-K*0 Alias Myomega omega Alias MyOtheromega omega Alias MyK0 K0 Alias Myanti-K0 anti-K0 Alias MyKs K_S0 Alias Myrho(2S)+ rho(2S)+ Alias Myrho(2S)- rho(2S)- # Decay Upsilon(4S) 0.500 MyB+ B- VSS; 0.500 MyB- B+ VSS; Enddecay # Decay MyB+ 0.215 rho+ Myanti-D0 SVS; # D* rho HELAMP parameters taken from ICHEP 98-852. 0.249 Myanti-D*0 rho+ SVV_HELAMP 0.228 0.95 0.283 1.13 0.932 0; 0.039 Mya_1+ Myanti-D0 SVS; # SVV_HELAMP from factorization, recommendation # http://babar-hn.slac.stanford.edu:5090/HyperNews/get/event_gen/168.html: 0.150 Myanti-D*0 Mya_1+ SVV_HELAMP 0.336 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.336 0.0; 0.058 Myrho(2S)+ Myanti-D0 SVS; # HELAMP parameters taken from ICHEP 00-78. 0.064 Myanti-D*0 Myrho(2S)+ SVV_HELAMP 0.430 0.0 0.794 0.0 0.430 0.0; 0.225 Myanti-D*0 pi- pi+ pi+ pi0 PHSP; Enddecay # Decay MyB- 0.215 rho- MyD0 SVS; # D* rho HELAMP parameters taken from ICHEP 98-852. 0.249 MyD*0 rho- SVV_HELAMP 0.228 0.95 0.283 1.13 0.932 0; 0.039 Mya_1- MyD0 SVS; # SVV_HELAMP from factorization, recommendation # http://babar-hn.slac.stanford.edu:5090/HyperNews/get/event_gen/168.html: 0.150 MyD*0 Mya_1- SVV_HELAMP 0.336 0.0 0.88 0.0 0.336 0.0; 0.058 Myrho(2S)- MyD0 SVS; # HELAMP parameters taken from ICHEP 00-78. 0.064 MyD*0 Myrho(2S)- SVV_HELAMP 0.430 0.0 0.794 0.0 0.430 0.0; 0.225 MyD*0 pi+ pi- pi- pi0 PHSP; Enddecay # Decay MyD*0 0.619 MyD0 pi0 VSS; 0.381 MyD0 gamma VSP_PWAVE; Enddecay # Decay Myanti-D*0 0.619 Myanti-D0 pi0 VSS; 0.381 Myanti-D0 gamma VSP_PWAVE; Enddecay # Decay MyD0 0.142 K- pi+ PHSP; 0.513 K- pi+ pi0 D_DALITZ; 0.068 Myanti-K0 pi+ pi- D_DALITZ; ## K 3pi (0.277 total) 0.1270 Mya_1+ K- SVS; 0.0123 MyK_1- pi+ SVS; 0.0375 Myanti-K*0 pi+ pi- PHSP; 0.0194 K- pi+ rho0 PHSP; 0.0462 K- pi+ pi+ pi- PHSP; 0.0346 Myanti-K*0 rho0 SVV_HELAMP 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay Myanti-D0 0.142 K+ pi- PHSP; 0.513 K+ pi- pi0 D_DALITZ; 0.068 MyK0 pi- pi+ D_DALITZ; ## K 3pi (0.277 total) 0.1270 Mya_1- K+ SVS; 0.0123 MyK_1+ pi- SVS; 0.0375 MyK*0 pi- pi+ PHSP; 0.0194 K+ pi- rho0 PHSP; 0.0462 K+ pi- pi- pi+ PHSP; 0.0346 MyK*0 rho0 SVV_HELAMP 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay MyK0 1.000 MyKs PHSP; Enddecay # Decay Myanti-K0 1.000 MyKs PHSP; Enddecay # Decay MyKs 1.000 pi+ pi- PHSP; Enddecay # Decay Mya_1+ 1.0000 rho0 pi+ VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay Mya_1- 1.0000 rho0 pi- VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay MyK_1+ 0.3913 rho0 K+ VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.1984 MyK*0 pi+ VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0067 Myomega K+ VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.4036 K+ pi- pi+ PHSP; Enddecay # Decay MyK_1- 0.3913 rho0 K- VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.1984 Myanti-K*0 pi- VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.0067 Myomega K- VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; 0.4036 K- pi+ pi- PHSP; Enddecay # Decay MyK*0 1.0000 K+ pi- VSS; Enddecay # Decay Myanti-K*0 1.0000 K- pi+ VSS; Enddecay # Decay Myomega 1.0000 pi- pi+ VSS; Enddecay # # # Decay Myrho(2S)+ 1.0000 MyOtheromega pi+ VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay Myrho(2S)- 1.0000 MyOtheromega pi- VVS_PWAVE 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; Enddecay # Decay MyOtheromega 1.0000 pi- pi+ pi0 OMEGA_DALITZ; Enddecay End