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Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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Universitat de València


Prof. Raman Sundrum

(Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore))

Sala Seminarios IFIC (Edf. Institutos de Investigación)
Lunes, 6 de Abril de 2009 a las 12:00 PM


The most powerful particle collider yet, the CERN Large Hadron Collider is beginning operations, exploring the unification of Electromagnetism with the Weak Nuclear Force. We still do not know just what lurks in this mysterious regime, but one possibility is Extra Spacetime Dimensions. I will discuss how we imagine extra dimensions, the case for thinking they might be within reach at the LHC, and what they would look like if found. In the process we will understand the central physics and big questions that frame particle physics research in general. The scenario of extra dimensions gives a highly visualizable and geometric approach to the subject.

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Edificio Institutos de Investigación
Apartado de Correos 22085
E-46071 València - España