/* site-cfg.h.bee ================================================== SITE SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION */ /* COMMON LCFG DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define LCFGSRV lcfg2.ific.uv.es #define URL_SERVER_CONFIG http://lcfg2 /* COMMON GRID DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The host and port number of the information index associated with the resource broker. These are testbed013.cern.ch and 2170 for the development testbed. Change these to appropriate values. This is used by the gdmp object to fetch the list of SE subject names reachable from the broker. */ #define GRID_RB_II_HOST lngrid06.lip.pt #define GRID_RB_II_PORT 2170 /* COMMON SITE DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define LOCALDOMAIN ific.uv.es #define SITE_MAILROOT grid.admin@ific.uv.es #define SITE_GATEWAYS /* Allowed networks (useful for tcpwrappers) */ #define SITE_ALLOWED_NETWORKS, #define SITE_NAMESERVERS /* The netmask */ #define SITE_NETMASK /* NTP server (domain and hostname) */ #define SITE_NTP_DOMAIN ific.uv.es #define SITE_NTP_HOSTNAME hal /* The time zone */ #define SITE_TIMEZONE Europe/Madrid /* Site name */ #define SITE_NAME_ IFIC /* Site EDG version */ #define SITE_EDG_VERSION v1_2_2 /* Site installation date */ #define SITE_INSTALLATION_DATE_ 20020910180000Z /* Site distinguished name. */ #define SITE_DN_ \"dc=ific, dc=es, o=Grid\" /* All the WN (used by /etc/export configuration of /home NFS Mount e.g. testbed*.lnl.infn.it. Needed by ComputingElement.h) */ #define SITE_WN_HOSTS bee002.ific.uv.es /* All the SE hosts (comma separated list) */ #define SITE_SE_HOSTS_ SE_HOSTNAME /* List (comma separated) of the Computing Element(s) of your site */ #define SITE_CE_HOSTS_ CE_HOSTNAME:2119/jobmanager-pbs-qgrid /* The following section covers the setup of the GIIS hierarchy The first two lines specify the information for where the machine-local GRISes should register; this is the SITE GIIS (e.g. "nikhef" or "ral") first the "VO name" (name of GIIS) */ #define SITE_GIIS ific /* next the hostname where this IIS runs */ /*#define SITE_GIIS_HOSTNAME mds.ific.uv.es*/ #define SITE_GIIS_HOSTNAME bee001.ific.uv.es /* There are two supported options: SITE GIIS on an external machine (meaning not under LCFG control), or SITE GIIS on the CE. In the second case, uncomment the next three lines which handle starting the SITE GIIS and specifying to which GIIS it should register turns on or off SITE GIIS on CE machine */ #define SITE_GIIS_ON_CE /* what is the name of the GIIS (country or organization GIIS) to which SITE GIIS should register? */ #define COUNTRY_OR_ORG_GIIS es /* where is that GIIS running? */ #define COUNTRY_OR_ORG_GIIS_HOSTNAME grid001.ifca.unican.es /* Some sites may choose to run the country or org GIIS on the CE as well if so, comment out the following three lines meaning similar to the last three turns on or off COUNTRY/ORG GIIS on CE machine */ /* #define COUNTRY_GIIS_ON_CE */ /* register COUNTRY GIIS to datagrid GIIS */ /* SITE GIIS should register? */ /* #define TOP_GIIS datagrid */ /* where is that GIIS running? */ /* #define TOP_GIIS_HOSTNAME lxshare0225.cern.ch */ /* RESOURCE BROKER DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define RB_HOSTNAME ifictest2.ific.uv.es /* Subject of the certificate */ #define RB_CERT_SBJ \"/C=ES/O=DATAGRID-ES/O=IFIC/CN=ifictest2.ific.uv.es\" /* Some site and host information (it goes in globus.conf)*/ #define RB_HOST_DN \"hn=ifictest2.ific.uv.es, dc=ific, dc=es, o=Grid\" /* Full path of the certificate */ #define RB_CERT_PATH /opt/globus/etc/ifictest2-resourcebroker.cert /* Full path of the secret key */ #define RB_SECKEY_PATH /opt/globus/etc/ifictest2-resourcebroker.key /* COMPUTING ELEMENT DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ComputingElement hostname */ #define CE_HOSTNAME bee001.ific.uv.es /* Subject of the certificate */ #define CE_CERT_SBJ \""/C=ES/O=DATAGRID-ES/O=IFIC/CN=bee001.ific.uv.es"\" /* Some site and host information (it goes in globus.conf)*/ #define CE_HOST_DN \"hn=bee001.ific.uv.es, dc=ific, dc=es, o=Grid\" /* Full path of the certificate */ #define CE_CERT_PATH /opt/globus/etc/bee001-computingelement.cert /* Full path of the secret key */ #define CE_SECKEY_PATH /opt/globus/etc/bee001-computingelement.key /* System administrator e-mail */ #define CE_SYSADMIN SITE_MAILROOT /* Space separed job managers list (e.g. fork, pbs, lsf) (this info goes in globus.conf) */ #define CE_JOBMANAGERS \"fork pbs\" /* Batch system adopted by CE (this info goes in info-mds.conf */ #define CE_BATCHSYSTEM_ pbs /* Binaries path of the batch system */ #define CE_BATCHSYSTEM_BIN_PATH /usr/pbs/bin /* Local queue names */ #define CE_QUEUE_ qgrid /* List (comma separated without spaces) of StorageElement(s) close to this CE */ #define CE_CLOSE_SE_ID_ SE_HOSTNAME /* Mount point(s) of the SE(s) close to this CE */ #define CE_CLOSE_SE_MOUNTPOINT /flatfiles/SE00 /* Disk description */ #define CE_DISK_DESC 80GB-EIDE /* CPU description */ #define CE_CPU_DESC ATHLON-K7-1000 /* CE InformationProviders: MinPhysMemory */ #define CE_IP_MINPHYSMEM 768 /* CE InformationProviders: MinLocalDiskSpace */ #define CE_IP_MINLOCDISK 2048 /* CE InformationProviders: NumSMPs */ #define CE_IP_NUMSMPS 1 /* CE InformationProviders: MinSPUProcessors */ #define CE_IP_MINSPUPROC 2 /* CE InformationProviders: MaxSPUProcessors */ #define CE_IP_MAXSPUPROC 2 /* CE InformationProviders: MaxSI00. See some examples of SpecInt at http://www.specbench.org/osg/cpu2000/results/cint2000.html */ #define CE_IP_MAXSI00 390 /* CE InformationProviders: MinSI00 */ #define CE_IP_MINSI00 390 /* CE InformationProviders: AverageSI00 */ #define CE_IP_AVRSI00 390 /* CE InformationProviders: AFSAvailable: */ #define CE_IP_AFS_AFSAVAILABLE FALSE /* CE InformationProviders: OutboundIP */ #define CE_IP_OUTBOUNDIP TRUE /* CE InformationProviders: InboundIP */ #define CE_IP_INBOUNDIP TRUE /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (1) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV1 CMS-1.1.0 /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (2) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV2 ATLAS-3.2.1 /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (3) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV3 ALICE-3.07.01 /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (4) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV4 LHCb-1.1.1 /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (5) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV5 INFN /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (6) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV6 LNL /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (7) */ #define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV7 CMSIM-125 /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (8) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV8 ORCA-6.0.2 */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (9) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV9 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (10) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV10 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (11) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV11 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (12) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV12 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (13) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV13 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (14) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV14 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* CE InformationProviders: RunTimeEnvironment (15) */ /*#define CE_IP_RUNTIMEENV15 !uncomment and define it if you need! */ /* The mountpoint on the CE of the SE exported area via NFS */ #define CE_MOUNTPOINT_SE_AREA CE_CLOSE_SE_MOUNTPOINT /* Uncomment this below if you want to collect and publish data from a network monitor */ /* #define NETMON_HOST_ gppnm06.gridpp.rl.ac.uk */ /* STORAGE ELEMENT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* StorageElement hostname */ #define SE_HOSTNAME bee003.ific.uv.es /* Full path of the certificate */ #define SE_CERT_PATH /opt/globus/etc/bee003-storageelement.cert /* Full path of the secret key */ #define SE_SECKEY_PATH /opt/globus/etc/bee003-storageelement.key /* Subject of the SE certificate */ #define SE_CERT_SBJ \""/C=ES/O=DATAGRID-ES/O=IFIC/CN=bee003.ific.uv.es"\" /* Some site and host information (it goes in globus.conf) */ #define SE_HOST_DN \"hn=bee003.ific.uv.es, dc=ific, dc=es, o=Grid\" /* System administrator e-mail */ #define SE_SYSADMIN SITE_MAILROOT /* List (comma separated without spaces) of ComputingElement(s) close to the SE. */ #define SE_CLOSE_CE_ SITE_CE_HOSTS_ /* The value of SE_SIZE in info-mds.conf */ #define SE_DISKSIZE 50 /* comma separated list without spaces, values used in df to obtain freespace */ #define SE_FILESYSTEMS_ /dev/hda3 /* Disk description */ #define SE_DISK_DESC 20GB-EIDE /* CPU description */ #define SE_CPU_DESC PIII-450 /* SE protocols */ #define SE_PROTOCOLS_ gridftp,rfio,file /* SE protocols ports */ #define SE_PROTOCOL_PORTS_ 2811,3147, /* GDMP area */ #define SE_GDMP_AREA /flatfiles/SE00 /* List of the supported VO. Add/remove the VO name for each VO that you support/do not support */ #define SE_VO_ alice:SE_GDMP_AREA/alice,atlas:SE_GDMP_AREA/atlas,cms:SE_GDMP_AREA/cms,lhcb:SE_GDMP_AREA/lhcb,biome:SE_GDMP_AREA/biome,eo:SE_GDMP_AREA/eo,wpsix:SE_GDMP_AREA/wpsix,iteam:SE_GDMP_AREA/iteam,tutor:SE_GDMP_AREA/tutor,cg:SE_GDMP_AREA/cg /* For each VO that you support, uncomment the corresponding line (you MUST uncomment at least 1 line). For each VO that you select, a) 50 accounts will be created b) a GDMP server will be configured */ #define SE_VO_ALICE #define SE_VO_ATLAS #define SE_VO_CMS #define SE_VO_LHCB #define SE_VO_BIOM #define SE_VO_EOBS #define SE_VO_WPSIX #define SE_VO_ITEAM #define SE_VO_TUTOR #define SE_VO_CG /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of Alice. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if your SE supports Alice */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_ALICE_PWD Alice /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of Atlas. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if your SE supports Atlas */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_ATLAS_PWD nonsidice /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of CMS. This is COMPULSORY ONLY ONLY if you are supporting CMS in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_CMS_PWD nonsidice /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of LHCb. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting LHCb in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_LHCB_PWD LHCb /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of EarthObservation. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting EarthObs in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_EOBS_PWD EarthOb /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of Biomedical apps. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting Biomedical in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_BIOM_PWD BioMedical /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of WP6. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting WP6 in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_WPSIX_PWD wpsixrc_ /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of ITeam. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting ITeam in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_ITEAM_PWD Testbed1RC /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of EDGTutorial. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting EDGTutorial in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_TUTOR_PWD !Top!Secret! /* Password for Globus Replica Catalog Manager of Crossgrid. This is COMPULSORY ONLY if you are supporting CrossGrid in your SE */ #define SE_GDMP_REP_CAT_CG_PWD Testbed1RC /* WORKER NODE DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The mountpoint on the WN of the SE exported area via NFS. It should be the same used for the SE */ #define WN_MOUNTPOINT_SE_AREA CE_MOUNTPOINT_SE_AREA /* USER INTERFACE DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Resource broker */ #define UI_RESBROKER lngrid06.lip.pt /* Logging and Bookkeeping URL */ #define UI_LOGBOOK https://lngrid06.lip.pt /* Needed by obj-afs at IFIC site */ /* afs.afs_options -stat 10000 -dcache 2400 -daemons 5 -volumes 128 afs.afs_client on afs.afs_server off afs.afs_thiscell ific.uv.es afs.afs_cacheinfo /afs:/usr/vice/cache:106562 */