ROOTSYS environment variable = /afs/ Executing RooDKDalitz/rootlogon.C RooFit v2.31 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby Copyright (C) 2000-2008 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read Error in : ${NAG_C_ROOT}/lib${NAG_C_NAME}.so does not exist in .:/afs/ RooFit General shared libraries loaded NAG shared Libraries loaded RooDKDalitz shared libraries loaded RooFit Loading RooAlias.C ... RooFit Executing RooLogon.C ... ...using style 'Plain' *** Cannot find RELEASE directory. Are you in a workdir? *** Cannot find PARENT directory. Are you in a workdir? *** The BFCURRENT environment variable is not set! *** Will not be able to find shared libraries from a release For approved plots use: gROOT->SetStyle("BABAR"); To add a BABAR label use: BABARLabel(); To add a better-scaling BABAR label use: BABARSmartLabel(); type "BABARSmartLabel(-2);" for options Processing ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.C... RooDKFitMaster: configFile = './results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.config' RooDKFitMaster: Basic Configuration read from ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.config RooDKFitMaster: qABBins = 400 RooDKFitMaster: qACBins = 400 RooDKFitMaster: qBCBins = 400 RooDKFitMaster: mESMax = 5.3 RooDKFitMaster: mESMin = 5.2 RooDKFitMaster: mESBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMax_dkSel = 0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMin_dkSel = -0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMax_dpiSel = 0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMin_dpiSel = -0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMax_dk = 0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMin_dk = -0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMax_dpi = 0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEMin_dpi = -0.3 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEshiftMax = 0.12 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEshiftMin = 0 RooDKFitMaster: deltaEshiftBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: mDMax = 1.8861 RooDKFitMaster: mDMin = 1.8429 RooDKFitMaster: mDMax_Sel = 1.8861 RooDKFitMaster: mDMin_Sel = 1.8429 RooDKFitMaster: mDBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: deltamMax = 0.1461 RooDKFitMaster: deltamMin = 0.1448 RooDKFitMaster: deltamMax_Sel = 0.1461 RooDKFitMaster: deltamMin_Sel = 0.1448 RooDKFitMaster: deltamBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: tRecoMax = 4 RooDKFitMaster: tRecoMin = -2 RooDKFitMaster: tRecoBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: tErrMax = 1 RooDKFitMaster: tErrMin = 0 RooDKFitMaster: tErrBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: tTrueMax = 5 RooDKFitMaster: tTrueMin = 0 RooDKFitMaster: tTrueBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: fisherMax = 5 RooDKFitMaster: fisherMin = -5 RooDKFitMaster: fisherMax_Sel = 5 RooDKFitMaster: fisherMin_Sel = -5 RooDKFitMaster: fisherBins = 100 RooDKFitMaster: minimizer = Minuit RooDKFitMaster: simplex = No RooDKFitMaster: doMinosPhys = No RooDKFitMaster: doBinnedFit = No RooDKFitMaster: typeBinnedFit = Likelihood RooDKFitMaster: flavorOption = truth RooDKFitMaster: deltaEDhOption = none RooDKFitMaster: mESOption = out RooDKFitMaster: fisherOption = out RooDKFitMaster: mDOption = out RooDKFitMaster: deltamOption= out RooDKFitMaster: tErrOption = out RooDKFitMaster: fitVerbose = Yes RooDKFitMaster: fixShapeParams = No RooDKFitMaster: fixYieldParams = No RooDKFitMaster: integTypeNorm = Grid RooDKFitMaster: nBins1DNorm = 1000 RooDKFitMaster: nBins2DNorm = 400 RooDKFitMaster: removeEvtsOutPS = Yes RooDKFitMaster: binningMIOption = GRID RooDKFitMaster: nMcExpMICoefs = 10000 RooDKFitMaster: phaseShiftWatson = No RooDKFitMaster: coherentAmpFakeD = No RooDKFitMaster: resFcn = Truth RooDKFitMaster: diskCachePrefix = RooDKFitMaster: maxHashMapSize = 0 RooDKFitMaster: dsel_runBlock = RooDKFitMaster: dsel_dk = ((((BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar))&&((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0)))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) RooDKFitMaster: dsel_dpi = (((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) RooDKFitMaster: dsel_fitSel = ((((((BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar))&&((deltaE_dk>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dk<= 0.30)))||((deltaE_dpi>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dpi<= 0.30)))&&((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0)))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) RooDKFitMaster: dsel_fit = ((((((BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar))&&((deltaE_dk>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dk<= 0.30)))||((deltaE_dpi>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dpi<= 0.30)))&&((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0)))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) RooDKFitMaster: Blinding configuration read from ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.config RooArgSet::: (Owning contents) 1) RooAbsString: blindString_rb = : "Blinding String rb" 2) RooRealVar::blindSigma_rb[ ] = 0 3) RooAbsString: blindString_phaseW = : "Blinding String phaseW" 4) RooRealVar::blindSigma_phaseW[ ] = 0 5) RooAbsString: blindString_phaseS = : "Blinding String phaseS" 6) RooRealVar::blindSigma_phaseS[ ] = 0 7) RooAbsString: blindString_phaseM = : "Blinding String phaseM" 8) RooRealVar::blindSigma_phaseM[ ] = 0 9) RooAbsString: blindString_phaseP = : "Blinding String phaseP" 10) RooRealVar::blindSigma_phaseP[ ] = 0 11) RooAbsString: blindString_reM = : "Blinding String reM" 12) RooRealVar::blindSigma_reM[ ] = 0 13) RooAbsString: blindString_imM = : "Blinding String imM" 14) RooRealVar::blindSigma_imM[ ] = 0 15) RooAbsString: blindString_reP = : "Blinding String reP" 16) RooRealVar::blindSigma_reP[ ] = 0 17) RooAbsString: blindString_imP = : "Blinding String imP" 18) RooRealVar::blindSigma_imP[ ] = 0 19) RooAbsString: blindString_absqOverp = : "Blinding String absqOverp" 20) RooRealVar::blindSigma_absqOverp[ ] = 0 21) RooAbsString: blindString_argqOverp = : "Blinding String argqOverp" 22) RooRealVar::blindSigma_argqOverp[ ] = 0 23) RooAbsString: blindString_x = : "Blinding String x" 24) RooRealVar::blindSigma_x[ ] = 0 25) RooAbsString: blindString_y = : "Blinding String y" 26) RooRealVar::blindSigma_y[ ] = 0 ***** WARNING: missing blinding configuration. Missing parts are: (blindString_rb,blindSigma_rb,blindString_phaseW,blindSigma_phaseW,blindString_phaseS,blindSigma_phaseS,blindString_phaseM,blindSigma_phaseM,blindString_phaseP,blindSigma_phaseP,blindString_reM,blindSigma_reM,blindString_imM,blindSigma_imM,blindString_reP,blindSigma_reP,blindString_imP,blindSigma_imP,blindString_absqOverp,blindSigma_absqOverp,blindString_argqOverp,blindSigma_argqOverp,blindString_x,blindSigma_x,blindString_y,blindSigma_y) ***** Please, make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDKFitProto: Initializing data set variables RooDKFitProto: Building proto parameters RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for rb RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for phaseW RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for phaseS RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for phaseM RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for phaseP RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for reM RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for imM RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for reP RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for imP RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for absqOverp RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for argqOverp RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for x RooDKDalitzTools: Blinding not activated for y RooDKFitProto: Building proto selection PDFs RooDKFitProto: Building proto proper time resolution function PDFs RooDKFitProto: Building proto selection Dstar PDFs RooDKFitProto: Building proto efficiency map PDFs RooDKFitProto: Building proto Dalitz PDFs RooDKFitProto: Building proto Dalitz D* PDFs RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. RooDMixPdfMaker::RooDMixPdfMaker() WARNING: ctor with tErr has empty file name root. Make sure this is not a configuration error. Configuring I/O for toy Monte Carlo generation RooArgSet::: (Owning contents) 1) RooCategory::0x9c92550::toyMcParamsFromResultsRootFile : No 2) RooAbsString: toyMcResultsRootFile = : "ROOT file with persisted toy MC fit results" 3) RooAbsString: toyMcDataRootFile = : "ROOT file with persisted toy MC data" 4) RooCategory::0x9482f58::toyMcRandomizePhysParams : No 5) RooAbsString: toyMcSeed = -1 : "Toy MC random seed" Load datasets RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: reading events from ASCII files RooDKFitProto: Reading ascii data files [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable iBinACAB not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable iBinStateACAB not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable deltaE_dk not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable deltaE_dpi not in dataset, ignored dkRawData has 49999 entries RooDKFitProto: Reading ascii data files [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable iBinACAB not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable iBinStateACAB not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable deltaE_dk not in dataset, ignored [#0] WARNING:InputArguments -- RooAbsData::reduce(dataset) WARNING: variable deltaE_dpi not in dataset, ignored dpiRawData has 0 entries fitDataSel has 49999 entries RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: removing events outside phase space. RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: rejected 0 events, which represent a 0% of the events. RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: rejected 0 events after mES corrections, which represent a 0% of the events. dsel_fitSel: ((((((BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar))&&((deltaE_dk>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dk<= 0.30)))||((deltaE_dpi>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dpi<= 0.30)))&&((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0)))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) dsel_fit : ((((((BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar))&&((deltaE_dk>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dk<= 0.30)))||((deltaE_dpi>=-0.300)&&(deltaE_dpi<= 0.30)))&&((fisher>=-5.00)&&(fisher<= 5.0)))&&((mD>= 1.84290)&&(mD<= 1.88610)))&&((deltam>= 0.144800)&&(deltam<= 0.146100)) RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: fitDataSel has 49999 events Statistics table per B and D decay modes Table superCat : dataSel +-------------------+-------+ | {Dstar;KsPiPi} | 49999 | +-------------------+-------+ Statistics table per B and D decay modes and B charge state Table superCat2 : dataSel +--------------------------+-------+ | {Dstar;KsPiPi;Bplus} | 25000 | | {Dstar;KsPiPi;Bminus} | 24999 | +--------------------------+-------+ RooDKFitMaster::load_datasets: fitData has 49999 events Statistics table per B and D decay modes Table superCat : dataSel +-------------------+-------+ | {Dstar;KsPiPi} | 49999 | +-------------------+-------+ Statistics table per B and D decay modes and B charge state Table superCat2 : dataSel +--------------------------+-------+ | {Dstar;KsPiPi;Bplus} | 25000 | | {Dstar;KsPiPi;Bminus} | 24999 | +--------------------------+-------+ Build PDFs [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: category indexing physics model: DdecayMode_split [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of physics models (tErrSigPdf) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: splitting of category BdecayMode restricted to states (Dstar) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of splitting categories (BdecayMode,DdecayMode_split) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of auxiliary splitting categories (superBdecayMode,BdecayModeKPi,superBdecayModeKPi) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: processing physics model tErrSigPdf [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: configured customizers for all physics models RooCustomizer for tErrSigPdf Splitting rules: tErrSigMean is split by DdecayMode_split tErrSigWidth is split by DdecayMode_split tErrSigDelta is split by DdecayMode_split tErrSigGamma is split by DdecayMode_split [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: Customizing physics model tErrSigPdf for mode {KsPiPi;Dstar} [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: Customizing physics model tErrSigPdf for mode {KsKK;Dstar} Pdf component : {KsPiPi;Dstar} RooCustomizer for tErrSigPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi} (sterile) Pdf component : {KsKK;Dstar} RooCustomizer for tErrSigPdf_{Dstar;KsKK} (sterile) RooCustomizer for pdfSelRawCust (sterile) RooArgSet::dependents: 1) RooCategory::0x8488370::DdecayMode_split : KsKK 2) RooCategory::0x84410f0::BdecayMode : Dstar 3) RooRealVar::tErr[ ] = 0 Selection PDF configuration: parameter values from './results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.config' : Initial parameters configured RooArgSet::parameters_selection: Initial parameters NOT configured RooArgSet::parameters_selection: 1) RooRealVar::tErrSigDelta_KsKK[ ] = 0.59 2) RooRealVar::tErrSigDelta_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.59 3) RooRealVar::tErrSigGamma_KsKK[ ] = -0.2 4) RooRealVar::tErrSigGamma_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.2 5) RooRealVar::tErrSigMean_KsKK[ ] = 0.2 6) RooRealVar::tErrSigMean_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.2 7) RooRealVar::tErrSigWidth_KsKK[ ] = 0.09 8) RooRealVar::tErrSigWidth_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.09 Build PDFs [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: category indexing physics model: DdecayMode_split [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of physics models (gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: splitting of category BdecayMode restricted to states (Dstar) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of splitting categories (BdecayMode,DdecayMode_split) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: list of auxiliary splitting categories (superBdecayMode,BdecayModeKPi,superBdecayModeKPi) [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: processing physics model gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: configured customizers for all physics models RooCustomizer for gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf Splitting rules: NAmp is split by DdecayMode_split formatCoef is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp1 is split by DdecayMode_split width2Amp1 is split by DdecayMode_split coupling2Amp1 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp2 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp3 is split by DdecayMode_split width2Amp3 is split by DdecayMode_split coupling2Amp3 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp4 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp5 is split by DdecayMode_split width2Amp5 is split by DdecayMode_split coupling2Amp5 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp6 is split by DdecayMode_split width2Amp6 is split by DdecayMode_split coupling2Amp6 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp7 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp8 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp9 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp10 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp11 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp12 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp13 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split resoAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split angAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split massAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split widthAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split propAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWDAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split radiusBWBAmp14 is split by DdecayMode_split nameAmp15 is split by DdecayMode_split ampCoefAmp15 is split by DdecayMode_split phaseCoefAmp15 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y0 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y1 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y0 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y2 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y1 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX3Y0 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y3 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y2 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y1 is split by DdecayMode_split effMapContGoodDCoefNorm is split by DdecayMode_split [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooSimPdfBuilder::buildPdf: Customizing physics model gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf for mode {KsPiPi;Dstar} Pdf component : {KsPiPi;Dstar} RooCustomizer for gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi} (sterile) RooCustomizer for pdfGlobalRawCust (sterile) RooArgSet::dependents: 1) RooCategory::0x8488370::DdecayMode_split : KsKK 2) RooCategory::0x84410f0::BdecayMode : Dstar 3) RooRealVar::tTrue[ ] = 0.040859 4) RooCategory::0x8484ee8::DdecayMode : KsPiPi 5) RooRealVar::qAC[ ] = 0 6) RooRealVar::qAB[ ] = 0 7) RooCategory::0x8434568::recState : Bminus 8) RooRealVar::tErr[ ] = 0 Dalitz PDF configuration: parameter values from './results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.config' : Initial parameters configured RooArgSet::parameters_selection: 1) RooCategory::0xe2a8700::NAmp_KsPiPi : 15 2) RooRealVar::absqOverp[ ] = 1.02359 3) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.15489 4) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.140865 5) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.55556 6) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.273791 7) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.6972 8) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp15_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.848984 9) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.16356 10) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.106051 11) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 12) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0249569 13) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.423586 14) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = -2.16486 15) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.217748 16) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.62128 17) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.148802 18) RooCategory::0xe318c90::angAmp10_KsPiPi : BC 19) RooCategory::0xe322198::angAmp11_KsPiPi : BC 20) RooCategory::0xe32b5e0::angAmp12_KsPiPi : AC 21) RooCategory::0xe334a28::angAmp13_KsPiPi : AC 22) RooCategory::0xe33de48::angAmp14_KsPiPi : BC 23) RooCategory::0xe2b0960::angAmp1_KsPiPi : BC 24) RooCategory::0xe2bb858::angAmp2_KsPiPi : BC 25) RooCategory::0xe2c4da8::angAmp3_KsPiPi : AC 26) RooCategory::0xe2d1cc8::angAmp4_KsPiPi : AC 27) RooCategory::0xe2db1d8::angAmp5_KsPiPi : AC 28) RooCategory::0xe2f1f00::angAmp6_KsPiPi : AC 29) RooCategory::0xe2fcdc0::angAmp7_KsPiPi : AC 30) RooCategory::0xe3062f8::angAmp8_KsPiPi : BC 31) RooCategory::0xe30f768::angAmp9_KsPiPi : BC 32) RooRealVar::argqOverp[ ] = 0.0784506 33) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefNorm_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 34) RooCategory::0xe2aa430::formatCoef_KsPiPi : CARTESIAN 35) RooRealVar::massAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.4256 36) RooRealVar::massAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.4256 37) RooRealVar::massAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.527699 38) RooRealVar::massAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.03327 39) RooRealVar::massAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.677 40) RooRealVar::massAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893606 41) RooRealVar::massAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.89293 42) RooRealVar::massAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.7758 43) RooRealVar::massAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.78259 44) RooRealVar::massAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.975 45) RooRealVar::massAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.434 46) RooRealVar::massAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.2754 47) RooRealVar::massAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.459 48) RooRealVar::massAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.459 49) RooCategory::0xe3131d8::nameAmp10_KsPiPi : K2*m_1430 50) RooCategory::0xe31c6e8::nameAmp11_KsPiPi : K2*p_1430 51) RooCategory::0xe325ba0::nameAmp12_KsPiPi : sigma 52) RooCategory::0xe32efc0::nameAmp13_KsPiPi : sigma2 53) RooCategory::0xe3383e0::nameAmp14_KsPiPi : K*m_1680 54) RooCategory::0xe341838::nameAmp15_KsPiPi : PHASESPACE 55) RooCategory::0xe2aaf28::nameAmp1_KsPiPi : K*m 56) RooCategory::0xe2b5e08::nameAmp2_KsPiPi : K*p 57) RooCategory::0xe2bf358::nameAmp3_KsPiPi : rho0 58) RooCategory::0xe2ca278::nameAmp4_KsPiPi : omega 59) RooCategory::0xe2d57a0::nameAmp5_KsPiPi : f0_980 60) RooCategory::0xe2ec4a0::nameAmp6_KsPiPi : f0_1370 61) RooCategory::0xe2f7360::nameAmp7_KsPiPi : f2_1270 62) RooCategory::0xe3008c0::nameAmp8_KsPiPi : K0*m_1430 63) RooCategory::0xe309d58::nameAmp9_KsPiPi : K0*p_1430 64) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.773363 65) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.165378 66) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.931685 67) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0535596 68) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.128038 69) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp15_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893618 70) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.19933 71) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.118513 72) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 73) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0388072 74) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.236099 75) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 3.62385 76) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.133327 77) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.06816 78) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0897144 79) RooCategory::0xe31a3a8::propAmp10_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 80) RooCategory::0xe323888::propAmp11_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 81) RooCategory::0xe32ccf8::propAmp12_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 82) RooCategory::0xe336140::propAmp13_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 83) RooCategory::0xe33f538::propAmp14_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 84) RooCategory::0xe2b20e0::propAmp1_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 85) RooCategory::0xe2bd000::propAmp2_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 86) RooCategory::0xe2c6550::propAmp3_KsPiPi : GS_CLEO_ZEMACH 87) RooCategory::0xe2d3480::propAmp4_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 88) RooCategory::0xe2dc990::propAmp5_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 89) RooCategory::0xe2f3690::propAmp6_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 90) RooCategory::0xe2fe578::propAmp7_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 91) RooCategory::0xe307a60::propAmp8_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 92) RooCategory::0xe310ef8::propAmp9_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 93) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 94) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 95) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 96) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 97) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 98) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 99) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 100) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 101) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 102) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 103) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 104) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 105) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 106) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 107) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 108) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 109) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 110) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 111) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 112) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 113) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 114) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 115) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 116) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 117) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 118) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 119) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 120) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 121) RooCategory::0xe318198::resoAmp10_KsPiPi : AC 122) RooCategory::0xe3216a0::resoAmp11_KsPiPi : AB 123) RooCategory::0xe32ab38::resoAmp12_KsPiPi : BC 124) RooCategory::0xe333f58::resoAmp13_KsPiPi : BC 125) RooCategory::0xe33d378::resoAmp14_KsPiPi : AC 126) RooCategory::0xe2afef8::resoAmp1_KsPiPi : AC 127) RooCategory::0xe2badf0::resoAmp2_KsPiPi : AB 128) RooCategory::0xe2c4340::resoAmp3_KsPiPi : BC 129) RooCategory::0xe2d1260::resoAmp4_KsPiPi : BC 130) RooCategory::0xe2da770::resoAmp5_KsPiPi : BC 131) RooCategory::0xe2f1498::resoAmp6_KsPiPi : BC 132) RooCategory::0xe2fc358::resoAmp7_KsPiPi : BC 133) RooCategory::0xe305890::resoAmp8_KsPiPi : AC 134) RooCategory::0xe30ed28::resoAmp9_KsPiPi : AB 135) RooRealVar::tau[ ] = 0.418012 136) RooRealVar::widthAmp10_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0985 137) RooRealVar::widthAmp11_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0985 138) RooRealVar::widthAmp12_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.511861 139) RooRealVar::widthAmp13_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.098789 140) RooRealVar::widthAmp14_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.205 141) RooRealVar::widthAmp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0463407 142) RooRealVar::widthAmp2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.04664 143) RooRealVar::widthAmp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1464 144) RooRealVar::widthAmp4_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.00849 145) RooRealVar::widthAmp5_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.044 146) RooRealVar::widthAmp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.173 147) RooRealVar::widthAmp7_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1851 148) RooRealVar::widthAmp8_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.175 149) RooRealVar::widthAmp9_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.175 150) RooRealVar::x[ ] = 0.109078 151) RooRealVar::y[ ] = 0.124904 Initial parameters NOT configured RooArgSet::parameters_selection: 1) RooCategory::0x84b7770::absqOverp_bs : Unblind 2) RooCategory::0x84b8688::argqOverp_bs : Unblind 3) RooCategory::0xe2b4a60::coupling2Amp1_KsPiPi : Undefined 4) RooCategory::0xe2c8ed0::coupling2Amp3_KsPiPi : Undefined 5) RooCategory::0xe2df2f8::coupling2Amp5_KsPiPi : Undefined 6) RooCategory::0xe2f5fd0::coupling2Amp6_KsPiPi : Undefined 7) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 8) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 9) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 10) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 11) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 12) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 13) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 14) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 15) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX3Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 16) RooRealVar::width2Amp1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 17) RooRealVar::width2Amp3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 18) RooRealVar::width2Amp5_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 19) RooRealVar::width2Amp6_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 20) RooCategory::0x84b9588::x_bs : Unblind 21) RooCategory::0x84ba420::y_bs : Unblind Trying to replace massAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi by massAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi Trying to replace widthAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi by widthAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi Trying to replace massAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi by massAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi Trying to replace widthAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi by widthAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi Trying to replace massAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi by massAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi Trying to replace widthAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi by widthAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi RooCustomizer for pdfGlobal (sterile) Replacement rules: massAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi replaces massAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi widthAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi replaces widthAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi massAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi replaces massAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi widthAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi replaces widthAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi massAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi replaces massAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi widthAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi replaces widthAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi RooArgSet::parameters: 1) RooCategory::0xe2a8700::NAmp_KsPiPi : 15 2) RooRealVar::absqOverp[ ] = 1.02359 3) RooCategory::0x84b7770::absqOverp_bs : Unblind 4) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.16356 5) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.15489 6) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.140865 7) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.55556 8) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.273791 9) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.6972 10) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.848984 11) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.106051 12) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 13) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0249569 14) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.423586 15) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = -2.16486 16) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.217748 17) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.62128 18) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.148802 19) RooCategory::0xe2b0960::angAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : BC 20) RooCategory::0xe318c90::angAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 21) RooCategory::0xe322198::angAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 22) RooCategory::0xe32b5e0::angAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : AC 23) RooCategory::0xe334a28::angAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : AC 24) RooCategory::0xe33de48::angAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : BC 25) RooCategory::0xe2bb858::angAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : BC 26) RooCategory::0xe2c4da8::angAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : AC 27) RooCategory::0xe2d1cc8::angAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : AC 28) RooCategory::0xe2db1d8::angAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : AC 29) RooCategory::0xe2f1f00::angAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : AC 30) RooCategory::0xe2fcdc0::angAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : AC 31) RooCategory::0xe3062f8::angAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 32) RooCategory::0xe30f768::angAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 33) RooRealVar::argqOverp[ ] = 0.0784506 34) RooCategory::0x84b8688::argqOverp_bs : Unblind 35) RooCategory::0xe2b4a60::coupling2Amp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : Undefined 36) RooCategory::0xe2c8ed0::coupling2Amp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : Undefined 37) RooCategory::0xe2df2f8::coupling2Amp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : Undefined 38) RooCategory::0xe2f5fd0::coupling2Amp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : Undefined 39) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefNorm_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 40) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 41) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 42) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 43) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 44) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 45) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 46) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 47) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 48) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX3Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 49) RooCategory::0xe2aa430::formatCoef_KsPiPi : CARTESIAN 50) RooRealVar::massAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893606 51) RooRealVar::massAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.4256 52) RooRealVar::massAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.527699 53) RooRealVar::massAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.03327 54) RooRealVar::massAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.677 55) RooRealVar::massAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.7758 56) RooRealVar::massAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.78259 57) RooRealVar::massAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.975 58) RooRealVar::massAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.434 59) RooRealVar::massAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.2754 60) RooRealVar::massAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.459 61) RooCategory::0xe2aaf28::nameAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : K*m 62) RooCategory::0xe3131d8::nameAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : K2*m_1430 63) RooCategory::0xe31c6e8::nameAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : K2*p_1430 64) RooCategory::0xe325ba0::nameAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : sigma 65) RooCategory::0xe32efc0::nameAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : sigma2 66) RooCategory::0xe3383e0::nameAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : K*m_1680 67) RooCategory::0xe341838::nameAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi : PHASESPACE 68) RooCategory::0xe2b5e08::nameAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : K*p 69) RooCategory::0xe2bf358::nameAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : rho0 70) RooCategory::0xe2ca278::nameAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : omega 71) RooCategory::0xe2d57a0::nameAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : f0_980 72) RooCategory::0xe2ec4a0::nameAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : f0_1370 73) RooCategory::0xe2f7360::nameAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : f2_1270 74) RooCategory::0xe3008c0::nameAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : K0*m_1430 75) RooCategory::0xe309d58::nameAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : K0*p_1430 76) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.19933 77) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.773363 78) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.165378 79) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.931685 80) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0535596 81) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.128038 82) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893618 83) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.118513 84) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 85) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0388072 86) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.236099 87) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 3.62385 88) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.133327 89) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.06816 90) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0897144 91) RooCategory::0xe2b20e0::propAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 92) RooCategory::0xe31a3a8::propAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 93) RooCategory::0xe323888::propAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 94) RooCategory::0xe32ccf8::propAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 95) RooCategory::0xe336140::propAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 96) RooCategory::0xe33f538::propAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 97) RooCategory::0xe2bd000::propAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 98) RooCategory::0xe2c6550::propAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : GS_CLEO_ZEMACH 99) RooCategory::0xe2d3480::propAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 100) RooCategory::0xe2dc990::propAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 101) RooCategory::0xe2f3690::propAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 102) RooCategory::0xe2fe578::propAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 103) RooCategory::0xe307a60::propAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 104) RooCategory::0xe310ef8::propAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 105) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 106) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 107) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 108) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 109) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 110) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 111) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 112) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 113) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 114) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 115) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 116) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 117) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 118) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 119) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 120) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 121) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 122) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 123) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 124) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 125) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 126) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 127) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 128) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 129) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 130) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 131) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 132) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 133) RooCategory::0xe2afef8::resoAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : AC 134) RooCategory::0xe318198::resoAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : AC 135) RooCategory::0xe3216a0::resoAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : AB 136) RooCategory::0xe32ab38::resoAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : BC 137) RooCategory::0xe333f58::resoAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : BC 138) RooCategory::0xe33d378::resoAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : AC 139) RooCategory::0xe2badf0::resoAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : AB 140) RooCategory::0xe2c4340::resoAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : BC 141) RooCategory::0xe2d1260::resoAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : BC 142) RooCategory::0xe2da770::resoAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : BC 143) RooCategory::0xe2f1498::resoAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : BC 144) RooCategory::0xe2fc358::resoAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : BC 145) RooCategory::0xe305890::resoAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : AC 146) RooCategory::0xe30ed28::resoAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : AB 147) RooRealVar::tau[ ] = 0.418012 148) RooRealVar::width2Amp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 149) RooRealVar::width2Amp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 150) RooRealVar::width2Amp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 151) RooRealVar::width2Amp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 152) RooRealVar::widthAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0463407 153) RooRealVar::widthAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0985 154) RooRealVar::widthAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.511861 155) RooRealVar::widthAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.098789 156) RooRealVar::widthAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.205 157) RooRealVar::widthAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1464 158) RooRealVar::widthAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.00849 159) RooRealVar::widthAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.044 160) RooRealVar::widthAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.173 161) RooRealVar::widthAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1851 162) RooRealVar::widthAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.175 163) RooRealVar::x[ ] = 0.109078 164) RooCategory::0x84b9588::x_bs : Unblind 165) RooRealVar::y[ ] = 0.124904 166) RooCategory::0x84ba420::y_bs : Unblind RooDKFitMaster: Selection PDF shape paramaters will be floated with these starting values: RooArgSet::: 1) RooRealVar::tErrSigDelta_KsKK[ ] = 0.59 2) RooRealVar::tErrSigDelta_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.59 3) RooRealVar::tErrSigGamma_KsKK[ ] = -0.2 4) RooRealVar::tErrSigGamma_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.2 5) RooRealVar::tErrSigMean_KsKK[ ] = 0.2 6) RooRealVar::tErrSigMean_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.2 7) RooRealVar::tErrSigWidth_KsKK[ ] = 0.09 8) RooRealVar::tErrSigWidth_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.09 RooDKFitMaster: Selection PDF yield paramaters will be floated with these starting values: RooArgSet::: RooDKFitMaster: PDF parameters before fitting RooArgSet::parameters: 1) RooCategory::0xe2a8700::NAmp_KsPiPi : 15 2) RooRealVar::absqOverp[ ] = 1.02359 3) RooCategory::0x84b7770::absqOverp_bs : Unblind 4) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.16356 5) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.15489 6) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.140865 7) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.55556 8) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.273791 9) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = -1.6972 10) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.848984 11) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.106051 12) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 13) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0249569 14) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.423586 15) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = -2.16486 16) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.217748 17) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.62128 18) RooRealVar::ampCoefAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.148802 19) RooCategory::0xe2b0960::angAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : BC 20) RooCategory::0xe318c90::angAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 21) RooCategory::0xe322198::angAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 22) RooCategory::0xe32b5e0::angAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : AC 23) RooCategory::0xe334a28::angAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : AC 24) RooCategory::0xe33de48::angAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : BC 25) RooCategory::0xe2bb858::angAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : BC 26) RooCategory::0xe2c4da8::angAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : AC 27) RooCategory::0xe2d1cc8::angAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : AC 28) RooCategory::0xe2db1d8::angAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : AC 29) RooCategory::0xe2f1f00::angAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : AC 30) RooCategory::0xe2fcdc0::angAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : AC 31) RooCategory::0xe3062f8::angAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 32) RooCategory::0xe30f768::angAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : BC 33) RooRealVar::argqOverp[ ] = 0.0784506 34) RooCategory::0x84b8688::argqOverp_bs : Unblind 35) RooCategory::0xe2b4a60::coupling2Amp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : Undefined 36) RooCategory::0xe2c8ed0::coupling2Amp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : Undefined 37) RooCategory::0xe2df2f8::coupling2Amp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : Undefined 38) RooCategory::0xe2f5fd0::coupling2Amp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : Undefined 39) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefNorm_KsPiPi[ ] = 1 40) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 41) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 42) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX0Y3_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 43) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 44) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 45) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX1Y2_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 46) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 47) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX2Y1_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 48) RooRealVar::effMapContGoodDCoefX3Y0_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 49) RooCategory::0xe2aa430::formatCoef_KsPiPi : CARTESIAN 50) RooRealVar::massAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893606 51) RooRealVar::massAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.4256 52) RooRealVar::massAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.527699 53) RooRealVar::massAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.03327 54) RooRealVar::massAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.677 55) RooRealVar::massAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.7758 56) RooRealVar::massAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.78259 57) RooRealVar::massAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.975 58) RooRealVar::massAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.434 59) RooRealVar::massAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.2754 60) RooRealVar::massAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.459 61) RooCategory::0xe2aaf28::nameAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : K*m 62) RooCategory::0xe3131d8::nameAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : K2*m_1430 63) RooCategory::0xe31c6e8::nameAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : K2*p_1430 64) RooCategory::0xe325ba0::nameAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : sigma 65) RooCategory::0xe32efc0::nameAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : sigma2 66) RooCategory::0xe3383e0::nameAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : K*m_1680 67) RooCategory::0xe341838::nameAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi : PHASESPACE 68) RooCategory::0xe2b5e08::nameAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : K*p 69) RooCategory::0xe2bf358::nameAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : rho0 70) RooCategory::0xe2ca278::nameAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : omega 71) RooCategory::0xe2d57a0::nameAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : f0_980 72) RooCategory::0xe2ec4a0::nameAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : f0_1370 73) RooCategory::0xe2f7360::nameAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : f2_1270 74) RooCategory::0xe3008c0::nameAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : K0*m_1430 75) RooCategory::0xe309d58::nameAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : K0*p_1430 76) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.19933 77) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.773363 78) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.165378 79) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.931685 80) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.0535596 81) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.128038 82) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp15(PHASESPACE)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.893618 83) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.118513 84) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 85) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0388072 86) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.236099 87) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 3.62385 88) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = -0.133327 89) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.06816 90) RooRealVar::phaseCoefAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0897144 91) RooCategory::0xe2b20e0::propAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 92) RooCategory::0xe31a3a8::propAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 93) RooCategory::0xe323888::propAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 94) RooCategory::0xe32ccf8::propAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 95) RooCategory::0xe336140::propAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 96) RooCategory::0xe33f538::propAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 97) RooCategory::0xe2bd000::propAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 98) RooCategory::0xe2c6550::propAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : GS_CLEO_ZEMACH 99) RooCategory::0xe2d3480::propAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 100) RooCategory::0xe2dc990::propAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 101) RooCategory::0xe2f3690::propAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 102) RooCategory::0xe2fe578::propAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 103) RooCategory::0xe307a60::propAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 104) RooCategory::0xe310ef8::propAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : RBW_CLEO_ZEMACH 105) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 106) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 107) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 108) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 109) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 110) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 111) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 112) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 113) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 114) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 115) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 116) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 117) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 118) RooRealVar::radiusBWBAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 119) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 120) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 121) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 122) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 123) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 124) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 125) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 126) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 127) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 128) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 129) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 130) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 131) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 132) RooRealVar::radiusBWDAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 1.5 133) RooCategory::0xe2afef8::resoAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi : AC 134) RooCategory::0xe318198::resoAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi : AC 135) RooCategory::0xe3216a0::resoAmp11(K2*p_1430)_KsPiPi : AB 136) RooCategory::0xe32ab38::resoAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi : BC 137) RooCategory::0xe333f58::resoAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi : BC 138) RooCategory::0xe33d378::resoAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi : AC 139) RooCategory::0xe2badf0::resoAmp2(K*p)_KsPiPi : AB 140) RooCategory::0xe2c4340::resoAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi : BC 141) RooCategory::0xe2d1260::resoAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi : BC 142) RooCategory::0xe2da770::resoAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi : BC 143) RooCategory::0xe2f1498::resoAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi : BC 144) RooCategory::0xe2fc358::resoAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi : BC 145) RooCategory::0xe305890::resoAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi : AC 146) RooCategory::0xe30ed28::resoAmp9(K0*p_1430)_KsPiPi : AB 147) RooRealVar::tau[ ] = 0.418012 148) RooRealVar::width2Amp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 149) RooRealVar::width2Amp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 150) RooRealVar::width2Amp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 151) RooRealVar::width2Amp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0 152) RooRealVar::widthAmp1(K*m)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0463407 153) RooRealVar::widthAmp10(K2*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.0985 154) RooRealVar::widthAmp12(sigma)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.511861 155) RooRealVar::widthAmp13(sigma2)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.098789 156) RooRealVar::widthAmp14(K*m_1680)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.205 157) RooRealVar::widthAmp3(rho0)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1464 158) RooRealVar::widthAmp4(omega)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.00849 159) RooRealVar::widthAmp5(f0_980)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.044 160) RooRealVar::widthAmp6(f0_1370)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.173 161) RooRealVar::widthAmp7(f2_1270)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.1851 162) RooRealVar::widthAmp8(K0*m_1430)_KsPiPi[ ] = 0.175 163) RooRealVar::x[ ] = 0.109078 164) RooCategory::0x84b9588::x_bs : Unblind 165) RooRealVar::y[ ] = 0.124904 166) RooCategory::0x84ba420::y_bs : Unblind RooDKFitMaster: PDF dependents for fitting RooArgSet::dependents: 1) RooCategory::0x8488370::DdecayMode_split : KsKK 2) RooCategory::0x84410f0::BdecayMode : Dstar 3) RooRealVar::tTrue[ ] = 0.040859 4) RooCategory::0x8484ee8::DdecayMode : KsPiPi 5) RooRealVar::qAC[ ] = 0 6) RooRealVar::qAB[ ] = 0 7) RooCategory::0x8434568::recState : Bminus 8) RooRealVar::tErr[ ] = 0 ********************************** * * * PERFORMING RooDKDalitz FIT * * * ********************************** RooDataSet::dataSel: "dataSel" Contains 49999 entries Defines RooArgSet::Dataset Variables: (Owning contents) 1) RooCategory::onOffRes: "on/off Ups(4S) resonance" 2) RooCategory::decayMode: "decay mode" 3) RooRealVar::pRecBRec: "Reco B flavour probablity" 4) RooRealVar::qABRec: "Reco invariant mass square of pair AB" 5) RooRealVar::qACRec: "Reco invariant mass square of pair AC" 6) RooRealVar::qBCRec: "Reco invariant mass square of pair BC" 7) RooRealVar::deltaE: "Delta(E)_ES" 8) RooRealVar::pTrk: "Momentum in lab frame of bachelor track" 9) RooRealVar::betagammaBoost: "Lorentz boost factor (betaxgamma)" 10) RooRealVar::mESraw: "E_Beam Substituted Mass (raw)" 11) RooRealVar::mD: "D^{0} mass" 12) RooRealVar::fisher: "Fisher discriminant" 13) RooRealVar::runNumber: "run number" 14) RooCategory::runBlock: "Run block (Run1234, Run5, MC)" 15) RooAbsString: tstamph = 0 : "time stamp upper ID" [CloneOf(08431550),CloneOf(09d01848),CloneOf(0b69e710),CloneOf(0be05970),CloneOf(0def45f0)] 16) RooAbsString: tstampl = 0 : "time stamp lower ID" [CloneOf(08431d10),CloneOf(09d03b60),CloneOf(0b69e890),CloneOf(0be060e0),CloneOf(0df6c5f0)] 17) RooRealVar::pRecBTrue: "True B flavour probablity" 18) RooRealVar::qABTrue: "True invariant mass square of pair AB" 19) RooRealVar::qACTrue: "True Invariant mass square of pair AC" 20) RooRealVar::qBCTrue: "True Invariant mass square of pair BC" 21) RooCategory::BdecayModeLF: "B decay mode long format (LF)" 22) RooCategory::BdecayMode: "B decay mode" 23) RooCategory::DdecayModeLF: "D decay mode long format (LF)" 24) RooCategory::DdecayMode: "D decay mode" 25) RooCategory::recState: "B Flavour State" 26) RooCategory::DdecayMode_split: "D decay mode split" 27) RooRealVar::qAB: "Invariant mass square of pair AB" 28) RooRealVar::qAC: "Invariant mass square of pair AC" 29) RooRealVar::qBC: "Invariant mass square of pair BC" 30) RooRealVar::mES: "m_{ES}" 31) RooRealVar::tReco: "Proper time" 32) RooRealVar::tErr: "Proper time per-event error" 33) RooRealVar::tTrue: "Proper time MC true" 34) RooRealVar::deltam: "D* - D0 mass difference" 35) RooRealVar::deltaE_dk: "#DeltaE_{K}" 36) RooRealVar::deltaE_dpi: "deltaE for DPi" Caches RooArgSet::Cached Variables: [#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooMinuit::RooMinuit: removing parameter absqOverp_bs from list because it is not of type RooRealVar [#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooMinuit::RooMinuit: removing parameter argqOverp_bs from list because it is not of type RooRealVar [#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooMinuit::RooMinuit: removing parameter x_bs from list because it is not of type RooRealVar [#0] WARNING:Minization -- RooMinuit::RooMinuit: removing parameter y_bs from list because it is not of type RooRealVar ********** ** 9 **SET PRINT 1 ********** [#1] INFO:Minization -- RooMinuit::optimizeConst: activating const optimization [#0] ERROR:Fitting -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: creating slave GOF calculator #0 for state {KsPiPi;Dstar} (49999 dataset entries) [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::ctor({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing internal clone of p.d.f for likelihood evaluation.Lazy evaluation and associated change tracking will disabled for all nodes that depend on observables [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::optimizeCacheMode(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) nodes (gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_Int[tTrue,qAC,qAB,tErr],dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_0,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_1,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_2,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_3,dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_0_Int[qAC,qAB,tErr],dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_1_Int[qAC,qAB,tErr],dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_2_Int[qAC,qAB,tErr],dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_coefVar_3_Int[qAC,qAB,tErr],sigResModel_conv_exp(-@0/@1)*cosh(@0*@2/2)_tTrue_tau_y2OverTau_[dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf],exp(-@0/@1)*cosh(@0*@2/2)_tTrue_tau_y2OverTau,sigResModel_conv_exp(-@0/@1)*sinh(@0*@2/2)_tTrue_tau_y2OverTau_[dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf],exp(-@0/@1)*sinh(@0*@2/2)_tTrue_tau_y2OverTau,sigResModel_conv_exp(-@0/@1)*cos(@0*@2)_tTrue_tau_xOverTau_[dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf],exp(-@0/@1)*cos(@0*@2)_tTrue_tau_xOverTau,sigResModel_conv_exp(-@0/@1)*sin(@0*@2)_tTrue_tau_xOverTau_[dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf],exp(-@0/@1)*sin(@0*@2)_tTrue_tau_xOverTau) depend on observables, changing cache operation mode from change tracking to unconditional evaluation [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #0 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE0) successfully forked server process 30725 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #1 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE1) successfully forked server process 30726 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #2 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE2) successfully forked server process 30727 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #3 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE3) successfully forked server process 30728 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #4 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE4) successfully forked server process 30729 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #5 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE5) successfully forked server process 30730 [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote GOF server process #6 RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE6) successfully forked server process 30731 [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsOptTestStatistic::constOptimize({KsPiPi;Dstar}) optimizing evaluation of test statistic by finding all nodes in p.d.f that depend exclusively on observables and constant parameters and precalculating their values [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached [#1] INFO:Optimization -- RooAbsArg::findConstantNodes(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): components () depend exclusively on constant parameters and will be precalculated and cached ********** ** 10 **SET STR 1 ********** NOW USING STRATEGY 1: TRY TO BALANCE SPEED AGAINST RELIABILITY ********** ** 15 **MIGRAD 2500 1 ********** FIRST CALL TO USER FUNCTION AT NEW START POINT, WITH IFLAG=4. prevFCN = 16265.94664 START MIGRAD MINIMIZATION. STRATEGY 1. CONVERGENCE WHEN EDM .LT. 1.00e-03 prevFCN = 16266.37091 prevFCN = 16265.62691 prevFCN = 16266.05205 prevFCN = 16265.84898 prevFCN = 16266.91736 prevFCN = 16265.07345 prevFCN = 16266.21052 prevFCN = 16265.69052 prevFCN = 16267.14442 prevFCN = 16264.84964 prevFCN = 16266.26884 prevFCN = 16265.63219 prevFCN = 16266.24521 prevFCN = 16265.76659 prevFCN = 16266.01173 prevFCN = 16265.8893 prevFCN = 16267.21714 prevFCN = 16264.76908 prevFCN = 16266.30411 prevFCN = 16265.59692 FCN=16265.9 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=INITIATE 20 CALLS 21 TOTAL EDM= unknown STRATEGY= 1 NO ERROR MATRIX EXT PARAMETER CURRENT GUESS STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 absqOverp 1.02359e+00 9.52500e-02 5.01359e-01 8.44262e+00 2 argqOverp 7.84506e-02 1.01500e-01 3.23406e-02 3.23705e+02 3 tau 4.18012e-01 6.85200e-03 1.59280e-02 8.17982e+02 4 x 1.09078e-01 1.91800e-02 1.92964e-02 1.40806e+02 5 y 1.24904e-01 1.38000e-02 1.39094e-02 9.99191e+02 ERR DEF= 0.5 prevFCN = 16249.58338 prevFCN = 16249.08572 prevFCN = 16249.13129 prevFCN = 16249.04684 prevFCN = 16249.12882 prevFCN = 16249.05004 prevFCN = 16249.06226 prevFCN = 16249.11734 prevFCN = 16249.12166 prevFCN = 16249.05763 prevFCN = 16249.07005 prevFCN = 16249.10898 prevFCN = 16248.71625 prevFCN = 16248.71494 prevFCN = 16248.72506 prevFCN = 16248.71272 prevFCN = 16248.71996 prevFCN = 16248.7176 prevFCN = 16248.72228 prevFCN = 16248.7153 prevFCN = 16248.71294 prevFCN = 16248.72466 prevFCN = 16248.7187 prevFCN = 16248.71894 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.71347 prevFCN = 16248.71328 prevFCN = 16248.71336 prevFCN = 16248.71334 prevFCN = 16248.7136 prevFCN = 16248.7131 prevFCN = 16248.71311 prevFCN = 16248.71358 prevFCN = 16248.71307 prevFCN = 16248.71362 MIGRAD MINIMIZATION HAS CONVERGED. MIGRAD WILL VERIFY CONVERGENCE AND ERROR MATRIX. prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.71347 prevFCN = 16248.71328 prevFCN = 16248.71336 prevFCN = 16248.71334 prevFCN = 16248.7136 prevFCN = 16248.7131 prevFCN = 16248.71311 prevFCN = 16248.71358 prevFCN = 16248.71307 prevFCN = 16248.71362 prevFCN = 16248.70965 prevFCN = 16248.70961 prevFCN = 16248.70948 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70963 prevFCN = 16248.70963 prevFCN = 16248.70968 prevFCN = 16248.70958 prevFCN = 16248.70958 prevFCN = 16248.70967 prevFCN = 16248.70957 prevFCN = 16248.70968 prevFCN = 16248.71647 prevFCN = 16248.71754 prevFCN = 16248.71745 prevFCN = 16248.7171 prevFCN = 16248.71683 prevFCN = 16248.71653 prevFCN = 16248.71685 prevFCN = 16248.7173 prevFCN = 16248.71905 prevFCN = 16248.71641 COVARIANCE MATRIX CALCULATED SUCCESSFULLY FCN=16248.7 FROM MIGRAD STATUS=CONVERGED 88 CALLS 89 TOTAL EDM=3.05768e-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER STEP FIRST NO. NAME VALUE ERROR SIZE DERIVATIVE 1 absqOverp 9.80644e-01 2.89032e-02 1.27889e-02 7.82597e-03 2 argqOverp -8.93292e-03 2.95655e-02 8.23105e-04 1.04986e-02 3 tau 4.12611e-01 1.91096e-03 3.79857e-04 6.64575e-01 4 x 1.04550e-01 4.90442e-03 4.32190e-04 -5.40269e-01 5 y 1.11938e-01 4.15268e-03 3.56661e-04 -7.60580e-01 ERR DEF= 0.5 EXTERNAL ERROR MATRIX. NDIM= 25 NPAR= 5 ERR DEF=0.5 8.413e-04 9.683e-05 1.253e-07 7.290e-07 2.688e-06 9.683e-05 8.741e-04 9.621e-07 3.306e-06 -5.211e-06 1.253e-07 9.621e-07 3.652e-06 7.948e-07 -1.880e-06 7.290e-07 3.306e-06 7.948e-07 2.405e-05 3.426e-07 2.688e-06 -5.211e-06 -1.880e-06 3.426e-07 1.724e-05 PARAMETER CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS NO. GLOBAL 1 2 3 4 5 1 0.11634 1.000 0.113 0.002 0.005 0.022 2 0.12376 0.113 1.000 0.017 0.023 -0.042 3 0.25319 0.002 0.017 1.000 0.085 -0.237 4 0.09572 0.005 0.023 0.085 1.000 0.017 5 0.24455 0.022 -0.042 -0.237 0.017 1.000 [#1] INFO:Minization -- Command timer: Real time 0:31:31, CP time 1891.050 [#1] INFO:Minization -- Session timer: Real time 0:32:38, CP time 1958.130, 2 slices ********** ** 20 **HESSE 2500 ********** prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70948 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70963 prevFCN = 16248.70963 prevFCN = 16248.70968 prevFCN = 16248.70958 prevFCN = 16248.70958 prevFCN = 16248.70967 prevFCN = 16248.70957 prevFCN = 16248.70968 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70948 prevFCN = 16248.70948 prevFCN = 16248.70949 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70949 prevFCN = 16248.70947 prevFCN = 16248.70949 prevFCN = 16248.70963 prevFCN = 16248.70969 prevFCN = 16248.70983 prevFCN = 16248.70959 prevFCN = 16248.70973 prevFCN = 16248.70976 prevFCN = 16248.70958 prevFCN = 16248.70974 prevFCN = 16248.70985 prevFCN = 16248.70967 COVARIANCE MATRIX CALCULATED SUCCESSFULLY FCN=16248.7 FROM HESSE STATUS=OK 31 CALLS 120 TOTAL EDM=3.05471e-05 STRATEGY= 1 ERROR MATRIX ACCURATE EXT PARAMETER INTERNAL INTERNAL NO. NAME VALUE ERROR STEP SIZE VALUE 1 absqOverp 9.80644e-01 2.89052e-02 5.11557e-04 -9.69331e-02 2 argqOverp -8.93292e-03 2.95656e-02 1.64621e-04 -2.84488e-03 3 tau 4.12611e-01 1.91084e-03 7.59713e-05 -3.10264e-01 4 x 1.04550e-01 4.90450e-03 8.64380e-05 1.04741e-01 5 y 1.11938e-01 4.15274e-03 7.13322e-05 1.12173e-01 ERR DEF= 0.5 EXTERNAL ERROR MATRIX. NDIM= 25 NPAR= 5 ERR DEF=0.5 8.415e-04 9.689e-05 1.077e-07 1.115e-06 3.024e-06 9.689e-05 8.741e-04 9.516e-07 3.474e-06 -5.109e-06 1.077e-07 9.516e-07 3.651e-06 7.921e-07 -1.879e-06 1.115e-06 3.474e-06 7.921e-07 2.405e-05 3.469e-07 3.024e-06 -5.109e-06 -1.879e-06 3.469e-07 1.725e-05 PARAMETER CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS NO. GLOBAL 1 2 3 4 5 1 0.11714 1.000 0.113 0.002 0.008 0.025 2 0.12379 0.113 1.000 0.017 0.024 -0.042 3 0.25296 0.002 0.017 1.000 0.085 -0.237 4 0.09587 0.008 0.024 0.085 1.000 0.017 5 0.24460 0.025 -0.042 -0.237 0.017 1.000 [#1] INFO:Minization -- Command timer: Real time 0:10:58, CP time 658.700 [#1] INFO:Minization -- Session timer: Real time 0:43:37, CP time 2616.830, 3 slices Fractions after extended likelihood fit: RooDKFitMaster: Persisting in ROOT format available fit results to file : ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.results.root RooDKFitMaster: Root persistence finished Writing results_input RooDKFitMaster::makePlots: Pdf component: {KsPiPi;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster::makePlots(): Original RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-07 , epsAbs = 1e-07 RooDKFitMaster::makePlots(): New RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-05 , epsAbs = 1e-05 RooDKFitMaster::makePlots: Data projection cut: (BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar)&&(DdecayMode==DdecayMode::KsPiPi) Producing tErr plot... [#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsReal::plotOn(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) plot on tErr integrates over variables (DdecayMode,qAB,qAC,tTrue) [#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsReal::plotOn(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) plot on tErr averages using data variables (recState) Total chi2 for histogram dataSel_plot__tErr = 4.303e+05 for ndof = 1. Reduced total chi2 = 4.303e+05 Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_tErr.eps has been created Producing tTrue plot... [#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsReal::plotOn(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) plot on tTrue integrates over variables (DdecayMode,qAB,qAC,tErr) [#1] INFO:Plotting -- RooAbsReal::plotOn(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) plot on tTrue averages using data variables (recState) Warning in : Replacing existing histogram: r (Potential memory leak). Total chi2 for histogram dataSel_plot__tTrue = 203.4 for ndof = 144. Reduced total chi2 = 1.412 Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_tTrue.eps has been created RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Pdf component: {KsPiPi;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots(): Original RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-05 , epsAbs = 1e-05 RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots(): New RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-05 , epsAbs = 1e-05 RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Data projection cut: (BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar)&&(DdecayMode==DdecayMode::KsPiPi) Pair 1: 1 qAC Pair 2: 2 qAB Pair 3: 0 qBC Making EvtDalitzPlot for decay mode : D0 -> K_S0 pi+ pi- PDF to be generated is of type RooAddPdf. Generating each of the 1 components separately PDF component 0[gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust] will be generated with 50000 B- events and 50000 B+ events (100000 events total) [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() setting up event generator context for p.d.f. tErrPdf for generation of observable(s) (tErr) [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() Context will generate variables (tErr) with accept/reject sampling [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() accept/reject sampling function is tErrPdf_AccRej [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooProdGenContext::ctor() setting up event special generator context for product p.d.f. gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust for generation of observable(s) (qAC,qAB,tTrue,tErr) with prototype data for (BdecayMode,DdecayMode,recState,tErr) [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooProdGenContext::ctor() creating subcontext for generation of observables (tTrue,qAC,qAB) from model dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() setting up event generator context for p.d.f. dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust for generation of observable(s) (tTrue,qAC,qAB) with prototype data for (BdecayMode,DdecayMode,recState,tErr) with internal generation forced for observables (tTrue) [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() Context will let model internally generate observables (qAC,qAB) and generate variables (tTrue) with accept/reject sampling [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooGenContext::ctor() accept/reject sampling function is dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust_Int[qAC,qAB]_Norm[tTrue,qAC,qAB] [#1] INFO:Generation -- RooProdGenContext::gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust:generate: will generate 100000 events RooDMixPdfMaker::initGenerator: evaluate maxProb... with code = 2 and DdecayMode = 1 RooDMixPdfMaker::initGenerator: maxProbDirect = 5652 maxProbConj = 5652 Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitzqAC-qAB.eps has been created Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitztTrue.eps has been created Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitzqAC.eps has been created Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitzqAB.eps has been created [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooCustomizer::build(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust): tree node qAC will be replaced by qAC [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooCustomizer::build(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) Branch node RooProdPdf::gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust cloned: depends on a replaced parameter [#1] INFO:ObjectHandling -- RooCustomizer::build(gblDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust) Branch node RooDMixPdfMaker::dalitzDstarSigGoodDRSTDPdf_{Dstar;KsPiPi}_cust cloned: depends on a replaced parameter Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitzqBC.eps has been created RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Pdf component: {KsPiPi;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots(): Original RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-05 , epsAbs = 1e-05 RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots(): New RooNumIntConfig precision: epsRel = 1e-05 , epsAbs = 1e-05 RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Data projection cut: (BdecayMode==BdecayMode::Dstar)&&(DdecayMode==DdecayMode::KsPiPi) Pair 1: 1 qAC Pair 2: 2 qAB Pair 3: 0 qBC Making EvtDalitzPlot for decay mode : D0 -> K_S0 pi+ pi- Making 2D histogram with chi2 distribution for Dstar and KsPiPi Total number of events = 5e+04 Total 2D chi2 for Dstar and KsPiPi = 1.115e+04 for 19111 dof = 0.5832 Info in : eps file ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered_Dstar_KsPiPi_DalitzChi2.eps has been created RooDKFitMaster::makePlots: Pdf component: {KsKK;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Pdf component: {KsKK;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster::makeDalitzPlots: Pdf component: {KsKK;Dstar} RooDKFitMaster: Delete data members RooDKFitMaster: Delete datasets from memory RooDKFitMaster: Delete PDF's and results from memory RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE0) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE1) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE2) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE3) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE4) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE5) server process terminating RooRealMPFE::initialize(nll_MPFE6) server process terminating This is the end of ROOT -- Goodbye ------------------------------------------------------------ Sender: LSF System Subject: Job 596411: Done Job was submitted from host by user . Job was executed on host(s) , in queue , as user . was used as the home directory. was used as the working directory. Started at Sun Dec 21 09:57:40 2008 Results reported at Sun Dec 21 11:03:07 2008 Your job looked like: ------------------------------------------------------------ # LSBATCH: User input #! /bin/csh #BSUB -q bbr-mcore #BSUB -C 0 -R "rhel40" #BSUB -E ./d0mix07/require8cores #BSUB -J dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered #BSUB -o ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.log ./bbrroot -l -b -q ./results/dstar_sig_Truth_RBW-0.1-PhotosFiltered.C ------------------------------------------------------------ Successfully completed. Resource usage summary: CPU time : 21579.88 sec. Max Memory : 1544 MB Max Swap : 1900 MB Max Processes : 12 Max Threads : 12 The output (if any) is above this job summary.