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Universitat de València

Gravitational Waves from the Big Bang

Prof. Rafael Rebolo

(Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)

Sala Seminarios IFIC (Edf. Institutos de Investigación)
Jueves, 17 de Septiembre de 2009 a las 12:00 PM


Primordial gravitational waves are expected as a result of Inflation. There is general agreement that these gravitational waves imprint a specific pattern of polarization (B-modes or tensor modes) in the Cosmic Microave Background. Detection of these B-modes will provide direct constraints on the energy scale of Inflation and additional information on the nature of the Inflation potential. I will describe the predictions of B-mode angular power spectra for various models and the status of current CMB polarization experiments. In particular I will describe the spanish led project QUIJOTE-CMB (Teide Observatory) which is aimed to achieve very high sensitivity polarization measurements of the northern sky in the frequency range 10-40 GHz. The combination of QUIJOTE and Planck data will allow a better control of foreground contamination and higher sensitivity to the B-modes.

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