
Instructions for Authors

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) will be publishing the proceedings of the Chiral10 International Workshop on Chiral Symmetry in Hadrons and Nuclei.


The deadline for receipt of proceedings contributions is September 30, 2010.


We will be using the 6x9 inch, AIP format. AIP instructions for authors, as well as LaTeX and MS Word templates, can be found HERE . Please use either the LaTeX or MS Word templates above to create your proceedings and then convert to a PDF file for submission. Your contribution must conform to the format specified by the publisher. It is imperative that you double-check your paper carefully before submitting it to the Chiral10 Editors, since only minimal peer reviewing of your contributions will be made by the Editors before submission to AIP.

Copyright Form:

Your paper must be accompanied by a signed Transfer of Copyright Agreement form. Please sign THIS FORM and send it with your paper contribution.

Obtaining Permissions:

Optional: If you feel a permission is necessary to display a figure or table in your proceedings contribution, it is up to you to secure this permission. An AIP form to request permission to reprint published material can be found HERE.


Your paper should not exceed the specified number of pages in length (including title page, references, etc.):

  • Plenary presentation: 9 pages.
  • Parallel presentation: 5 pages.


    Your proceedings contribution (PDF version) and a signed copyright form (PDF version or FAX) should be submitted sending an email to the Chiral10 Editors ( with the two PDFs attached.

    If you prefer to send the signed copyright form by FAX rather than convert it to electronic format, please do so at the following number: +34 963543488

    Your contribution will NOT be considered complete and CANNOT be published unless both of the above items are received by the deadline.

    Updated Jul 21st