Master's Degree in Physics (1991-1996). I studied Physics Science at the University of Valencia (Spain) in the special field of Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Master's Thesis (1997). I presented the master's thesis Characterization of photomultipliers for the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) at the Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Department of the University of València, directed by Dr. Victoria Castillo.
PhD Courses (1997-1998). I followed PhD courses at the Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Department of the University of València.
PhD Thesis (2000). My PhD thesis Analysis of the Tile-Cal
(ATLAS) prototypes and study of Higgs production at LHC (CERN-THESIS-2005-002), directed by Dr.
Victoria Castillo, was presented at the University of València on
19th of December 2000 in the Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Department of
the University of València.
English: very good at all different levels (Official School of Languages Advanced Level).
French: good (Niveau Intermediaire by French Department at CERN).
Spanish and Catalan: native languages.
Research experience
Fellowship (1991-1996). I received a fellowship from the Spanish Education and Science Ministry to study Physics Science at the University of Valencia (Spain).
CERN Summer Student (summer 1996). I enjoyed a summer student contract at CERN payed by the Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Department for 3 months. I worked at the TileCal subdetector project under the supervision of Dr. Marzio Nessi. This work led to 1 TileCal internal notes.
Collaboration contract (1997). I enjoyed a collaboration contract at LPC Clermont-Ferrand for 4 months. I worked at the TileCal group in Clermont under the supervision of Dr. Francois Vazeille. This work led to 2 TileCal internal notes and a part of my Master's Thesis.
Predoctoral fellowship (1997-2000). I obtained a grant from the CSIC (Spanish Research Council) and the University of Valencia for 4 years to make the PhD courses, my master's thesis and my PhD thesis directed by Dr. Victoria Castillo in the Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC).
Fellowships to work abroad from the University of Valencia:
CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), July-October 1997: Participation on the test beam of the Barrel and Extended Barrel module prototypes of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (Tilecal).
CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), June-September 1998: Participation on the test beam of the Barrel module prototypes of the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) and I joined to ATLAS Higgs working group.
CERN, Geneva (Switzerland), July-August 1999: Participation on the TileCal test beam and collaboration with the ATLAS Higgs and b-tagging working groups.
IFAE Contract (2001-2002). I enjoyed a Research Associate contract at IFAE (Institut de Física d'Altes Energies) in Barcelona. I worked at the DataGrid Spain project under the supervision of Dr. Enrique Fernández.
University Contract (2002-2003) I enjoyed an Associate Professor Contract at the Atomic, Molecular, and Nuclear Department of the University of València.
CSIC Contract (2002-2004). I had a contract of the CSIC (Spanish Research Council) to work on the LCG-ES project (LHC Computing Grid Spain).
Postdoctoral Marie Curie fellowship within VI Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). April 2005 - March 2007.
Reincorporation Marie Curie fellowship within VI Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development at IFIC, ref CSIC:ERG/0786; ref CE:MERG-CT-2006-44258 (Valencia, Spain). April 2007 - March 2008.
Participation in funded projects
During my research activity, I have participated in the following funded projects:
CICYT AEN97-1739. Participación en la construcción del Carlorímetro Hadrónico de tejas (TileCal) del detector-. Responsible researcher: Dr. Emilio Higón.
CICYT AEN-2001-COMP-1/4. Participación en el proyecto Europeo DATAGRID. Responsilbe researcher: Dr. Enrique Fernández.
CICYT FPA2000-3228-E. Preparación de Infraestructura local para la participación en el proyecto de cálculo en la RED (GRID) del experimento ATLAS (LHC) del CERN. Responsible researcher: Dr. Jose Salt.
IST-2001-32243. European CROSSGRID project. Responsible researcher: Michal Turala.
CICYT FPA 2002-04208-C07-05, Desarrollo de una infraestructura DATAGRID para el análisis de datos del LHC. Responsable researcher: Dr. Manuel Delfino and Dr. Jose Salt
European network RTN2-2001-00450 Contract HPRNT-CT-2002-00292 (2002-2006). The Third generation as a Probe for New Physics. Coordinator of CSIC, IFIC (València) and IMB-CNM (Barcelona): Dr. Juan Fuster.
CTIDIA-2002-7 Desenvolupament de detectors de silici resistents a la radiació. Responsible researcher: Dr. Salva Martí.
IST-2003-508833. European EGEE project. Responsible researcher: Fabrizio Gagliardi.
Participació en l'experiment CDF de col.lisions protó-antiprotó del TeVatron de Fermilab (GV04B/585). Responsible researcher: Salvador Martí.
Proyecto EGEE (Enabling GRID Computing for e-Science in Europe). European Reference: 508833. Responsibvle researcher for CSIC: Dr. Jose Francisco Salt Cairols.
CICYT FPA 2005-07688-C03-01, Desarrollo y Puesta en Funcionamiento de una Infraestructura de TIER2 Distribuido para el experimento ATLAS del LHC. Responsible researcher: Dr. Jose Francisco Salt Cairols.
MEIF-CT-2005-007557. Study and validation of the computing model for ATLAS. Responsible researcher: Dr. Gilbert Poulard.
CICYT FPA 2006-03081, TIER3 y Analisis de Fisica en el LHC. Responsible researcher: Dr. Eduardo Ros Martinez.
MERG-CT-2006-44258. Preparation for ATLAS data analysis in a Tier3 facility. Responsible researcher: Dr. Santiago Gonzalez.
CICYT FPA 2007-66708-C03-01, Tier2 distribuido español para el experimento ATLAS. Responsible researcher: Dr. Jose Francisco Salt Cairols.
Attended Schools, Workshops and Conferences
CERN summer school, Geneva (Switzerland), summer 1996
XXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), September-October 1997.
XXVI International Workshop of Fundamental Physics, La Toja (Spain), June 1998.
XXVII International Workshop of Fundamental Physics, Granada (Spain), January -February 1999.
XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, València, 20-24 September 1999.
XXVIII International Workshop of Fundamental Physics, Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Spain), February 2000.
IV International Conference Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, València (Spain), June 2000.
2000 CERN European School of High Energy Physics, Caramulo (Portugal), August 2000.
2001 CERN School of Computing, Santander (Spain), September 2001.
IV EU DataGrid Conference, Paris (France), March 2002.
I EU CrossGrid Conference and Globos tutorial, Cracow (Poland), March 2002
I CrossGrid workshop, Linz (Austria), September 2002
First Probe for New Physics conference, Rome (Italy), December 2002
II EU Crossgrid Conference and First European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), February 2003.
XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Madrid (Spain), July 2003
VII Jornadas Técnicas de RedIris, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), July 2003.
III EU Crossgrid Conference and Second European Across Grids Conference, Nicosia (Cyprus), January 2004.
XXXII International Workshop of Fundamental Physics, Alicante (Spain), March 2004.
II LHC Computing Grid, Geneva (Switzarland), March 2004.
XVII Grupos de Trabajo RedIRIS 2004, Madrid (Spain), June 2004.
4th CrossGrid Integration Meeting, Dagstuhl (Germany), July 2004.
5th CrossGrid Integration Meeting, Lisbon (Portugal), October 2004.
VIII Jornadas Técnicas de RedIris, Toledo (Spain), October 2004.
LCG Workshop on Operational Issues, Geneva (Switzerland), November 2004.
6th CrossGrid Integration Meeting and Third European Grid Conference, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), February 2005.
ATLAS Production System Workshop, Geneva (Switzerland), April 2005.
ATLAS Overview week 2005, Paris (France), October 2005.
WLCG TIER2 Workshop, Geneva (Switzerland), June 2006.
Workshops and Conferences Talks
Envejecimiento de fotomultiplicadores. XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias (Spain), September-Octuber 1997
Higgs MSSM desintegrándose a quarks top, XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, València (Spain), September 1999.
Test and Integration of the CrossGrid middleware, 1st EU CrossGrid conference, Cracow (Poland), March 2002.
Uses Cases for Test and Integration, 1st CrossGrid workshop, Linz (Austria), September 2002
Grid at Valencia, 1st Probe for New Physics conference, Rome (Italy), December 2002.
First CrossGrid prototype, Annual CrossGrid project workshop and first European Across Grids Conference, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), February 2003.
ATLAS Data Challenges, XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Madrid (Spain), July 2003.
Current status in CrossGrid middleware, Second CrossGrid Workshop, Poznan (Poland), July 2003.
Ejemplo de aplicación Grid: Infraestructura DataGrid para simulación y análisis de datos en el LHC. Jornadas Técnicas de RedIris, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), July 2003
Second CrossGrid prototype, Second CrossGrid conference and second European Across Grids Conference, Nicosia (Cyprus), January 2004.
Resource Center de EGEE. Jornadas Técnicas de RedIris, Toledo (Spain), October 2004
ATLAS Data Challenge 2: A massive Monte Carlo productionon the Grid, Third European Grid Conference, Amsterdam(The Netherlands), February 2005.
Submitting analysis jobs through the Production System, ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, CERN Geneva (Switzerland), May 2005.
Analysis jobs in ATLAS production system, Ganga Workshop, London (England), June 2005.
Uso de GRID en generación masiva de datos: Sistema de producción del experimento ATLAS, GRIDS & e-Science course, Valencia (Spain), June 2005.
Distributed Analysis Jobs with the ATLAS production System. Frontier Science 2005 "New Frontiers in Subnuclear Physics", Milan (Italy), September 2005.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the Production System, ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, CERN Geneva (Switzerland), September 2005.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the Production System, EGEE 4th Conference, Pisa (Italy), October 2005.
Analysis with the Production System, ATLAS Software and Computing Workshop, Orsay (France), December 2005.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the Production System, International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Mumbay (India), February 2006.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the Production System, Distributed Analysis meeting, CERN Geneva (Switzerland), January 2006.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the Production System, ATLAS Grid Distributed system workshop, CERN Geneva (Switzerland), April 2006.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the ATLAS Production System and search for hadronic decays of Z(H) and W(H) in the Little Higgs model. Kirchhoff Institut fur Physik, Heidelberg (Germany), January 2007.
Distributed Analysis Jobs using the ATLAS Production System and search for hadronic decays of Z(H) and W(H\) in the Little Higgs model. Stony Brook University, New York (USA), February 2007.
Analisis Interactivo Tier3. III Reunion presencial del TIER2 federado de ATLAS. Bellaterra, Barcelona (Spain), May 2007.
Experience running a Distributed Tier-2 for the ATLAS Experiment, International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, Victoria (Canada), September 2007.
Supervision of PhD Students
1) Título: Diploma Búsqueda del Bosón Z' en el contexto del modelo Little Higgs y prueba del testbed del proyecto LCG para el experimento ATLAS. Tesis de Licenciatura
PhD Student: Luis March Ruiz
University: Valencia; Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Date: 8th September 2004
2) Título: Application of Grid technologies and search for exotics physics in the ATLAS experiment at LHC. Tesis
PhD Student: Luis March Ruiz
University: Valencia; Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Date: October 2007
3) Título: Diploma (Master Thesis). Analisis de leptones de alto Pt con datos simulados para el descubrimiento de nueva Física en ATLAS.
PhD Student: Elena Oliver Garcia
University: Valencia; Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Date: July 2007
Member of the reviewers Board
1) Título: Energy reconstruction algorithms for the ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter and their effect on extra dimensions.
PhD Student: Esteban Fullana
University: Valencia; Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Date: May 2007
2) Título: Distributed computing and farm management with application to the search for heavy gauge bosons using the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (CERN).
PhD Student: Juan Antonio Lopez
University: Valencia; Faculty: Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas
Date: September 2007
The list of publications listed here are splitted in five parts. The
first three correspond to the different fields in which I've been working,
which are TileCal detector, MSSM Higgs boson search in ATLAS and ATLAS
Data Challenges. I have actively contributed in all these publications.
The number of co-authors (including myself) for each of them is indicated
in brackets. The fourth and fifth parts are a list of my publications as
a CrossGrid and TileCal (ATLAS) Collaboration member respectively.
TileCal detector at Clermont-Ferrand and at Valencia:
Status report on 10-stages hamamatsu R5900 Photomultipliers Characterization for the TILE calorimeter at Clermont. Nuclear Instruments and Methods (NIMA); Desy Library, PCF-RI-9705, 1997 [7].
Characterization of EMI 9112 photomultipliers at Valencia for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter. IFIC/97-44, ATLAS Note No-125, 1997 [5].
Characterization of 8-stages Hamamatsu R5900 photomultipliers for the Tile Calorimeter. ATLAS Note No-129, 1997 [5].
Estudio de la estabilidad durante periodos de tiempo de las características generales de los fotomultiplicadores Hamamatsu R5900 del calorímetro Hadrónico de ATLAS.
Proceedings of the XXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 1997, Las Palmas de Gran Canarias, Spain [1].
Analysis of the 1997 Test Beam of the Module 0 extended barrels prototypes. ATLAS Note-99-001, 199 [2].
Análisis de los resultados del módulo 0 del Tilecal. Proceedings of the XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 1999, València, Spain. [3].
Analysis of the 1998 test of the Tilecal Barrel prototype. ATLAS Note-99-020,
1999 [4].
Atlas Physics groups:
MSSM Higgs decay to top quarks. ATL-PHYS-99-016, 1999 [2].
ATLAS Detector and Physics Performance Tecgnical design Report, ATLAS TDR 14, CERN/LHCC 99-14, 1999 [150].
Higgs MSSM desintegrándose a quarks top. Proceedings of the XXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 1999, València, Spain [1].
Comparison between full and fast simulation of the ATLAS detector for the channel H/A -> top antitop, ATLAS Note, ATL-COM-PHYS-2000-016, 2000 [1].
On the simulation of Zbbar and Hb~b events at LHC, ATLAS Note ATL-PHYS-2002-028, 2002 [3].
Analysis of the process pp->bbhº/Aº -> bbµ+µ- in the MSSM with mA < 125 GeV, ATL-PHYS-2002-021, 2002 [3].
Search for hadronic decays of Z(H) and W(H). ATLAS Note ATL-COM-PHYS-2005-001 (ATL-PHYS-PUB-2006-003). 2005 [3]
Busqueda de desintegraciones hadronicas de los bosones gauge Z(H) y W(H) en el modelo Little Higgs para el experimento ATLAS. Resumen de las publicaciones, Real Sociedad Espanyola de Fisica, Ourense. 2005 [3]
ATLAS Data Challenges and Distributed Analysis:
ATLAS Data Challenges, Proceedings of the XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, 2003, Madrid, Spain [7].
ATLAS Data Challenges 1, ATLAS Note ATL-SOFT-2003-12 (To be submitted to NIM), 2003 [100].
Ejemplo de Aplicación Grid: Infraestructura DataGrid para simulación y análisis de datos en el LHC. Boletín de la red nacional de I+D, RedIRIS (journal of the Spanish National Research Network), January 2004 [6].
A Step Towards A Computing Grid For The LHC Experiments: ATLAS Data Challenge 1, CERN Scientific Note CERN-PH-EP/28 (To be submitted to NIM), March 2004 [100].
ATLAS Data Challenge 2: A massive Monte Carlo production on the Grid. ATL-SOFT-PUB-2005-001 and Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3470, pp. 30-39, February 2005 [45].
Sistema Automatico de produccion de ATLAS: Generacion masiva de sucesos de Monte Carlo utilizando el Grid. Resumen de las Comunicaciones, Real Sociedad espanyola de Fisica, Ourense, September 2005 [9].
Sistema de Analisis Distribuido de datos Procedentes de ATLAS utilizando el Grid. Resumen de las Comunicaciones, Real Sociedad espanyola de Fisica, Ourense, September 2005 [9].
Analysis of the ATLAS Rome Production Experience on the LHC Computing Grid. (IEEE Computer Society Press, USA, e-Science05 p. 82-89), December 2005 [10].
Distribruted Analysis Jobs with the ATLAS production System. (Frascati Physics Series Vol XL. (2006) pp. 363-365), December 2005 [8].
Distribruted Analysis Jobs with the ATLAS production System. (Proceeding number 264 in the international conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics), February 2006 [5].
Distribruted Analysis Jobs with the ATLAS production System. (IEEE/Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol 53, No 6. pag 3803-3807). December 2006 [5].
Introduccion a las tecnologias Grid. Principales logros del proyecto EGEE. (XVII Escuela de verano de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, Resumenes de las comunicaciones, ISBN 978-84-690-5358-4). June 2007 [3].
Experience running a Distributed Tier-2 for the ATLAS Experiment .(Proceeding number 289 in the international conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics), September 2007 [3].
Publications as a CrossGrid member:
First prototype of the Crossgrid Testbed. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2970, 67-78, 2003 [20].
Deployment of an Interactive Physics Analysis Application in the CrossGrid Project Testbed. Workshop on Case Studies on Grid Applications at Global Grid Forum 10, Berlin (Germany), 2003 [40].
Experience with the International Testbed in the CrossGrid Project. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3470, pp. 98-110, February 2005 [41].
Publications as a ATLAS Tile Cal member:
The number of co-authors in the following publications varies around 80-120, corresponding to the whole TileCal collaboration.
Hadronic Shower Development in Iron-Scintillator Tile Calorimetry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods. NIM A 433 (2000) 51-70.
Results from a new combined test of an electromagnetic liquid argon calorimeter with a hadronic scintillating-tile calorimeter. Nuclear Instruments and Methods. NIM A 449 (2000) 461.477; CERN-PPE/99-148.
Hadron Energy reconstruction for the ATLAS Calorimetry in the framework of the Non-parametrical Method. Nuclear Instruments and Methods, NIM A 480 506-521 (2001).
A precise measurement of 180 GeV muons energy losses in iron. European Physical Journal C 20, 487-495 (2001).
A measurement of the photonuclear interactions of 180 GeV muons with
the Tilecal Module 0 and prototypes. European Physical Journal C 28, 297-304