

Configuration of the IFIC GIIS
The Globus host is the GIIS of a country or an institut. We recommed to install the Institut GIIS on a machine without gatekeeper. This GIIS have to register itself to the Spanish GIIS. The Spanish GIIS is the top level of Proyecto Datagrid España. The Spanish GIIS is, port 2166.

You can find below the GIIS configuration files to modify after the Globus deploy. Here the GIIS if for the IFIC (dc=ific, dc=es, o=Grid) the name of the GIIS machine is, the port number of IFIC GIIS is 2167. The IFIC GIIS has not gatekeeper (the Globus specific line for gatekeeper in the /etc/inetd.conf is not request).

1. globus-daemos.conf
2. grid-info-site-register.conf
3. grid-info-site-slapd.conf
4. grid-info-site.conf
5. grid-info.conf

GIIS Information services in DATAGRID-ES
GIIS Information services in DATAGRID


Last Updated October 4, 2001
J. Sánchez (
S. Gonzalez de la Hoz  (
© J. Sánchez 2001