Member of the LUXE collaboration, the R&D CALICE
Collaboration, the International Linear Collider Collaboration (ILC),
the CLIC Collaboration and the International Large Detector (ILD)
I have interests on high granular calorimetry R&D, electroweak and QCD physics with
heavy quarks, future colliders and strong field QED experiments (LUXE).
Ex member of the ATLAS collaboration (2010-2016)
- Team Leader of the LUXE experiment at IFIC and its representative in the Collaboration Board (since 2022)
- Member of DRD6 collaboration and IFIC representative at the Collaboration Board (since 2023). Leader of Task 1.1.1 and 1.1.2 of WP1 at IFIC
- Deputy coordinator of the DRD6-CERN collaboration Working Group 1 (sandwich calorimeters) since Nov. 2024
- Co-convener of the IDT WG3 Topical Group for Top/Heavy-flavour/QCD physics (since 2021)
Co-convener of the ECFA
e+e- Higgs/Top/EW Factory Study - WG1 Activities (since 2021)
- Subgroup "Precision in theory & experiment (WG1-PREC)"
Short bio:
In my thesis we published the most precise, at the date, measurement of the top quark mass
with a novel method proposed by us (with Juan Fuster and Peter Uwer as directors) and using
ATLAS data. After my PhD, I decided complement my expertise on phenomenology and data
analysis with detector R&D expertise, joining the CALICE collaboration. First I worked at
DESY as postdoc fellowship and later as a postdoc at the Irene Joliot Curie Laboratory
(IJCLab, formerly known as LAL) in Orsay, France. My position at Orsay was funded by the
PRESTIGE programme linked to the Marie Curie European fellowship programme. During both
postdoc prediods, I combined my instrumentation activities with phenomenological work on
heavy quark physics at the LHC and future Higgs factories.
In 2021 I returned to IFIC with a CIDEGENT contract from the Plan GenT programme of the
Generalitat Valenciana with a project for the development of detectors and physics potential
studies for future lepton colliders. Since then, IFIC has joined, after my requests, the
CALICE collaboration and the LUXE experiment (at DESY and the European XFEL accelerator).
The former is the leading collaboration on high granular calorimetry R&D for future
colliders. The latter is a new experiment (approval in process) to study quantum
electrodynamics phenomena in non-perturbative regimes and to search for new physics as ALPs
(axion like particles).
I believe that the future of the discipline lies in complementing the exploitation of
data from large experiments such as the LHC with the construction of new high-energy
experiments (Higgs factories) and the exploitation of smaller experiments such as LUXE that
allow us to continue advancing knowledge while creating an environment conducive to R&D in
technology and the training of future researchers.