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Universitat de València

A tool and a quest

Dr. David Nygren

(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)

Sala Seminarios IFIC (Edf. Institutos de Investigación)
Miércoles, 9 de Mayo de 2007 a las 12:00 PM


Since its discovery, neutrinos, been one of the most puzzling particles in nature have been used as a tools for physicist. Neutrinos have been instrumental in the understanding of the hadron structure, and, among other applications, are now opening the new field of neutrino astronomy. At the same time, undertanding the nature of the neutrino has been a quest for the last seventy years. A fundamental question, yet not answered is whether neutrinos are Majorana or Dirac Particles. This two sides of the neutrino coin result in neutrino physicists populating almost every ecological niche, from deep uderground mines and tunnels, such as the recently commissiones Canfranc Underground Lab, to the expanses of the South Pole, where the great Ice Cube telescope is being built today.

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