Workshop Venue
Find here a map with the location of our institute.
A shared taxi can be a good option. However you should avoid rush hours. The address of our institute is
IFIC - Instituto de Física Corpuscular
Edificio Institutos de Investigación
c/ CatedrĂ¡tico José Beltrán, 2
(junto TVV, parada tranvía Santa Gemma)
E-46980 Paterna - España
Coordenadas GPS: W -0.4250 N 39.5151
It may be helpful to show the taxi driver the map showing where the institute is. A good hint is to tell them it is by the local TV building.
The best way to arrive to IFIC is using the subway (metro). You can find here a map of the
metro network in Valencia. Each hotel in the map above gives suggestions for the best metro line to take. In any case, your final stop is TVV in line 4 (blue in the metro map)
Note: When taking line number 4, watch carefully the destination and never take Fira. The easiest is to take either Mas del Rosari or Llarga Terramelar. If you take Vicent A. Estelles you will need to walk a little bit to get to IFIC (see the map).
The picture shows the institute as seen from TVV metro stop.
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