LCG Certification Tests

Test run on Fri Oct 17 12:41:18 2003 - 12:59:03 PM

hosts step results
User Proxy
SE(s) - GridFTP servers
SE(s) - GRIS
CE(s) - GridFTP servers
CE(s) - GRIS
CE(s) - Globus Gatekeepers
Site-Level GIIS
MDS(s) - CheckTree
BDII(s) - CheckGRIS
RB(s) - Connection to LB address
RB(s) - GridFTP servers
Matching CE(s)
Site CEId(s) : jobmanager-service-queue
Single HelloWorld
VO(s) Info Service
Replica Manager cycle

User Proxy

check User Proxy

SE(s) - GridFTP servers

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::GridFTP # Check that a GridFTP server works by transfering files to and from the local machine. Also checks third-party transfers by transfering files between each pair of remote servers. For local->machine the three checks are: Step 1) local->machine Step 2) machine->local Step 3) check that contents are correct For machine1->machine2 the three checks are: Step 1) machine1->machine2 Step 2) machine2->local Step 3) check that contents are correct

SE(s) - GRIS

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::CheckInfo::CheckGRIS -mdshost= -mdsport=2135 # This test looks up all of the available CEs and SEs in the information system. It then queries each one to ensure that each GRIS is alive.

CE(s) - GridFTP servers

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::GridFTP # Check that a GridFTP server works by transfering files to and from the local machine. Also checks third-party transfers by transfering files between each pair of remote servers. For local->machine the three checks are: Step 1) local->machine Step 2) machine->local Step 3) check that contents are correct For machine1->machine2 the three checks are: Step 1) machine1->machine2 Step 2) machine2->local Step 3) check that contents are correct

CE(s) - GRIS

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::CheckInfo::CheckGRIS -mdshost= -mdsport=2135 # This test looks up all of the available CEs and SEs in the information system. It then queries each one to ensure that each GRIS is alive.

CE(s) - Globus Gatekeepers

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::GlobusGatekeeper # check that Globus Gatekeepers is running using globus commands

Site-Level GIIS

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::CheckInfo::CheckTree -mdshost= -mdsport=2135 -mdsname= # This test starts with the given host, port, and Mds-vo-name and decends to all GIISes and GRISes below. It checks that each is simply alive

MDS(s) - CheckTree

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::CheckInfo::CheckTree -mdshost= -mdsport=2135 # This test starts with the given host, port, and Mds-vo-name and decends to all GIISes and GRISes below. It checks that each is simply alive

BDII(s) - CheckGRIS

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::CheckInfo::CheckGRIS -mdshost= -mdsport=2170 # Collect BDII information and Check GRIS are alive

RB(s) - Connection to LB address

openssl s_client -connect :9000 # Try to connect to the LB using the generic SSL client test program.

RB(s) - GridFTP servers

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::GridFTP # Check that a RB GridFTP server works by transfering files to and from the UI . For local->machine the three checks are: Step 1) local->machine Step 2) machine->local Step 3) check that contents are correct

Matching CE(s)

edg-job-list-match testJob.jdl # Print out the list of matching CEIds satisfying /bin/date executable.

Site CEId(s) : jobmanager-service-queue

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::EDGLifecycle::HelloWorld -resource=-jobmanager-- # submit an HelloWorld job to all site CEId(s)

Single HelloWorld

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::EDGLifecycle::HelloWorld # submit Single HelloWorld through RB

VO(s) Info Service

edg-rm --vo= printInfo # Access Info service for all supported VOs # edg-lrc-admin -i ping --endpoint edg-lrc -i getVersion --endpoint edg-rmc-admin -i ping --endpoint edg-rmc -i getVersion --endpoint # Check connections to LRC&RMC endpoints using edg commands (insecure mode)

Replica Manager cycle

edg-testbed-test BaseTest::TestCycle::RMCycle --vo=dteam --insecure # Test of a basic file replication cycle among default SE and SE at CERN-LCG1 using Replica Manager tools.